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16, Quite Curious about Psychedelics


Mar 17, 2015
Hello guys! Well, lets hop on into this, shall we? A little backstory for you guys to weigh if I am even the right type of individual to take such strong chemicals.

My only past psychoactive substance experience is cannabis. I started smoking weed when I was 14; about to be 15. I did not smoke everyday for I lacked the money for it and I did not want to alter my growing brain in any irreversible way. Two years later of smoking pretty often, and I got caught by my parent..and this is when family problems began. You see, I smoked for "Introvertive Perspective", if that makes since..as in, I wanted to learn about myself and improve myself, but my parents came up with all these lies and even sent me to a drug addiction meeting. Not only that, but I also came out as an atheist to my family, and living in the bible belt..well...thats a no-no. That made madders worse. All of this stuff is bringing me down and I have quit mj for until I become an adult.

While in the drug addiction program, I noticed that NO ONE there was there for psychedelics, which made me want to try them even more (I was already thinking about it). Now that that is out of the way ( Sorry if it is long! ) I shall begin my reasoning and what I want to try in particular. I am mildly depressed about my family life, only barely though, doesn't bring me down to bad- and I really want to be happier about it. That is only a small part of the reason though, the biggest part is for exploring myself and what I want to be. I want to experience ego death and be one with nature..I have started meditating to reach this, but it's not cutting it. I want to become a better person, and experience breakthroughs! I have researched the things I want to do-extensively-and this is what they are: First shrooms, then Acid (LSD), and finally, graduate to DMT. So, what is the evaluation? I'm terrible sorry if it doesnt make to much since, it is rather late here :\. Thanks guys!
I've been where you are but at an only slightly older age. Stick to the cannabis for a bit. Cannabis is a hell of a psychedelic if you ask me. You are very young, possibly too young to need the assistance of stronger psychedelics if you ask me. I would recommend you familiarize yourself with the darknet and wikipedia the hell out of any substance you intend to take. Darknet markets will allow you access to almost any substance you wish to take and make sure that you are safe with it. But if you aren't old enough to ship things to yourself that causes problems.

If you must engage in stronger psychoactives than cannabis, I recommend 2C-E, 2C-B, LSD, and Nitrous Oxide to help get you ready. I progressed along the road towards DMT much like yourself. After five to ten successful attempts at DMT it finally smacked the shit out of me in a very good way (gave away the remainder of my DMT stash to a friend). Good luck my friend. Keep exploring, you will find amazing things.
If you're young (17-18?) and living with parents who don't condone marijuana usage, you're not going to be able to convince them that using psychedelics is any better. Hiding marijuana usage from your parents is much easier than trying to conceal a 14 hour long acid trip, or being loaded to the gills on shrooms and experiencing an anxiety attack.

It's hard to hear, but you shouldn't need to be making breakthroughs and dissolving your ego. You're still forming your ego and developing the person you're going to be. If you are depressed about your family life, and want to become a better person, taking psychedelic drugs isn't going to help. Work on being a good citizen and developing habits and values you can feel proud of.

Just like meditation and mindfulness, becoming a person you can be happy with is not something that happens overnight. You must put a literal lifetime of effort into treating yourself properly and connecting yourself with the world around you, nothing will be given to you on a silver platter. Not even psychedelic epiphanies are a free lunch, they too come with prices both social and physical that you must pay.

I'm not at all saying you shouldn't do psychedelics, but I don't think you should be seeking them out when you're not the age of majority and you live in an environment that doesn't condone drug usage. You can actually end up hurting your cause if you don't do things properly.
I totally agree, dearly with Sekio. I could not have said it in any better way. But it's true and about being happy. :)
16 does seem a bit early, but then again mushrooms can save you a lot of time and give you a perspective on life than you can't get in any other way.
I was interested in the same way like you around that age. I smoked cannabis (sometimes too much) and only had my first trip, with friends, on mushrooms at age 18. Even that was too early for me. It was fun, but it didn't make me curious for more. Everyone is different, but for me the "click" came when I tried them again at age 23-24 (things like 4HOMET, 2CT4, MDMA, .. ). Reason for trying them was a general dissatisfaction with life, heightened by a depressive episode caused by a breakup.

I think you need at least some life experience to get something worthwile out of them.

If you're doing it and having to hide from your parents, this is a recipe for disaster.

BTW, I considered myself an atheist too, and after 50mg of 4HOMET Jesus sat next to me and, quite literally, showed me the way to God.
It's all about timing.
Although I don't believe in there being a set age which is appropriate for psychedelic use, I do think 18 or younger is a bad idea. These substances aren't for kids, or even some adults out there. The results would be disastrous. =/

A lot of us make it seem like lsd or shrooms are nothing, or that it doesn't phase us or whatever, but that's after having lots of experience with it. Your first few times, esp. at higher doses, will be groundbreaking and perception-shattering in a way where you will need to be mentally prepared for it.

In your situation, that is not a good thing.

If you are that young and being sent to rehab by your parents, you know, maybe it's a good idea that you take a long break from all substances. I hate to be preaching something like this, but respect your parents' wishes at least until you are an adult.

Timing is important. It's cool that you're curious, but you're young and you have plenty of time to venture in at a more appropriate period in your life. There should be no rush as time will come sooner than you think.

And don't think psychedelics will magically give you the answers that you seek. The irony is that the whole experience comes from within, thus created by the individual, and these "answers" you seek can be obtained without use at all. Many people never use psychs, but they are still intelligent and wise. You're only going to get what you put into it.
Please read my story. I just posted on this topic. When I was 16 I made a decision which had almost costed me my life, with LSD. my parents had already accepted the fact that pot is pot and they couldn't do anything about it - I was becoming an addicted cretin. I'm physically addicted to marijuana as well; I suggest you find other things to do in life, as well. I use marijuana every now and then as an artist because it creates creativity in myself; easier focus on the creation perspective. Now look - if you want to get in touch with nature, go on a sober hike in the deep wilderness. Now, I grew up in the woods so I had the do's and don'ts handy at a young age. Be sure to tell someone where you are going, bring water and food with you, and bring at least one buddy. I did none of this, because I have a bit of experience with actual wilderness - I NEVER go alone outside city walls. I was homeless once, for a few days and I decided I'd go take a hike through the densely-forested creek in my manhattan-sized city. at midnight, by myself. I had to cross a creek to get there, and walk around in circles a false-forest where criminals could easily be lurking, trying to get back to the actual city. I had to cross the river again, in pitch black, to walk up the hill, jump a large fence, walk into a little park in the hail, with my jacket around my legs to make up for lost heat, due to not having pants on me. make a little tent next to a tree, out of branches that were broken off thanks to us getting snow in the middle of august... (wtf?) and shut my eyes for 5 hours.... this is what getting in touch with nature is - man created drugs. nature created the wilderness. Go and experience it. And stay away from LSD, whatever you will do. an uncle of mine described lsd as sort of a.... time jump to the woods, you know? Every time you take acid, you jump away from reality, the size of jump obviously dependent on how much you take. so every time you do it, you jump further, and further, and further, and further away, unaware that if you continue to use it, you'll end up lost in the middle of the ocean, persay. or the sahara desert, figuratively. When you wind up there, there's no turning back, but if you catch it sooner, rather than later, you can behind your journey back to where you came from, but you'll never really be the same after such a journey.......
IE to this day, im reading my own story, halfway zoned out, sober. I noticed I've always been tripping ever since then.... I'm reading the bottom text and the top of the text on this comment is like popping out in 3D and is the colour Red.
It's not a good thing. Every time I smoke weed I happen to catch a glimpse of indigo - I don't speak for everyone; my family claims we are psychics. An ancient, owl-like family, persay. We are different. But still, if it tortured me, it will do worse to you if you misuse it. it's so easy to do that I'd consider it committing suicide.

Think about it. your future is at stake. what do I know though? I'm some guy on the internet.
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Psychedelics give you more questions than they do answers. I also think you should wait till after you're an adult and don't live with your family.
If you're young (17-18?) and living with parents who don't condone marijuana usage, you're not going to be able to convince them that using psychedelics is any better. Hiding marijuana usage from your parents is much easier than trying to conceal a 14 hour long acid trip, or being loaded to the gills on shrooms and experiencing an anxiety attack.

It's hard to hear, but you shouldn't need to be making breakthroughs and dissolving your ego. You're still forming your ego and developing the person you're going to be. If you are depressed about your family life, and want to become a better person, taking psychedelic drugs isn't going to help. Work on being a good citizen and developing habits and values you can feel proud of.

Just like meditation and mindfulness, becoming a person you can be happy with is not something that happens overnight. You must put a literal lifetime of effort into treating yourself properly and connecting yourself with the world around you, nothing will be given to you on a silver platter. Not even psychedelic epiphanies are a free lunch, they too come with prices both social and physical that you must pay.

I'm not at all saying you shouldn't do psychedelics, but I don't think you should be seeking them out when you're not the age of majority and you live in an environment that doesn't condone drug usage. You can actually end up hurting your cause if you don't do things properly.

I must duely agree with this. Take it slow. Life's short, and I didn't wait to try Psychadelics like I should have. Someone gave me RC blotter, and my mom arrived home an hour into it unexpectedly and it turned into a nightmare. Be careful, psychadelics are in a world of there own, stick with cannabis until you have a lot more sorted out. Best of luck to you on your travels.?
Psychedelics give you more questions than they do answers. I also think you should wait till after you're an adult and don't live with your family.

It seems like common sense. I imagine how life can be dull when someone already has become addicted in hallucinations.

When you realize that's not what you want you've being left way behind..And then how are you going to 'catch up'. Way too soon for psychedelics IMO.
Oh wow, thank all of you for the advice and what you all think I should do. I am deciding to wait till I am older, not for protection of my mental state, however. I feel I am about the man I will be when I am grown, thanks to cannabis allowing me to change myself in a shorter time than what it would have taken without. But no, my reasoning in waiting is to respect my parents beliefs and not do anything while I am under their roof. This, sadly, includes weed. Which absolutely sucks :|. And the reason I want to experience ego death (This is to Sekio) is because everyone in my family always says that I think I am the smartest man in the world and that I think I'm never wrong and such. I personally don't see this, but maybe I'm missing something..I do think I am pretty smart but I understand there are plenty smarter people out there, but like I said maybe I'm missing something and I feel an ego death would help immensely in correcting this. Also because I truly want inner peace and to understand nature better and learn where we all came from, obviously I would come to that conclusion myself, but assistance would be very appreciated!

Anyways, thank you all for your support and ideas about what I should do, peace.
Psychedelics open doors in your mind that do not close.

I was younger than you when I first started tripping, but believe me drugs when your in highschool are hyped as it is. One's perfect drug can be hell to another. Most people in there teens do not respect psychedelics as they should be. They deserve more respect than any other drug because they have the ability to change you forever. Good and bad. I have experience and my opinion is that the potential consequences from psychedelics are more hardcore than heroin. There was no youtube when I was growing up but I wish I had done more reading on syd barrett because I have met people who wound up in similar circumstances and I almost did myself. Normal very intellegent social people who one day go from there normal selves to being totally different. That was before the high probability of what you end up getting now being a research chemical. There was one thing that kept me from losing it many times while tripping, and that is the fact that you cannot die from lsd. You can die and some rc chems that mimic lsd are very lethal.

You have plenty of years coming soon to play.
If I could go back I would not do any drugs as all my stoner friends from high school are either now burn outs, dead from od'ing on something else or in jail.
I'm 17 and I have experimented with 2C-E, 25i-NBOMe, DOC and 5-MeO-MiPT so far. My parents would definitely not condone this experimentation but psychedelics have affected me in an extremely positive way and have made me a better and more mature person.

I have also learned a lot about myself and life through my psychedelic experiences, but I think it is smart of you not to try such things while living with your parents. They could easily find out and this could have some consequences in your relationship with your family members, especially if they are very conservative and prohibitive regarding drugs.

If i should recommend you one of the drugs I have tried, it would be 2C-E as it is a relatively safe, powerful and beautiful psychedelic experience. DOC is also really great but extremely long-lasting and I'm not that experienced with it yet. Even though it is not a true psychedelic, but a dissociative, I would also strongly recommend trying MXE. This is the only drug that has given me out-of-body experiences, ego death and complete dissociation from my body. It also has quite the synergy with psychedelics, especially LSD and shrooms.

Feel free to PM if you have any questions :)

Good luck on your journey! ;)
Psychedelics open doors in your mind that do not close.

I was younger than you when I first started tripping, but believe me drugs when your in highschool are hyped as it is. One's perfect drug can be hell to another. Most people in there teens do not respect psychedelics as they should be. They deserve more respect than any other drug because they have the ability to change you forever. Good and bad. I have experience and my opinion is that the potential consequences from psychedelics are more hardcore than heroin. There was no youtube when I was growing up but I wish I had done more reading on syd barrett because I have met people who wound up in similar circumstances and I almost did myself. Normal very intellegent social people who one day go from there normal selves to being totally different. That was before the high probability of what you end up getting now being a research chemical. There was one thing that kept me from losing it many times while tripping, and that is the fact that you cannot die from lsd. You can die and some rc chems that mimic lsd are very lethal.

You have plenty of years coming soon to play.
If I could go back I would not do any drugs as all my stoner friends from high school are either now burn outs, dead from od'ing on something else or in jail.

Considering the nature of me being in a very...very...VERY conservative part of the states, No one, and I mean no one is hyping the substances I use and also want to use. Most look down on me because they know about the stuff i do and want to. They are open about their alcoholic ventures so why not be open about getting stoned and watching cosmos? lol, but, I have the utmost respect for these chemicals and would not abuse the way you think most teenagers would. It is not hyped and no one is peer pressuring me. This is a 100% my own decision, and even though it is an adult decision, I'm pretty sure i make the right ones, even at a young age.
Hey man. I was in the exact same place as you not too long ago. 21 now, tripped for the first time when I was 16. My family, my friends, all call me the smartest person they know too. While doing psychedelics definitely put me ahead esoterically and spiritually, they put me so behind in other ways. What they gave me in understanding the abstract, the meaning of things in general, etc. they took away in my ability to care about the real world, money, jobs, etc. They shifted my scale of the world vs. beyond (which was admittedly tipped a bit towards the beyond, it sounds like it may be for you too), to completely the beyond. While I am so far ahead spiritually, mentally, in my ability to see the truth, the meaning of life, a person's actions, etc. I am so far behind in caring about those things that must be taken care of to allow one to care about the beyond, the esoteric.

As said above, psychedelics will strip away the ego and show you what really is, but at your age your ego is still forming. And while you may think, oh well I'll head it off at the pass and in doing so allow myself even more room to become a balanced and centered individual, unfortunately it is not so. Ego is important, it's necessary, to function in society, in the world. While I definitely appreciate my lack of the ego's negative functions/consequences, I don't appreciate the social anxiety, the existential crises that have sprung up, the constant questioning of who I am, what I'm doing, and if what I'm doing matters. Because of "heading off the pass" on fully developing a sense of self, I now struggle with holding a sense of self at all, constantly feeling lost and as if I'm floating in the sea without direction. I now feel more complete, as if I'm my real self, while tripping, never while sober. And while that may be a desirable goal to reach at some point on the path of life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etc. It is most definitely not where someone my age should be.

Please please wait. I promise you it's worth it. Not only do you need to form a full and complete sense of self, even if potentially to break it down (to a certain degree) later in life, but the more life experience you have, the more fulfilling tripping is. The more meaning it takes on, the more it can show you, the more you can learn.

Also, as someone who felt the same way, I can promise you that you are not near the man you will be in even two years. Yes, your cognitive functioning is almost up to par with adults by this point, but you underestimate (everyone does, it's impossible not to) the impact life experiences can and will have on you. Yes, they will change your perception, your views, your entire way of thinking, more so than you can ever imagine right now. It's beautiful really, and nothing I aim to shoot you down by stating. And yes, I'm well aware of the fact you will read this and either 100% or partly doubt what I'm typing. I did the exact same.

Psychedelics will always be there. Your unique and utterly beautiful teenage point of view will not be. Don't ruin it by tripping now.

I'm rooting for you <3
Psychedelics open doors in your mind that do not close.

I was younger than you when I first started tripping, but believe me drugs when your in highschool are hyped as it is. One's perfect drug can be hell to another. Most people in there teens do not respect psychedelics as they should be. They deserve more respect than any other drug because they have the ability to change you forever. Good and bad. I have experience and my opinion is that the potential consequences from psychedelics are more hardcore than heroin. There was no youtube when I was growing up but I wish I had done more reading on syd barrett because I have met people who wound up in similar circumstances and I almost did myself. Normal very intellegent social people who one day go from there normal selves to being totally different. That was before the high probability of what you end up getting now being a research chemical. There was one thing that kept me from losing it many times while tripping, and that is the fact that you cannot die from lsd. You can die and some rc chems that mimic lsd are very lethal.

You have plenty of years coming soon to play.
If I could go back I would not do any drugs as all my stoner friends from high school are either now burn outs, dead from od'ing on something else or in jail.

Maybe people cannot die strictly and objectively from LSD but from its symptoms, of course. Ask a policeman how many people have died by jumping from buildings believing they could fly. And other horrific issues like that.

I read recently about the 2 brothers who took LSD in Acapulco and one of them passed away with heart problems from the PANIC he was feeling, while the surviving brother stayed hidden in a bush for hours, starving - not being able to communicate the passing.

I was 17 when I had a bad tripping that took me to ER. And it was LSD alright- no research chemicals or modern stuff at those days. Not in excess either. It's a Russian Roulette nowadays.

What I'm trying to say is that young people will do this regardless, no point in making it easier. It's our role as older and more responsible citizens to protect our closest generations because they deserve this from us imo.
Hey man. I was in the exact same place as you not too long ago. tripped for the first time when I was 16. My family, my friends, all call me the smartest person they know too. While doing psychedelics definitely put me ahead esoterically and spiritually, they put me so behind in other ways. What they gave me in understanding the abstract, the meaning of things in general, etc. they took away in my ability to care about the real world, money, jobs, etc. They shifted my scale of the world vs. beyond (which was admittedly tipped a bit towards the beyond, it sounds like it may be for you too), to completely the beyond. While I am so far ahead spiritually, mentally, in my ability to see the truth, the meaning of life, a person's actions, etc. I am so far behind in caring about those things that must be taken care of to allow one to care about the beyond, the esoteric.

As said above, psychedelics will strip away the ego and show you what really is, but at your age your ego is still forming. And while you may think, oh well I'll head it off at the pass and in doing so allow myself even more room to become a balanced and centered individual, unfortunately it is not so. Ego is important, it's necessary, to function in society, in the world. While I definitely appreciate my lack of the ego's negative functions/consequences, I don't appreciate the social anxiety, the existential crises that have sprung up, the constant questioning of who I am, what I'm doing, and if what I'm doing matters. Because of "heading off the pass" on fully developing a sense of self, I now struggle with holding a sense of self at all, constantly feeling lost and as if I'm floating in the sea without direction. I now feel more complete, as if I'm my real self, while tripping, never while sober. And while that may be a desirable goal to reach at some point on the path of life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etc. It is most definitely not where someone my age should be.

Please please wait. I promise you it's worth it. Not only do you need to form a full and complete sense of self, even if potentially to break it down (to a certain degree) later in life, but the more life experience you have, the more fulfilling tripping is. The more meaning it takes on, the more it can show you, the more you can learn.

Also, as someone who felt the same way, I can promise you that you are not near the man you will be in even two years. Yes, your cognitive functioning is almost up to par with adults by this point, but you underestimate (everyone does, it's impossible not to) the impact life experiences can and will have on you. Yes, they will change your perception, your views, your entire way of thinking, more so than you can ever imagine right now. It's beautiful really, and nothing I aim to shoot you down by stating. And yes, I'm well aware of the fact you will read this and either 100% or partly doubt what I'm typing. I did the exact same.

Psychedelics will always be there. Your unique and utterly beautiful teenage point of view will not be. Don't ruin it by tripping now.

I may as well chime in my thoughts and opinions based on my experience using strong psychedelics heavily beginning at the age of fifteen and on until this present day. When I was that young I was in such a hurry to experience everything to the max. After smoking marijuana and finding out the capabilities possessed by psychoactive drugs to transcend us into other states of consciousness where we can explore our minds venturing into worlds completely alien and divine in comparison to my own normal percieved as boring reality, I was hooked. When I look back now, I can't help but wonder who I would be if I had not made that ultimate plunge into psychedelic drugs before I even truly knew who I was. Now today at the age of twenty five not much has changed for me. I suffer horrible anxiety and at some points extreme derealization/depersonalization, full on identity crisis as in I didn't know who I was supposed to be at all anymore, though things have gotten better wihin the last couple of years. My use has without a doubt stunted my growth as a person in every way. I should probably also mention I hurt my family horribly throughout this entire process, in some of the worst of ways.

I am not saying this will happen to you. I was an incredibly irresponsible drug user and had no clue that I was in over my head out of control. I am not saying I regret the decisions I have made because they have made who I am today, someone I am still trying to define completely but that I enjoy some times but not always.

The best advice is to wait a couple more years. I promise the opportunity will always be there if a few years down the road you still have the desire to expand your mind in this way. I am still trying to find my way back and figure myself out after 10 years.