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Stimulants 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine (2-MeOPP / ortho-MeOPP) activity?


Jul 11, 2023
I can't find much information about the potential activity of 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine. I can however, find that a related(?) compound 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)piperazine (para-MeOPP / 4-MeOPP / MeOPP) has the following written about it:
1-(4-Methoxyphenyl)piperazine (hydrochloride) is a piperazine derivative with euphoric, stimulant properties comparable to those produced by amphetamine.1,2 It is assumed to have a mixed mechanism of action, with serotonergic and dopamine antagonistic properties in a similar fashion to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Also, its metabolism has been described.1,3
I'm receiving a sample of 2-MeOPP tomorrow and I would really like to know any useful information about it.
I have not tried 2-MeOPP but have tried numerous other similar piperazines. They are all shitty recreational drugs, without exception. As far as recreational drugs, the best was probably BZP (1-benzylpiperazine) and that was still a shitty drug.

In terms of 2-MeOPP, its likely that the methoxy at the ortho position would give it significantly less selectivity for serotonin (when compared to 4-MeOPP), which is a good thing when it comes to phenylpiperazine stimulants. But when searching i found this odd characterization of it:

"1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine is an effective blocker of striatal dopaminergic receptors in rat brain and is apparently the simplest chemical structure known to exert dopaminergic blocking activity. It is exhibited pronounced antihypertensive and weak sympatholytic activities in experimental animals. Blood pressure was also lowered in hypertensive patients and this effect was sometimes accompanied by a strong sedation, and after large repeated doses, by disorientation and stupor. In a filter paper bioassay 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine demonstrated acaricidal activity. 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine is a building block of many serotonergic and dopaminergic agents. Some of them have antidepressant activity."

This is rather odd, and seems to suggest it has dopamine blocking properties, given the strong antihypertensive effects. There are some antipsychotics, like aripiprazole, that feature similar components in their structure, so perhaps it shares some of those traits. Or this characterization could be wrong. But if it does produce strong antihypertensive effects, its unlikely to be recreational stimulant.

Overall, there are no good phenylpiperazines, and most are absolutely awful recreational drugs, but I actually found in personal experience that 4-benzylpiperidine was a fairly decent functional stimulant, without nasty side-effects (I wrote some of the wiki page on it actually):

I found it to be a decent, fairly mild and very forgiving stimulant, without the nasty side-effects of BZP. It was also not as strong as BZP, which can have some amphetamine like euphoria, but with nasty side-effects. It wasn't great but its mediocre and effective. I think i went through 40 grams of it (the doses required was high).

Long story short, 2-MeOPP is almost certainly a very shitty drug. And according to that one characterization that I quoted, it might even be a dopamine receptor antagonist (although I think it might be incorrect, I can't imagine it would have strong antihypertensive effects, but I could be wrong).