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Lysergamides 1D-LSD

He says he's "not the best person to compare it qualitatively" and that it's "a bit less potent". Sounds like a hardhead to me.

Another possible explanation is that these particular tabs are underdosed. In any case, this is just one person. You can find other reports saying it's potent enough.

Bottom line: This particular report is not a confirmation of anything about 1D-LSD as a substance. Its author doesn't seem to think it is, either. That being said, i agree it's a valuable contribution.
I acknowledge your reason.

But I see enough smoke somewhere gets my gut's attention, I reason fire.

I didn't presume a hard acid head, I am a hard as any one in that regard myself.

I figured a non heavy user, no major tolerance, regular.

Even for me or any hard head after 4 to 6 weeks off, way less for myself too, just 250-300 mics of 1P, 1cP, L25, ALD!! ETH-LAD (AL-LAD more gently)

Should in nearly all cases be a soectacular full trip, visuals, headspace, length.

400 plus of them can be head twisting on occasion.

So I'm just saying it's too much smoke, and within realms of reason not just possibility. 1BLSD was a dire flop.

1D could simply be under par too?

Also though. My own 1cP. Batch one WoW, batch 2 printed then.

Sublime. Just 25 ug strong to notice enough. All the way up.

Initially others experienced espec lower mini doses, shared identical until suddenly later batches of 1cP disappointed and fell wildly short.

Indicating potential underdosing in some batches.

So maybe the OP too has less dosage than was sold as?

Again possible and would account.

Edit- lol sorry I just remembered you did already put forward that valid line of reason yourself. :)
You just confirmed it there I reckon my friend. Sadly it seems, 1D is relative bunk.

I'd explore alternative routes.

If you live in Holland, you can actually still legally acquire 1P and 1cP, AL-LAD still legally tennared.
I live in Germany and currently don't have any other sources for other psychedelics, at least not regularly. For now it'll have to do I guess. I could rent a PO box in the Netherlands and order stuff to that, but I'm a little paranoid about bringing it back across the border, maybe unjustifiably so. I don't know, we'll see.
100%. It's like oral smoked DMT for me... exactly the same buzzing and feeling and the same sort of visuals, except it's all slower and less intense. Then the second half of it, post-peak, it indistinguishable from mushrooms. I believe that is because by then it has all metabolized to 4-HO-DMT. And I believe that the people who find them the same (there are some of those) are metabolizing it very fast into 4-HO-DMT, so it doesn't have a chance to affect them as 4-AcO-DMT.

I am 100% confident I could call them correctly 100% of the time in a double blind test

I think that it's very likely that all the differences between 4-Aco-DMT and mushrooms are caused by:
1) mushrooms being absorbed at a different speed when eaten (although this would not be the case if you make a tea and filter out the solids). Most drugs feel different if you absorb them at a different speeds. 4 Aco DMT obviously will be absorbed faster than solid mushrooms.

2) other psychoactive tryptamines (other than Psylocin/Psylocibin) being present in Shrooms. I've seen research showing that different mushrooms contain different amounts and proportions of psychoactive tryptamines.

For me, magic mushroom tea absolutely does feel like a milder, extended release form of smoked DMT, just like 4 Aco DMT does.
i took a single hit of blotter LSD-25 a few days ago and i was trying to read something about an hour or 2 in and i couldn't read for the life of me 🤓

Exactly! How it SHOULD be! And our case in point here too.

I only capitaliseg "should" there, because in my own case I truly hacked call it as an evolutionary necessity nearly all typical such disablements while on almost any level of a real trip.

Speaking for instance, conducting socially, verbally, body language ease/naturality.

Brushing teeth shower pooing lol, kitchen tasks, walks out

Because if you're going to trip to the tune of 130 Micrograms plus daily average for even one year, you can't be prohibited from regular function.

So I must have managed at least posting on every tripping level 2021 specifically, I don't recall much struggle.

Only thing was days following high dosed like 1000, 1200 or over double trips.

Like the 5 yr old at new school, every sound sight bushes afar like brand new and fantastic, but so melancholy too.

Or my preferred one- like the lone deer in deep forrest.

DFMN fully disintegrated, new one being updated.

Healthy beneficial procedure dumping that cache nothing lost just re-ordered swiping previous habits, were holding back.

The new DFMN is freshly assembled after little melancholy period out of sync with surrounding world using inherent awareness and all lessons learned since last one.

This exact process for me is the way frequent tripping works to maintain non stagnated mental freshness.
I finally had the chance to try this molecule.
I took 2x150µ and it was just fine (2.5x100µ was my sweet spot with 1p or lsd-25).
Maybe a bit longer come up but otherwise nothing different than the usual.
Dosed 900ug about 5 hours ago. It was pretty good. Some good insights. As I reported in the past, for me at least, it seems to be far less potent than regular acid. I've never done super high doses of acid before but at 900ug normally you'd reasonably expect reality to more or less disintegrate. This trip was very manageable though. In the future I'll see what it's like to try smoking some hash during the peak and the comedown.
What I'm a little sad about though is that it's really not that visual. In the past on acid I've had indescribable CEVs but with 1D there's pretty much none of that.

I do like it however. I bought 25 hits of it, 4 of which i ate tonight and I'll look forward to using it again especially in combination with cannabis. I do hope though that I can get some mushrooms again soon which might deliver the visual experience that I've been wishing for with my 1D experiments
so im from germany and i take acid evey 5 to 6 weeks roughly. I have had a lot of lsd-25 but also most of the analogs. I liked 1V btw. ald52 and al-lad are some of my favorites!
but 1d-lsd is total crap! its not visual and its not spiritual... very disappointing. even at 1000mcg i was super disappointed.... compared to lsd-25 its like 1d-lsd is a black and white photocopy of lsd-25.
they sell it at a shop here in germany... and they know its crap
If you want LSD with a real kick to it try LSZ. It's a much more potent form of LSD.
I didn't find LSZ to be more potent than LSD, but who knows I'm just one datapoint. I only tried it once or twice and every trip is different, even if the tabs your comparing are perfectly evenly dosed.
Well what I want to rebuke is the idea that 4-AcO-DMT possesses unique effects of its own, different than those of psilocin/psilocybin, that are independent of its prodrug-activity and its pharmacokinetics, in other words, that it not just a way of getting psilocin to the brain, but is actually an "active" drug. This is a very common belief among us "tryptamine enjoyers" ;). However I do think it's false for a number of reasons, the most notable being that simply of the placebo. When you eat mushrooms, you are quite literally consuming an organic, fleshy substance that grew out of the ground (or more likely a shoebox under some dudes bed), where as when you take 4-AcO, you are taking a white powder that you got from the internet, produced in China. Therefore, its fully reasonable to assert that the common claim of "4-AcO has more synthetic visuals" is merely a placebo only from the synthetic appearance of the drug, and conversely, the "organic" visuals of psilocybin being only from its natural appearance. I don't actually think that any slight chance to the drug's structure could significantly alter the visual profile of the drug, especially considering how nebulous and vague "synthetic" and "organic" visuals are as a concept. If you don't believe me, then consider how funny of a coincidence it is, that the only psychedelic that has a "nature-like feel" constantly attributed to it, is psilocybin, which just happens to be present in a "natural" form (that is, the mushroom). The psychedelic experience obviously leaves us extremely suggestible, so to think that one couldn't have very different experiences based merely on pre-existing beliefs, is naïve. Similar experiments of self-suggestion influencing a trip (and with only a single compound, LSD) were carried out by Leary.

As for as actual metabolism goes, the acetyl group is also known to get rapidly cleaved off in the body, and it's unlikely that there even is a lot of 4-AcO-DMT left in the body after, say, 30 minutes of ingestion, rather, it's all converted to psilocin. There's also no change of the effect profile anywhere during the trip, which is what we see with drugs, where both the pro-drug and the active metabolite have different effects (like dextromethorphan and its breakdown product, dextrorphan, which are both active, but in different ways). The 5-HT2A receptor is also probably too tight to accommodate such a large group as the acetyl group (whereas we know that the hydroxyl group of psilocin is a near-perfect match for it.) Rant over.

As far as the metabolism of literally every single human being goes, that's perfectly within standard deviation. The difference between an 8 hour trip and 10 hour trip on LSD is proportionally the same as a 4 hour trip and a 5 hour trip on mushrooms, yet no one would claim that even a mushroom trip of 3.5 hours or 6 hours is of unusual length.
My 4ac0 and psilocin experiences are wildly divergent