• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

15,000 Beer bottle caps/what to do?

I don't know about bottle caps but beer can tabs, When I bartended years ago we saved the can tabs and donated them for some type kidney research I'm not sure if it was just a local thing or not. That's a lot of bottle caps!!!
^ They collect them for that where I live too, so it's not just local, must be a thing at least in the US.
I was never under the impression that they held any special value beyond that of scrap aluminum. Still removing them doesn't void the deposit refund on the can, so what the hell. May as well give something useless to yourself towards a good cause even if it doesn't amount to much.
agreed, except if charities bothered with a drive to collect the cans instead of the tabs, they would do way way better.
O wow Michael I just read that snopes report. I feel like a fool. You have no idea how many tabs I've twisted off cans thinking I'm doing a good deed. But not just me our customers and other bartenders did as well. We had set several of the pitchers we served beer in around the bar for everyone to place them in. This was like 10 years ago or more. But you are right it would make more sense to collect the whole can. I completely fell for that. Wow.
you shouldn't feel like a fool. you should feel like someone who tried and succeeded in doing a good thing.
^This sounds sweet. I saw a google image of a dresser and chair and I think it was for sale for like 2000$:) Idk if I want to make something to sell it or keep it. I want to make something cool to keep, conversation piece etc. But with 15k caps I can spare some and sell it;)
Melt them all down into the shape of a bottle of beer, that'd be cool. Dunno what to do with the surplus, maybe a six pack of beer? :p