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100mg of Oxycodone a day tolerance. Why does hydromorphine(ORAL) feel so light


Oct 16, 2022
So I have been taking one 80mg oxy in the morning and maybe 30mg in the afternoon and thats it. I have been really doing well with learning to restrict myself and the withdrawals on 100mg a day are not that bad, but not nothing. I took 24mg of hydromorphine at lunch and it took an hour to an hour and a half to take full effect and its very light and this is 12 hours after my last opiate. I would have figured it to metabolize quicker
Hydromorphone is not 100% cross-tolerant with oxycodone. In fact, it would appear that they bind differently (that 14-OH I presume). You can take a heck of a lot of morphine or hydromorphone to stop withdrawal if you are dependent on oxycodone. In fact, I believe that you can wind up being dependent on both.

If your doctor switches your opiate, they will give 25-50% less that the equipotent dose because their isn't 100% cross-tolerance.
switched back to oxy, took a half 80mg ER but crushed it so made it IR, and half a 30mg IR (T-189). I felt the euphoria in minutes (subliminal absorption?) and within 20 already felt the "high"
hydromorphine doesn't seem to give me any euphoria that isn't forced.
So today I woke up 1am( I fucking have the worst sleep) took an 80mg and 2mg xanax... at 12pm I took 24mg of hydromorphine and now like an hour ago I ate 55mg and got a very nice buzz. I got myself down to between 150-90mg a day with 3mg xanax which I am very happy with cause its affordable
My chronic pain doctor makes me choose between my benzos script and him. He WILL NOT prescribe me opioids while I'm also being prescribed benzodiazepines simultaneously, to cover his ass. That's a lot of potentiation. Do you have a smart watch or a way to monitor your vitals, narcan, a wife/roommate/friend to be with you? Lol I'm a nervous Nellie always have been, but especially chewing the ER makes me concerned for you. I once did that and think I almost died lol.

I'm sorry the hydromorphone is feeling useless and you're not sleeping well. Hope you feel better soon and stay safe!
Hydromorphone is usually horrible bioavailability orally. From my experience, 24mg orally wouldn’t touch a 100mg a day oxy habit. I actually had a similar habit at one point and tried something similar only snorted them, didn’t feel much.

do opiate conversion charts not take into account bioavailability or does it assume 100% on all opiates.
Like today, I just got up, 55mg oxycodone and 1mg xanax will need to hold me over until lunch where I have 16mg of hydromorphine then a 30mg oxycodone for dinner. Fucking sucks, I have job interview in another country tomorrow and I gotta hop a flight tonight.

Conversion chart would have me believe that 16mg of hydromorhpine is equal to 4 times it amount while oxycodone is only 3... so is hydro really only 1 since its bioavailability, for easier mathsssssss, 25% making 4/4=1 ?

Im new to opiates and any help would be greatly appreciated. I grabbed a bunch more hydromorphine, cause there cheap and work for WD. I got a bunch of 20mg guys coming and 80's. I got myself down to 90mg a day from close to 300mg a day, on real bad days. I would love to take 24/48 hours completely off but I wake up real sick and its too easy to reach for a ir oxy then kratom every morning.