2 technical questions I should know the answer to by now but don't


Bluelight Crew
Nov 18, 2008
First off how do I quote multiple posters onto the same post. Like say I ask a question and two different posters respond. I need to Quote and respond to both of them in the same post. How would I do that?

Second question relates to embedding videos in a post. In a lot of the music threads people have it so that the beginning of the video is displayed in there post. When I copy and paste a YouTube link it just shows up as a blue hyperlink that can be clicked but there is no preview right there in the post.

Hope those questions make sense you will have to excuse my computer illiteracy. Thanks!
1. use
someone said:
blah blah[/quote ] for each person you want to quote

2. use [video ]http://your.youtube.link/watch?v=123xyz[/video] tag

(remove the space from the bb code tag)
or use the multi-quote feature:
