💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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I've been getting into these guys' podcast. It's basically just three guys talking mad shit and totally not PC stuff, but I find it's a good mix between irreverence, stupid immature humor, pretty witty stuff, some pretty brilliant accents and other comedy. It's literally just three guys talking, but I like having it on while I do mundane shit. If you're bored during all this 'Rona stuff, I recommend it:

Cumtown, I like it. =D

Ugh I got pretty drunk last night and now my head feels like a plastic army man.

Know the feel. I just have Phenibut and booze, but I'm taking a wee break from both after I realized I killed 3 x 700mls (Fuck - 2.1 litres or 6o units) of Vodka in a week or so. It's a bit silly to combine Gabas and I always stop giving af about any kind of moderation after I dose Phenibut.
Yeah phenibut tends to do that, doesn't it?

Yeah, it's the best and worst part of Phenibut. Actually, naw, the rapid tolerance development is the worst bit, then maybe the rebound anxiety. I never go higher than 1.5gs a day. Definitely diminishing returns after that.
No Abyss post for five hours. Gotta be a record. How are all you shit heads doing. I'm on my way back from picking up a quarter o' Tina. New guy. Has gold chains out the ass. Gave me like a $10 fancy container
I'm working, just tooted a 7mg bump of 3-MeO-PCE, and drank about 50mg of propylhexedrine I had left over from yesterday.
Some black kid on the bus was yelling CORONA when it was his stop, so people would move. I just dead stared at him. He's like Move White Boy. I barley moved, but i wasn't gunna be a dick.

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