💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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Its like being a Jew, but better!

Better designers, hotter female friends, better drugs (arguably), more fabulous hair, cooler hats, less rules! Its fantassdick!
Being Jewish is not a choice, youre born like that, boomer heathen !
Colombian. Only the best!
I used to only drink coffee when I was locked up, now I drink it on the outs, but I just get Maxwell 'cause I dont know any better. My sister buys the expensive shit and weighs it out, the whole 9, I will say the cup she gave me at christmas had me jacked more than the maxxy, but I might have an undiagnosed case of ADHD.. I'm bored, what am I saying?, oh yeah so coffee seems to only level me out.
Well it sounds like sis prefers the Irish coffee maybe? I sure as fuck know I'm not getting through a family Christmas without a 3:1 Jameson:Coffee ratio

This is after I pour half a bottle of Kahlua into the pot as well.
Well it sounds like sis prefers the Irish coffee maybe? I sure as fuck know I'm not getting through a family Christmas without a 3:1 Jameson:Coffee ratio

This is after I pour half a bottle of Kahlua into the pot as well.
Nah my family is cool. We had a couple magaritas and a few beers when we went out the weekend prior. But I couldn't drink on Crimmas day as I was getting an etg urine test the following day.
I used to only drink coffee when I was locked up, now I drink it on the outs, but I just get Maxwell 'cause I dont know any better. My sister buys the expensive shit and weighs it out, the whole 9, I will say the cup she gave me at christmas had me jacked more than the maxxy, but I might have an undiagnosed case of ADHD.. I'm bored, what am I saying?, oh yeah so coffee seems to only level me out.

Maxwell House has a great taste! Better than Folgers.
You can beat it with a hammer. Haha j/k

There are coffee grinders for sale. Some coffee machines come with it built in, but you can buy a coffee grinder separately.

😃 alright. I am going to have to break down and get one! These beans just smell too fabulously delicious!

I was saving it for end of the world “currency”. You know, “preppers”. But doom does not appear to be near.
at least not in the way some thought. I am eating my food storage! Lol!
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