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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

I tried heroin for the first time a couple of weeks ago... loved it. But, I have loved opiates for years. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it is not easy to get in Sacramento. Scored twice and ripped off twice. Not a good track record.
I supplemented my oxy script with dope once, my tolerance has gone up over the last 5-6yrs so something had to be done since my dr is to afraid of the dea to raise my dosage. That's along time and 15mg 3xday just doesn't cut it anymore, I was left with no choice because pancreatitis is extremely painful and constant. I would take oxy over dope any day so idk if I would consider myself "addicted" to dope since I'd much rather have oxy, even at the low dose age I get... As u see from my post dope didn't do much for me...

Um Your Def addicted. Your addicted to opiates. But just because you prefer another opiate over another doesn't mean your not addicted. If yourrationalizing heroin use because your drug of choice is too expensive your Def addicted. I get what your saying but a better way to put it would be that's what LED to your h use. If your addicted to opiates your addicted to all of them in a way. What it comes down to is which one of the myriad you are CHOOSING to do. Addiction isn't defined by drug of choice. If your choosing to do H everyday despite whatever reason, point is your addicted to H. I'm not knocking you I'm just trying to help and clarify. I don't usually comment on technicalities but I feel someone realizing their addiction is something that can eventually help them at one point or another. It took for someone to straight up, no sugar coat, tell me how it was for me to get out of denial and realize the extent and seriousness of my own addiction. Now that I know and fully understand it, help will be a lot more successful WHEN I WANT IT.
Sorry for your loss. I'm on major meds. Fentanyl Patch 75mcg every 48 hrs, Opana 10mg ir 5 per day. On top of somas, clonazepam, trazadone, wellbutrin, Fioricet, imitrex, and clonidine. I have taken as many as 20 opana irs in a day. Was thinking of trying heroin but, I wouldn't know where to begin to find it. I don't leave house much and don't have friends etc. I just was wondering how people find it. I'm in Fl
We can all tell you it's a bad idea. The choice is yours. But to answer your question, people usually find it by knowing someone who uses it. There obviously isn't a drug dealer phone book lol. You meet people by hanging out with other addicts. If you decide to be more social, I'd forgo the whole idea and hang out with good focused ppl who have their shit together. It'd be a lot better for your life. Don't start hanging out with addicts if u choose to become more social. They WILL take advantage of you, they will try to get money off of you, etc. They will want to be friends when they can benefit from you. If there's nothing to benefit from that day, they'll ignore you. Not all addicts realize they are like this, some do and can't help it. . If you want a group of ppl to talk to who can relate your experience that's what blue light is for. Keep your social circle clear of bad influences. It's what I do. And yeah, I'm still an addict, but because I surround my self with good ppl, when I get stupid ideas I'm more reluctant to do them and am a lot more positively influenced and not getting burned all the time. The only way you'll find H is by knowing someone who can get it, even if you do meet someone chances are they will tax you heavily 4 getting 4 u, they won't give away their dealers number to u easily, etc. Politics, politics. Your saving yourself a world of hurt sitting their being frustrated cuz you can't get as high on your scripts vs starting down the dope path. If you currently have a Lil money, or a lot....and like to buy things like decent food for yourself, basically anything besides the basic n necessities. . Say good bye to it once you start h. With usually a very short amount of time all of ur money will go to it d nd you'll be right where u r right now, frustrated cuz u r not getting high the way u want off of it anymore. And the odds are you'll be right back here researching how to inject. Most ppl will vouche for me. Don't make your existence (IF U R) EVEN more unhappy.
Avoiding Peer Pressure To Use

Hang this picture on the wall on a hook


Now you're set to tell them, and completely honestly, if anyone tries to get you to do dope with them that "you used to have a great hookup for hair-onion, but you lost it."

Don't smile while saying the above!

If you have the right accent it will work, if not, you will be shot!.

I thought the onion extra fitting. ;) This sounded stupider and stupider in my head as I made the picture, and the stupidest righ now heh. until I posted it. :)
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I didn't think it necessary to create a new thread for this question, so thought I'd pop it in here.

At an equianalgesic dose, roughly 20mg Oxycodone to 15mg Heroin1, what are the difference in terms of effects if each were to be plugged?

I use Oxycodone a lot for pain relief and just wondered how different they were in terms of effects?
I didn't think it necessary to create a new thread for this question, so thought I'd pop it in here.

At an equianalgesic dose, roughly 20mg Oxycodone to 15mg Heroin1, what are the difference in terms of effects if each were to be plugged?

I use Oxycodone a lot for pain relief and just wondered how different they were in terms of effects?

No one can tell you as heroin is not a regulated pharmecutical. It ranges in purity greatly.

Unless you live in the UK and have diamorphine tablets it would be anyones guess. Start with .05 or LESS (1/100th of a gram, 10 mg, 1/10 of a point). You have a small tolerance and getting it wrong could be quite the fuckup.

But really, probably better not to start with any at all.
I didn't think it necessary to create a new thread for this question, so thought I'd pop it in here.

At an equianalgesic dose, roughly 20mg Oxycodone to 15mg Heroin1, what are the difference in terms of effects if each were to be plugged?

I use Oxycodone a lot for pain relief and just wondered how different they were in terms of effects?
Heroin is probably one of the most sedating opiates I've done. When I nod on oxycodone I still have the energy to want to socialize with my peers, but when I nod on heroin I just want to do nothing and say nothing. Heroin is better for when your alone or with other people on heroin, but oxy can be fun even if your the only one nodding.
I opened this thread, because I still have it on my checklist even though I am not planning on using it any time soon. My list is almost complete, but it doesn't feel finished without heroin. This thread does make me rethink it, but I personally know 3 people who tried it, two of them a few times in a short period of time, but they all just quit after that and never had the urge of trying it again. That's why I'm not convinced to NOT try it yet.
No one can tell you as heroin is not a regulated pharmecutical. It ranges in purity greatly.

Unless you live in the UK and have diamorphine tablets it would be anyones guess. Start with .05 or LESS (1/100th of a gram, 10 mg, 1/10 of a point). You have a small tolerance and getting it wrong could be quite the fuckup.

But really, probably better not to start with any at all.
Well I do live in London, my mum was given diamorphine as part of her palliative care in the last few days of her life when she was really struggling. So what if we're talking about comparable effects at pharmaceutical grade so we're sure of the quality? What would the difference in effects be?

Heroin is probably one of the most sedating opiates I've done. When I nod on oxycodone I still have the energy to want to socialize with my peers, but when I nod on heroin I just want to do nothing and say nothing. Heroin is better for when your alone or with other people on heroin, but oxy can be fun even if your the only one nodding.
Wow that really surprises me to hear that? For me, Morphine is definitely the most sedating opiate I've ever tried, but I always associated Heroin as the opiate that provides the most euphoric rush/high. I've taken a lot of Morphine in the last few years and although it gets me high, I wouldn't say I felt in a state of euphoria, possibly because I do find it to be very sedating. Given the euphoric rush that user talk about, I really expected it to be on the other side of the spectrum with regards to sedation, so that's interesting.

I do agree with the comments on Oxy though. It gives me quite a cheerful high and I love talking to people and it always makes me feel very altruistic, caring and loving. It's a weird feeling, but I love it.
Wow that really surprises me to hear that? For me, Morphine is definitely the most sedating opiate I've ever tried, but I always associated Heroin as the opiate that provides the most euphoric rush/high. I've taken a lot of Morphine in the last few years and although it gets me high, I wouldn't say I felt in a state of euphoria, possibly because I do find it to be very sedating. Given the euphoric rush that user talk about, I really expected it to be on the other side of the spectrum with regards to sedation, so that's interesting.

I do agree with the comments on Oxy though. It gives me quite a cheerful high and I love talking to people and it always makes me feel very altruistic, caring and loving. It's a weird feeling, but I love it.[/QUOTE]

You are very right that morphine is the most sedative! Heroin is slightly more energetic but you are right that heroins' rush gives you energy but after that you nod out hard. If your familiar with the pharmocology of heroin the majority of it is quickly metablisied into morphine so the effects are nearly the same after the rush.
Heroin/Diacetylmorphine quickly metabolizes into morphine once ingested. So the sedative effect of both is pretty much the same, since you have the same thing running around your blood stream once the diacetylmorphine has metabolized into morphine.

*sorry batman, missed the last part of your message due to the improperly formatted quote there.
Well I do live in London, my mum was given diamorphine as part of her palliative care in the last few days of her life when she was really struggling. So what if we're talking about comparable effects at pharmaceutical grade so we're sure of the quality? What would the difference in effects be?

It's a powerful sedating opioid, but opium tinctures have many different physiologically active compounds in them which even remain to an extent after purification.

You have... pharmaceutical diamorphine. Most junkies would go *CHA CHING*, but very few people will ever see it. Post a picture of the bottle/pack with info redacted :)

http://palliativedrugs.com/download/081230_Opioid _Conversion_Chart_08.pdf

Has a chart with diamorphine, Dunno why they didn't include IV oxymorphone on the chart for palliative care, I bet it's a bit stronger or similar to heroins potency when IVed. I'm not gonna bother to do the map.
It'll make you a lot more creative at scoring more heroin.

i got to say every-time i read this thread i laugh at this statement :) it never gets old thanks ghostandthedarkness. by the way i have still never tryed heroin. ive stayed with oxy because of this thread. when i was i florida i did not really have access to heroin but now tha im in Hawaii there is alot of my old friends i grew up with all hopped of on meth and BTH. everytime i think to myself ahhh why not ill just try it ! i come read this thread ! and laugh my ass off when i read this statement. but really i have looked at the conversion rates for oxy to heroin and its not that big of a difference. so what is it that makes H more addictive ?
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I prefer oxy's to h, but I do like it. Lol, but now living in Amish Country, PA I see a lot of trips home to NYC to get either!
^ I disagree entirely, especially when you consider the ROA. But of course, to each their own and I wouldn't want you to test my theory just because you believe in it so much.
Not interested in ever trying H, just curious.
If a person was allergic to morphine, they would be allergic to H since it's metabolized into morphine?
It's weird bc dilaudid is synthetic morphine yet I'm not allergic to it. Codeine partially metabolizes into morphine as well I believe, and I'm not allergic to codeine. Just morphine. Hmmm.
I almost did H yesterday, this topic made me reconsider. Honestly, I regret not having tried it now. Curiousity is strong!
Good thing this thread is here, it's a bad, bad habit to start. Seen a couple friends start it and they never stopped and are basically addicted to this stuff for life :( Pretty sad