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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

1cp-LSD - First Time - 320 ug in 2 doses 21 hours apart, plus too much edible cannabis.


Feb 28, 2019
Okay my first ever official trip report here. Please bear in mind that i have an insanely crazy life due to bizarre and impossible health complications, so nothing about my trips or experience will ever be normal or typical. This is a repost I just made in the 1cP-LSD thread:

Yes I think I concur. I took 320ug ish in 2 doses, 160ug at 4.15 am yesterdsy, with a redose at 1 am this morning.

And wow, who says redosing doesn't work? I was off my head all day yesterday on the first 160ug, but my system was overloaded with cannabis to begin with, too much edibles in me to a nauseating degree pre-trip.

I was too high already, I usually am. In fact it's what keeps me from tripping more often because I'm just too wasted to be fit for the task most days and when I do trip now I realise how much I don't like being this stoned all the time out of habit and escapism.

Potent vapor on top of edibles always. So the first 160ug hit me hard. I was also in the most terrible physical condition of unimaginable exhaustion and sleep deprivation and I had a little incident last week where I crushed my sternum tidying and I'm sure I have fractured some ribs and done some damage right in the middle of my chest which I've been just coping with passing the time each day, trying to be as comfortable as possible.

it has been incredibly painful and my whole body and structure especially back is killing me to pieces I need a chiropractor this week for sure to adjust the sternum to make it easier to breathe again because my respiratory symptoms have been much harder to manage since.

And I have a severe case of gastritis and and stomach helicobacter pylori infection with terrible digestion at present and I was full up of of waste and undigested food and really not feeling very pleasant in any way at all when I dropped this acid at 4:15 a.m. yesterday.

I know it's crazy isn't it my life is totally nuts but I sometimes can't get myself out of a rut and get my head straight until I have had a good trip and I just have to force the issue which usually tends to be at the worst possible time because that's when I can't take anymore lol!

So my initial come up yesterday was really difficult because if I had not dropped the acid I would have been fighting to stay conscious for a bit longer to digest some more food before I could no longer stay awake. So I was just 100% please and exhausted with absolutely nothing left I felt safe if the whole time because it is a very safe drug and that's not what I mean I mean my physical condition which a few weeks ago was in a much more critical state nutritionally and energy wise.

But it was for for quite some hours a pretty bad trip because of the physical intensity of the suffering and anxiety levels from being so tired and in so much pain.
I had to be really strong in my head not to let the bad trip take over and just pass the time and focus on picking my head up and motivating my body as the trip progresses and once a peak starts to ease off.

My stomach was in the most terrible condition with awful gas and indigestion and feeling sick as hell from cannabis over intoxication and general poor digestion etc plus the acid can be very problematic with my guts.

I tried to remedy this state of extreme discomfort and distress by straining a cup of of Durban poison cannabis tea which can be very soothing and cleansing for the digestive tract and colon.

Except I really did not need any more cannabis because I had vaporized several very large potent hits just as I was coming up on the first 160 ug on Sunday morning.

It was after this that I tried to simply get comfortable thinking I could ride out the come up and somehow benefit from the trip and getting myself into a better place to to make more progress recovering physically afterwards.

Listening to music in the dark while waiting for daylight to come and bring some welcome distraction was not such a good idea and really was quite a bad trip until I changed the situation. I mean it was getting pretty unbearable laying there in such extreme discomfort with a really intense come up magnified by the edibles in me and strong vaporizer effects.

So yesterday was a truly crazy day I ended up going out to loads of shops and places with my mum in the car like the tip and I was absolutely smashed out of my head from total sleep deprivation and exhaustion and high pain levels while being completely wasted on weed and 1cP-Lsd.

I was not in a state to interact with members of the public at all which is very rare for me me but I wasn't bothered about this I didn't give a toss I just did what I needed to do to get through yesterday.

So it was a crazy long day with a very high level of physical suffering throughout but the bad trip was turned around fairly early on by my my skilled head when it comes to the situation. I mean it was an incredibly bad trip physically and mentally like doom and terror, I knew I would be alright but I didn't know if I could bear the suffering intensity and the negative thoughts that come with being in so much pain and lack of control.

I had to dig deep deep down just to stay calm and positive and focus on picking up and improving my symptoms and getting more comfortable and motivated and keeping my anxiety levels in check as the day warmed up and went on.

Vaped early afternoon while out, and Durban Poison vapor got me blasted at 7 pm, bumping up the 1cP strongly as good Sativa weed does for me.

Major stomach and and got upset prevented me from eating until very late by which time I was so tired and anxious about not being able to eat and get comfortable to sleep again. I was already fighting for consciousness as I often am.

So, guess what? Before getting too much into my late dinner, I spontaneously dropped another 160 ug worth roughly of 1cp LSD.
Often in the past when I have redosed after going through the initial torturous come up at times and then feeling relieved and physically comfortable I can redose without experiencing the same distressful symptoms such as gastrointestinal and respiratory effects and general anxiety etc.

So I hoped I would be able to continue with my food food with the acid hopefully picking my mind and spirit back up again and giving me some energy to to ride out out the situation going forwards.

Whoops, big mistake(?) I came up pretty hard and very noticeably much stronger than I would have expected and actually hoped lol. I think I could feel it as soon as I put the tabs in my mouth I even considered spitting them out. Redosing has always worked for me, as long as I picked the right moment and often can be more powerful than the initial experience in a different way but more transcendentally.

This was really physically strong again and I quickly lost my appetite and felt pretty nauseous but just very wasted with that strong physical LSD like bodily feeling which made food feel totally alien and weird.

Somehow I was sort of managing to continue to eat because it did taste nice and I knew I needed to feed badly I wanted to see if I could eat as much of it as possible without anxiety and indigestion and just take things from there.

But the redose was coming on on intensely and building and it was pretty difficult. I didn't finish all of my food I made some strategic decisions about what to leave and what to focus on and I did a remarkable job to eat what I did, coming up very strongly and anxious as hell about the situation.

Finally finished eating at 3 a.m. and I had to fight so hard to stay awake despite the intensity of the acid effects. (I had more edibles before my food as well purely for stomach upset purposes.)

I forced myself up, washed up dishes! I then spent a good hour our stay conscious and mobile for digestion sake while I managed my respiratory symptoms with essential oils and and various approaches to clear as much mucus from my lungs as possible which is standard after food daily.

But it is always a very painful and exhausting experience. I somehow got through this and was much more comfortable all round when I vaporizer as much weed as I had the energy for or at about 5 a.m. this morning which again boosted the intensity of the second 160 ug dose.

I had to get comfortable at that point because I could not stand or stay conscious any longer and I faded off into a sleep resting back.

I woke up after two-and-a-half Hours several hours ago this morning and felt surprisingly clearer and more positive and more comfortable, and really actually very ok much to my surprise and pleasure.

So I got up and vaporized a load of some fantastic outdoor sativa weed and I looked out of the window and wow I felt absolutely incredible like ecstatically hi buzzing physically in that mad way LSD 25 has always made me feel, like scintillating vibrations and energy flowing through my body but feeling completely cleansed and refreshed physically and mentally while everything looked amazing and crystal clear and brand new.

I was honestly feeling higher and better than at any point in the trip and there is no way I would have have gotten here without that second 160ug dose, 21 hours later.

Suddenly I could see all of the glory in this compound there is no way I would have expected to feel so amazingly high and cleansed and satisfied from this overall dosage.

Im still off my chops now, except my vaporizer high has leveled out which I'm going to re top shortly.

But for sure I really like 1cp LSD from this experience and feeling right now today it really does resemble lsd-25 very closely from my memory and I don't feel that anything is really lacking. I expect an amazing after go and lasting positive feelings from the trip which is not even over yet.

I feel it really physically throughout my whole body in that really pure but clean way I have felt with strong lsd-25 in the past. A really wonderful and pleasant feeling and very strong too right now. Really warm as you say, @babooon87

My head went really deep on this trip as well and I was freaking out quite a lot on each dose to be fair. I mean both times it felt like a mistake and I thought I had stitched myself up for an ordeal I wasn't fit for lol.

But Im so thankful right now that I plunged through it. I feel a lot more comfortable and grounded and relaxed in every way and I'm also as high as I need to be still buzzing and feeling pretty wrecked.

Bottom line, 1cP-LSD I LIKE a lot! Strong, warm, visual, physically scintillating and engulfing like Lsd 25 has been for me. Like how you feel, that mad buzz on your chest and face from amazing strong sativa weed. That sort of feeling I mean.

And...redosing absolutely CAN work, as long as you have not really slept off the initial effects and pick the right moment for your consciousness to enter a different stage of the experience

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Another thing which really stood out: apart from my initial nightmares come up experience where I tried to ride it out in darkness under covers with music on ( it was a shpongle CD and I really didn't like it at the time it was doing my head in, like just noise which made no sense at all and was torturing me until I turned it off )...

After that I have really enjoyed listening to music on the 1cp LSD which I found to be almost purely positively enjoyable and uplifting which is not always the case when I'm tripping and can make me feel quite dark and solemn at times.

Another observation I made when I was coming up on my first 160 ug dose at about 5 a.m. yesterday trying to ride it out under covers in darkness (I know, bad idea right?), I have that bizarre experience of being in total Darkness but it was like the lights were shining from all sides lol!

I get that when I'm really high on weed at times but this was next level light coming from somewhere. I was actually looking around to make sure there wasn't any blue light source nearby can you believe!
Also to say, I would not consider redosing again now today. It would not work now,,and would actually ruin the afterglow and lose a lot of introspective potential benefits.

I have had my fill, I needed a bigger overall dose to resemble the afterglow of the classic full Lsd trip, i.e. 250ug upwards.

I feel fully satiated now, with positive clean mental energy to take forward.

I went into this trip feeling terrible on all levels. I came out of it feeling remarkably better all round. It's amazing how the experience can shape you. My chest and breathing is a lot freer than beforehand, despite the fact that these lysergamides do cause a substantial allergy like respiratory reaction and excessive mucus.

So I manage things as I do with all things allergy wise every day, get as comfortable as I can, and make it worthwhile. This one was for sure, despite what I had to go through all day yesterday.

My stomach felt a lot better as well. Just all round feeling so much more comfortable and in particular cleansed I swear are with these experiences at times on the somatic or psychosomatic level we are are going through processes resulting in purging and cleansing of the body.

I did have a serious case of flatulence over the 24-hours as well which I have had in the past with strong trips but was also related to the state of my digestive system going into the experience.

I managed to stay awake today after only 2.5 hours sleep early am, since Crikey, Saturday morning now gosh. I did all my allergy treatments, shower, food prep. Just getting very high on organic vaporized outdoor herb. Loving the 1cP afterglow still, having not slept.

My head is wrecked, like slow, a bit retarded after Lsd. Which I like, I need that feeling for the trip to work for me to take forward until the next time.

After a day or two my wits sharpen again and I feel fantastic.
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Haha, sorry everyone if you even got this far. I'm high! In a really lovely way. The trip is kicked up by vaping, that has always been one of my favourite parts of the overall experience. I love it when my acid trips go on in feeling, vibe, high, headspace etc.
Hey man, thanks for the report, I really enjoyed reading it. :) Glad to see a long, detailed account of 1cp-LSD. Seems like so many people report it to be superior to the other LSD 1-subs. I would like to try it myself, it's just I have tons of ALD-52 and actual LSD and these things aren't too cheap or unique enough from LSD itself to really bother. I have a steady hookup for really good LSD that is many times cheaper than any of these analogues.

Really glad your trip ended up great. Your story is a great example of how to take a difficult trip, and turn it around.
Hey man, thanks for the report, I really enjoyed reading it. :) Glad to see a long, detailed account of 1cp-LSD. Seems like so many people report it to be superior to the other LSD 1-subs. I would like to try it myself, it's just I have tons of ALD-52 and actual LSD and these things aren't too cheap or unique enough from LSD itself to really bother. I have a steady hookup for really good LSD that is many times cheaper than any of these analogues.

Really glad your trip ended up great. Your story is a great example of how to take a difficult trip, and turn it around.
Thanks again man. And not only that, but an example of how the psychedellic experience can purge the mind and emotions when these are stuck and working negatively against yourself, I have always loved how I feel after my trips most of all, and this one has been no exception so far.

Tiredness and comedown have hit, so a bit irritable, and also I usually feel a little emotionally vulnerable at this stage after a trip, but right as rain soon enough and much more relaxed and at peace then before tripping.
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Very nice report. I usually avoid trippy music on the come up til the peak sets in. Instead i will play reagee dub or happy hip hop to set a good vibe in for the initial 3-4 hours til the peak starts up. Interesting redose. I have never redosed ever on LSD but i have on shrooms and always found it a waste with shrooms. Sounds like a nice afterglow and very similar to LSD.
Very nice report. I usually avoid trippy music on the come up til the peak sets in. Instead i will play reagee dub or happy hip hop to set a good vibe in for the initial 3-4 hours til the peak starts up. Interesting redose. I have never redosed ever on LSD but i have on shrooms and always found it a waste with shrooms. Sounds like a nice afterglow and very similar to LSD.
Thanks for looking and your thoughts which are always of interest to me. And yeah I swear by redosing, like one time only really, and often in my experiences as the plane has almost lined up with the runway, smoothly coming down to ground.

Your mind and consciousness are in a different place and zone at this time for a start more of a sort of sleep mode with mental faculties slowing down and perception filters more active again probably, which will be a big part of of things getting easier as a trip progress and levels out.

But then a redose plunges my head somewhere different. I have had so many amazing trios where the way I redosed made the experience. I definitely prefer to trip this way, for that longevity and almost "2 halves" like experience. The redoses can be purely relaxing and blissful from the off after you have achieved that post trip Zen-like state of consciousness and also switched energy level.

Depending on set/setting etc. But very transcendental and luxurious. And really very safe as well, unlike MDMA for example, even when redosing is ineffective.
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