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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(1.8g Neurontin Gabapentin) - First Time - Trip review


Jun 2, 2015
Hello, as I am writing this i am still somewhat from gabapentin i took almost 8 Hours ago. So lets starts

7:00am: i meet my friend in the bathroom and get the pills, I traded him 1 Concerta for them. I take 1 of the 3 600mg pills and goto class.

7:25am: I take the other 2 pills in class and i start to feel a little weird, maybe placebo maybe my concerta i took earlier.

8:00am: i leave first hour and those feelings seem to subside, don't feel anything start to worry its not going to do anything.

8:30am: In my second hour class my eyes start to feel a little droopy and i feel this Wave come over me, I'm normally a very shy person and i deal with very bad social anxiety which is why i took these meds. I feel as if i have come out of my shell. I feel a little more talkative and not as scared.

9:00am: the high has definitely kicked in and im starting to get a very small euphoria and i feel like a totally new person, a better person one who is not afraid to go to the bathroom or talk to someone I don't know, or sit next to someone new. I feel like i just want to be nice and not mean(I'm usually kind of a douche bag but its mostly a defense mechanism to try and draw away from people). Now I am not though, just very nice and almost a bit intoxicated.

10:30am: I goto the lunch room to get something to eat but I'm not really hungry probably from those meds together. I just get a sandwich and a bottle of water.

11:00am: Im now in my 4th Hour Class room and this is where things get weird. I start to feel rowdy a little more intoxicated, i start to think I am slurring a little but i think its all in my head. I'm telling a lot of jokes and everyone is laughing at them and I think its like when you laugh at that one drunk fan at the baseball games. I'm swearing like a drunken sailor and yelling out obnoxious things to try to be an asshole Like Yelling put your vape away to my friend or messing with this kid telling him he has no neck. I keep making an excuse to go to the back and talk to the kids their because they're honestly the only funny people in this class and we find a lot of the same things funny, like bashing the girls in our class that like tumblr and anime. Although i must say one of the girls is actually Pretty decent looking though she is weird she obviously doesn't know how to use her looks to her advantages. I sit down next to her and start asking her a bunch of stupid shit like "do you wear choker necklaces" and "Do you smoke cigarettes". See normal me wouldn't have the balls to do this, but this isn't normal me. My teacher also taught health so i go up to her desk and grab her penis model and put it on her desk like an asshole.

12:30pm: class ends and i goto my next class and sit next to my friend who is an avid pot smoker and tell him how fucked up I am, at this point uncontrollable. Out of no where this random Hot chick sits down at our table and starts talking.
I thought it was my time to go in. tipsfedora.jpg. I'm so fucked up and anyone who knows me can tell, i'm randomly yelling out shit, asking dumb questions and just being stupid. we're handed work sheets and told to work as a group. I'm so fucked it is hard for me to think. when i am looking at this sheet i can hardly even think. So i start talking to the 2 others sitting at my table. basically i'm talking to this chick and she turns out to be a total idiot and is very stupid so i dip out of there. doespeacesignthenslowlyvanishes.mp4

1:00pm: i'm off to my next class still high as fuck. i goto it and it is french class, at this point i'm slightly slurring my words so i can hardly pronounce my french words so i put my head down on the table and try to sleep. The gabapentin makes you very tired so keep that in mind before taking it. I can't fall asleep so i start going on my phone and I thought it would be a good idea to go onto twitter and try to find twitter Porn and the teacher walks by mid-gif of a girl getting fucked in the ass and takes my phone, i tell her my friend click-baited me. She gives me my phone back and makes me do a bunch of extra work til class ends.

2:00pm: Classes are over and i'm walking to my car when i see two kids get into a fight, they start a scrum and i am some how pushed in. I started getting roughly pushed from people trying to see the fight, normally i think it would hurt but im so high i don't feel a thing.

3:50pm: as i'm writing this the high is still there more tired than high and euphoria is kinda gone but still there slightly.

Gabapentin is a great drug for people suffering any anxiety and if u want to hnave a good time. I highly suggest trying as i have heard if u take more you might hallucinate or get a even stronger buzz
Thanks for your report, @HydroOnHigh.

I've edited the title of your report so it matches with the TR subforum title policy.
I mean props to you if you end up becoming the most popular kid in school cuz of gabapentin lol but that's a much higher dose than you needed to come out of your shell. when they prescribed me neurontin for PTSD they only gave me 100mg pills so your dose would have been like half the script.
100mg gabapentin is the absolute minimum dose to start on..in my experience, most docs will start people at 300mg capsules 2-3 times daily. But yeah, he didn't need the amount he took to experience the social effects of it. But, obviously didn't hurt for the rest of the fun parts lol
I'll never understand Gabapentin as I find it incredible unique. I'm RX'ed 3,200mgs a day and I only "felt" it for 2-3 days and then you just get a dependence that has a horrific withdrawal.
Gabapentin is like Pregabalin and you need two days off in between if you want it to work. But it's not great to be addicted to. Take a look at my Lyrica thread.
Oh I loooove my Gaba, just got a bottle of 90 today from a friend, along with 20 xanax and 20 Klonopin...sweet, goes nice with my Suboxone. But ya, Gaba works for anxiety for me at a 1200mg dose, higher up I start to get the euphoric effects, like 1800mg-3000mg. It's such a wierd drug, I always thought it was like a opiate/benzo/stimulant in one. I get sooo much energy, wanna talk, get horny, super good mood, things look brighter and it last allll day...It's so wierd, the first time I took it I just felt flat out DRUNK, but just that one time, after that it's all the effects I described above.

Edit: And to make it stronger take some Ibuprophen 30mins before you take it, dunno why but it works. It also takes a while to kick in, a way to beat this is 'Gaba Shots' which is putting your dose in soda and drinking it. Also it makes it way better if you take smaller doses in 30 min increments, raised the bioavialability...as said wierd drug. Do wanna try lyrica, have heard it is much stronger....Gaba is lyricas baby cousin supposedly.... I'm on 2700mg right now,thats why I'm giving al this info,lol.
You're a bit young to be messing with anything other than weed and psychedelics IMO.

Also what's wrong with anime? Go take some psychedelics and expand you're mind cause you seem like enough of a douchebag without the downers (technically gabapentin is) believe me benzos and opiates will make you more selfish and egotistical and violent and yes they will give you more confidence but is that really what you need?