13th Issue Heroin Discussion v. fuck hope do dope

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Not kidding back 17 years ago my grandfather was manufacturing kilos upon kilos of crank. From my understanding he was one of the largest players in the philly region. He did 12 years in federal over it too.

Uppers aren't a big thing in the northeast tho, you're right. E makes it's go rounds, but we are a large dope culture.
Well hows this for a junky dillema I have a half gram sitting on my night stand ready to go that I basically got for free out of the blue today. But of course when I was coming down from coke last night I took 3mg of suboxone so im sitting here playing that waiting game. On top of that I dont have any needles so breaking through the sub isnt really an option. FML
aww poor junky.

just wait and get a rig. problem solved.

in other news... so its been about a month since ive been piss tested. while waiting for my test, i have been stocking narcotics, and other kinds of drugs, so i can party a lil after my monthly drug test.. i have: 1 gram of Sour Diesel, 70 mgs of oxy (12 k18 oxy 5's and 2 percocets), 4 non narcotic analgesic pills: diclofenac, a painkiller/"muscle relaxer" which my friend swears are great.. trying to acquire more oxy, as well as klonopins and or xanax.. also i will probably acquire a half gram of heroin, after my drug test. its going to be quite the lil party. :) work hard, play hard. i also forgot to mention, i also possess a 6 pack of rolling rock that ive been holding onto for a few weeks, waiting for the right time to strike :)

i was going in this morning, expecting to have to piss in a cup. unfortuanately i was not drug tested, so no party for me yet...oh well, i have to work today anyway..
You are right about Connecticut not having any. This site shows meth lab seizured by state and you have to go back to 2006 for the most recent meth lab seizure in Conn, and there were only 3. Now that doesn't mean that there in no meth there, just that no labs were found there, but it could have been smuggled there from other states and is probably in whatever gay community there is there, unless they just head to NY for that.

NY has more than you would think, but I'm sure that it's mostly in rural areas on NY State where the labs were found. I saw one local news story of a meth lab bust in upstate NY while I was away at college there. I've never seen the drug in person though, and wouldn't ever do it if I came across it.

Yeah I remember back in like 2003-04ish a meth lab blew up an apartment building in the next town over from me, small town too I'd be surprised if it had 15k people. So it is technically here in CT I guess but I sure as hell have never seen it and I agree I wouldn't touch the stuff even if I did see some. It's one of those things you just never hear about ever up here. As far as I'm concerned, that's awesome. Who wants a bunch of crazy meth heads running around anyway
Hah, I agree. NYC is crazy enough with the nutty ass characters on every corner.. we don't need them hopped up on meth. The crack heads are enough..ha

for sure.. crack heads are terrible, but tweakers are even more crazy and unpredictable. meth is a big factor in criminal behavior, as it is the catalyst of crimes committed by tweakers. a lot of people have done crazy things on meth, acts that wouldd not have happened if meth was not in the picture..

theres a ton of meth here in phoenix.. theres a ton of everything you can think of, but meth is the biggest street drug. theres crack infesting the rough neighborhoods, but meth and heroin infest all of the neighborhoods.. middle class and upper class folks use too.. in the NE meth is confined to the gay community.. in phoenix and the southwest, meth is the biggest street drug, as it is so strong and long lasting, not to mention its vast availability and low cost.. that means there is a lot of tweakers around here, unfortunately. be careful around them, they will hustle you in the blink of an eye...
Camden NJ, Population 77,344 Fires Entire Police Force
Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogs...n-77344-fires-entire.html#pjQzpb57Lzur0IjR.99

Yep. I was going to post about it but figured no one would be interested.

They are being replaced with a county wide team, which after time, will know the area and have a larger budget than the camden local LEO (or at least that's the plan) - the only problem is, is they are only rehiring a few camden police officers for this county team. Right now camden is running the highest per capita murder in the country, and on the path to break the record for most killings yet in the city in a year.

The record is in 95, the year my uncle died. He was #44 of 58 total (which doesn't seem like much, but that makes for a super high percent due to the small size of camden)

They are playing with people's lives, and trust me, this is going to mean some crazy shit is going to happen. Most of these guys aren't gonna know the major players in the drug game, the streets (for getting to emergencies) and they defenity aren't ready for the murders rapes and shootings.

I wish the best for them, but I know this isn't gonna work. At least at first. Camden already has local LEO, state LEO, and county sheriffs, and camden is still running rampent.
i hope i get tested on monday.. ive got 95 mgs of oxy, and some shit called diclofenac. ever heard of it? its a ".muscle relaxant" my friend says.. well it fucks him up at least.. plus ima get some h, prolly a 1/2 gram. sooo... for my lil post drug test party i will have 95mgs of oxy all swallowed at once, with 2 of the other pills, then right when i feel the oxy im gona have a big shot of dope... mmmmm its gona be good... hopefully ill have some klonopins or xannys to go along with it by then :)

and i forgot to mention i have a gram of some killer sour diesel that ive held on to foreverrrrr waiting for this test... and oh yeah i also have a 6 pack of rolling rock im hoarding... waiting for that day! :) cant wait
dude, be careful. Sounds like you're trying too hard to fuck yourself up, just don't kill yourself, huh? I can explain how bad of an idea it sounds like to eat a bunch of oxy, some muscle relaxants, a shot of dope, maybe some benzos, and booze on the same night but of course you won't listen. Just please think before you wind up dead, that sounds like one hell of a dangerous depressant combination to me at least...
^ in my opinion if you mix all that with your methadone then you are asking for trouble.
Me too, but I've actually done that exact combo. Personally I would stay away from benzo's and tranq's while using opiates. Especially in larger doses.

The muscle relaxers aren't as bad but still pretty bad to mix. Just be careful. If you use too much of just 1, you could end up in a casket.
im not gona mix methadone with it, cuz it would block the dope and oxy.

but anyways i wont go overboard.. if im fucked up ill stop
im not gona mix methadone with it, cuz it would block the dope and oxy.

but anyways i wont go overboard.. if im fucked up ill stop

Hey we aren't your parents so don't feel you even have to answer back at all, we just don't wanna get on here and hear you passed away. I've fallen out twice, and trust me it's easier than you think.

Hope you enjoy your night man, and just be safe. That's all we want. Have fun.
So tomorrow is my methadone appointment and I think I'm going to pass. Its been almost a week since I took any "mind altering" substances and I actually slept last night and woke up early showered dressed. I finally feel like myself. I'm am hoping nun of my shitty associates come by and same hey I got this or that because even though I physically feel better I think if I take anything it will mess me up and I'll go back to feeling like shit again......

I told everyone in getting clean but all week I still got messages for coke,meth, Molly,somas fml... I think if they called with heroin or oxy I would not have made it so long...
Hartford and New Haven bags are pretty much the same size IME , and honestly as far as places like NY goes yeah man our bags are pretty small. Not saying they have crap product in them but they're really not that big at all.

Well I think that Swain's post, this one: here pretty much explains the reason for why our bags are so inconsistent in New Haven/Hartford.

A lot of the dealers out here make the trip themselves to either NY or NJ to pick up weight. If they're going to NJ, then you'll be picking up the smaller, 30-40 mg Jersey bags. They're still good bags, and hell, sometimes they're fantastic bags... but they're small.

If they're going to NY, then you'll be picking up the larger, 70-80 mg NY bags. In my experience, these are always good, always, and so copping a NY-style bag always puts a smile on my face.
so ive managed to juggle the same 50 dollars around for the past 2 days to the point of getting a free g of coke, blowing an 8ball with 2 friends last night, having enough coke left over to fill my little snuff bullet, and getting a 30 bag today while still not dipping into my own money.

im kind of impressed
I picked up 5 bags today and was hoping to be able to save a bag for tomorrow since I've got a family function. Well after puking from sniffing 4 bags (and not even the full 4 since I lightly dumped them out saving some from each bag) I knew I wouldn't have any trouble saving some for tomorrow. I've said before how this Brooklyn connect has the best dope, and he's still proving this to be true. I haven't copped this guys dope in over 2 weeks so it was a treat. I told my boy I would only get 3 or 4 if he was copping elsewhere, but I would get 5 if he was going to the Brooklyn dude since it's the only dope worth spending money on, and it's actually cheaper than all other connects.

Even with working all day which meant being able to sniff dope throughout the day which sometimes leads to me doing more than usual, this stuff was fire enough to have me nodding and puking after sniffing less than 4 full bags. If I were to have copped at night and was just doing it all at once then 4 would easily be enough, but considering I got them at work and was doing them throughout the day, I wasn't sure if saving one would be that easy, but I couldn't even imagine sniffing that last bag at this point since I would be puking even more and worried about ODing. I don't think that I'm done puking yet either, but at least I'm home from work now.
So tomorrow is my methadone appointment and I think I'm going to pass. Its been almost a week since I took any "mind altering" substances and I actually slept last night and woke up early showered dressed.

Glad to hear that. I got my first piss test for probi on 8/23. So I figured clean myself up by the end of this week and I'll be good by the 23rd.

Well I think that Swain's post, this one: here pretty much explains the reason for why our bags are so inconsistent in New Haven/Hartford.

A lot of the dealers out here make the trip themselves to either NY or NJ to pick up weight. If they're going to NJ, then you'll be picking up the smaller, 30-40 mg Jersey bags. They're still good bags, and hell, sometimes they're fantastic bags... but they're small.

If they're going to NY, then you'll be picking up the larger, 70-80 mg NY bags. In my experience, these are always good, always, and so copping a NY-style bag always puts a smile on my face.

Damn 30-40mg's? Those are some sad sad bags.

Are the dealers in Hartford usually black, spanish, or white?
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