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Aug 15, 2021
There's a new designerdrugs, legal highs or research chemicals sold right now in Sweden with the name 2-ME-PVP, i just wonder of anybody else has tested this drug? It's a very potent cathonine, you get really high in this one, that's for sure. And mega euphoria too. It's by far the most pleasant RC i've ever tried and i've tried them all. Almost. Can someone maybe tell me a little about these pvp's and how they work in a chemicals way. Side-effects and so. Thank you, i am new here so i hope i've done it right this time. See ya.
There's a new designerdrugs, legal highs or research chemicals sold right now in Sweden with the name 2-ME-PVP, i just wonder of anybody else has tested this drug? It's a very potent cathonine, you get really high in this one, that's for sure. And mega euphoria too. It's by far the most pleasant RC i've ever tried and i've tried them all. Almost. Can someone maybe tell me a little about these pvp's and how they work in a chemicals way. Side-effects and so. Thank you, i am new here so i hope i've done it right this time. See ya.

They are dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Interestingly some of these pyrrolidine cathinones are suspected to have anticholinergic properties at high doses which may contribute to the frank psychotic episodes and delirium that some of these can produce (like a-PVP).

Deliriant effects mediated via anticholinergic activity, combined with stimulant psychosis, make for a pretty unpredictable experience. Especially considering how compulsive these drugs are.

Becareful. If it is anything like a-PVP then it will be extremely addictive. Some of these synthetic cathinones rival cracks cocaine in their compulsiveness.
I found vaporizing MDPV, a-PVP, and a-PHP to be extremely similar to crack cocaine but with a MUCH longer duration. I've also experienced severe psychosis from each.

I really want to try a-PiHP but am afraid. I have PTSD from witnessing extreme violence on MDPV and that tends to manifest quickly in various ways when I use MDPV relatives.
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Well i'm still on it and it's a great substance. The big minus is getting off it, it's tough. Like going off opiats.

Like the feeling of influensa with great pain in the body, specially in the legs and people who are not use to centralstimulants, they should keep off because it's not healthy in a psychic way of looking at it!

There's the paranoia of course, then the shadows, the misty smoke and all the other weird hallucinations.

And many who are new to this drug they get huge panic-attacks, they behave really fucked up and you could say they loose control.

So if you are not use to amphetamines or catinones, then stay the fuck off! Because it's a ride!!
Sounds similar to how i experience mdpv. At least the tan stuff i got was really effective.

I actually found oral to be the best way to take it to combat the redesire to dose.

Snorting/vaping just made me have that compulsive desire to redose.
the pyrrolidiny ketones seem to be worse than crack in their compulsiveness. they are the most addictive drugs i know.

I've also experienced severe psychosis from each.

yeah psychosis is normal if you take them without benzos.
benzos is a must with these, 1mg etiz is enough for 100mg of ketone. combined this is really nice, had bdo for sleep but without benzos it is a total mess, plain poison.
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They are dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Interestingly some of these pyrrolidine cathinones are suspected to have anticholinergic properties at high doses which may contribute to the frank psychotic episodes and delirium that some of these can produce (like a-PVP).

Deliriant effects mediated via anticholinergic activity, combined with stimulant psychosis, make for a pretty unpredictable experience. Especially considering how compulsive these drugs are.

Becareful. If it is anything like a-PVP then it will be extremely addictive. Some of these synthetic cathinones rival cracks cocaine in their compulsiveness.

^^This sounds like possibly one of the worst combination of neurological effects for a drug to have.