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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2-CB - New Experience - An interesting trip


Sep 27, 2005
So I had some 2-cb a while ago and experienced visuals and euphoria and light trails etc etc which is everything I expected.

However last night I took some and.....

I had a headache for about 2 hours prior to taking. I thought it would be ok as the effects of 2cb would be quite strong.

8.00pm took approx 27.5 mg cap of 2-cb

9.00 Nothing.

10.00 Nothing- Playing Ps3 games for an hour.

11.00 Nothing...pissed off at not feeling any effects and still having my headache I decided to go to bed. I took 2 Panadine Forte and lay down.

12.00 Headache is gone and now shit is getting weird. I can lay in bed and close my eyes and have CEV's but when I open my eyes I feel no effects at all. Im also fidgety which is normal for me when Im high.

1.00am Still in bed, I close my eyes and my brain takes me to some very strange places, it shows me things I know are not real and I can see myself moving in these events but I can also feel myself in bed lying perfectly still. The only way I can stop it is to open my eyes.

2.00 am this is still going on but a bit stronger now, I'm struggling to tell whats real and whats not but only when I have my eyes closed. I lie there thinking about the comment about Mescalin from the matrix, you know when you don't know whether your awake or still dreaming...this is what I feel like. My brain is working over time and some of the things I see and some of the things it tells me have to be ignored. I imagined getting my rifle and playing far cry 2 for real and then telling the cops that it was the drugs that made me kill all those people...this felt like it went on for ever but in reality was only about 1-2 mins. WEIRD! then I was some place totally different like in space....just floating...

3.00 Starting to calm down a little as the g/f has come home and joined me in bed. I'm still going places in my head..she suggests I watch a movie but I decline, I go and get a hard boiled egg which I eat then come back to bed and close my eyes again.

4.00 am Almost able to get to sleep, I can feel myself start to relax now and I hug my pillow as the CEV's are no longer present. I can think normally now and drift off to sleep.

Pretty fuckin whack..this is totally different to my last experience on 2-CB, I'm not sure whether it was the headache that stopped any initial intense feelings or whether it was the Codine that made my mind trip out more, either way it wasn't unpleasant and I feel perfectly normal today as if Id taken no drugs at all.
Are you sure it is 2C-B? 27.5mg is a decent hit, at 25mg I could barely see through the colours. Maybe you were falling in and out of sleep?
Are you sure it is 2C-B? 27.5mg is a decent hit, at 25mg I could barely see through the colours. Maybe you were falling in and out of sleep?

Pretty darn sure...I have 3 caps all the same...however after last nights experience I could be lead to belive that the one I had contained something else. I can 100% confirm I was not falling in and out of sleep though, I was defo tripping in some way.
orally 2C-B was much the same for me, took an extremely long time to come on, and was fairly interesting when it did come on, i fell asleep and woke up to some interesting effects.
orally 2C-B was much the same for me, took an extremely long time to come on, and was fairly interesting when it did come on, i fell asleep and woke up to some interesting effects.

Indeed the last time I took some it was a good 1.5 hrs before I noticed any real effects. When it did come on I could visibly see deformations in walls and objects and light was also very distorted.

I had some light gurning and was fidgety and the effects were far more intense than last nights experience.
