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2 + 2 = 5 ?

It's been a long time, but even a few days after my first trip, I just knew that it was one of those things you cannot possibly adequately describe to anyone else, whether they have taken it themself or not. It was such an overwhelming, powerul feeling of 'differentness' and revelation of an almost religious kind, I can't explain it even to myself, now. I now accept and realise that until you are 'there again', you can't really remember what it is/eas like. I have read all the careworn phrases of other people trying to explain or describe, but have yet to find an adequate account or description - it can't be done, which, to me, is the true magic of LSD!

Perhaps, and on a very grim note, it is a biit like trying to remember how agonisingly painful toothache can be, until it happens again!
I have seen colors that I cannot describe or precieve in my sober mind. But, on certain trips I have experienced these mistery colors.

It seems impossible even now.
I've had someone just say to me peaking on a high dose of L x ket "imagine what a circle, or cube, or whatever would look like in the 4th dimension." the kid paused for a moment, then said "or even the 5th dimension."

fucked my head up proper that day did.
bahahahaha that would've been gold. Can totally see that as the text in one of those whacked out stoner guy memes :D
it was rough, man.
just imagine peacefully sitting in your tent in-between sets, getting lost in fractals and shit, and all of a sudden you get THAT sprung on you.
and for those of you that were wondering, yes, my brain did break. the shapes and shit that I was tryna conceive were... hard.
there has to be more insight on different dimensions, and whether or not they exist, cause what I was seeing was definitely something science-worthy.
I know this is like SO last week's thread, but I just had to....

impossible things like perceiving time backwards so to see people and dogs run backwards and frisbees floating up from the ground and flying and landing is someones hand? or impossible things like day and night changing every few minutes? yes, both are totally possible with lsd.
I know this is like SO last week's thread, but I just had to....


hahahahaha, that just made my entire life. yo, dude, it was a little something like that. exactly. it still is rather uncomfortable to think of.

also, black, ive had hallucinations where, imagine the noise of a record skipping right? and i was looking at my SO, and for a brief moment of time it was like the world skipped, he was caught in a loop skipping, laughing, and that record noise kept playing over abd over for minutes.

ive seen people do the slow motion thing, then in a blink, fast forward. shits sketchy but in the best way possible. i love psychedelics. <3

Originally Posted by Doldrugs
, like directly observing dimensions higher than three, .

"a few of you have mentioned something along these lines already> I know these are the type of things tht cannot be put into words, but can you please try to describe this in more detail? I would love to hear a little bit more detail about what it was like."

:? :
One explanation I can remember is: when you are playing music, you can actually exit this dimension and "observe" from an external dimension... Some great psychedelic musicians have described this as "hovering" over themselves and while playing on stage. Like they are listening and watching from an elevated position, "observing from another dimension...%)

Yeah^ I can do that while fasting. It only lasts a few seconds. Or you can day dream or imagine (with other people) and create a space and all interact within the space. It's super cool but in return you'll hear voices all fucking day long. IMO not worth it.
There is a point on psychedelics where I have so lost all basic logic that I seemed to come to understand everything. I say seemed because it can't possibly have happened. Here is how I would describe it. Before I took psychedelics there were things in life I saw a certain way, in which I could not perceive any other perspective. And then I took psychedelics and watched all my intellect recoil when my senses become blended. When I experienced time ceasing to exist, only to start again. Things that I knew could not be happening, happened. When you fall down the hole, and it never ceases to go deeper, I just never can comprehend. Its sad there is nothing scholarly to be gained from the experience, considering how personally profound it often is for so many people. Its intellectual gibberish. And yet, for some one who staked a lot of personal happiness on being correct... Well I have a lot more peace of mind now that I can say I know because I don't know. Its hard to put in words. Nothing has really changed except I'm a whole lot more unsure about some things, but stranger still there is bliss in that insecurity. Because everything's magic if I look at it the right way now. What it is really, well that''s open for interpretation.
There's probably a quote or a meme or something that says the more you know, the more you know how little you know. It's true.

There's probably a few very minor variations thanks to social media and people spamming shit on Facebook, lol...but this one came to mind, and it's spot on.
