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Harm Reduction ⫸Official Plugging/Rectal Administration Megathread⫷



So you wanna put drugs up your butt? Well, you've come to the right place my friend. Follow these tried and true steps for the best booty bumping experience possible.

1) A baby nose cleaner. Yes, this thing right here:

Walk thru the baby aisle with all the lotions and diapers and whatnot and you'll find it there, for like two or three dollars. Keep it clean, and you'll have a booty bumper for a loooong time.
2) A shallow dish or bowl to put your booty bump shot in.
3) semi-lukewarm water

1) Obtain product. Weigh out desired amount of product (for me, I put some out on the counter and crush it up and chop it really fine as if I was setting up a rail, and I even do set up a rail, because that way it's easy for me to recognize how much of the powder I will be adding to my water. I do this because often times, you'll grab a tiny leetle bit and you'll think 'man this ain't shit' but then you crush it up to do a line and you're all 'where the eff did that come from'...and not only that, since I always grab too much for myself, well golly gee, I've got a line all set up for me later. Two birds, one stone. You know the drill.)
2) Get your dish. Ramekin. Monkey dish. Small bowl. Whatever the hell you wanna use. I use a tall shot glass, because this way I don't add too much water to the mix. (If you do add too much water, just find a bottle to keep it in for later. Waste not, want not.) Add your finely chopped product to the shot glass. Top with kinda lukewarm water (a little warm water is very relaxing for your poop chute. However, do NOT USE HOT WATER! yeowcha! Err on the side of caution, and when you think you've got a temp you want, do it just a little cooler than that, until you figure out what's comfy for you.) I digress. So, semi lukewarm water and product in shot glass. How much water, you ask? Well, I guess I would say about one oz. of H2O, (approx. 30 mL) or maybe a tad more. It's important to use enough water, but not too much. If you don't use enough, well, you'd be trying to shoot goo up your......yeahhhhhhh anyways....and if you use too much, and you shoot all that water up your sphinchter, you're gonna have to poo like nobody's biz...so find a happy medium and stick around an oz of fluid or so.

Enema. Yep, enema. Don't gimme that look, you're about to put drugs up your ass with a baby nose dropper for pete's sake, so just listen.
I never ever use chemical enemas, the ones that are supposed to make you poo. No no no. I just use a little bit (about 1/4 cup or a tad more) of semi lukewarm water and a dash of salt, squeeze it up there, stick your ass up in the air for about 5-10 seconds, and get up and go to the toilette and do your thang. Not only does this leave you with a minty fresh clean feeling, but your sphinchter will have more free area to absorb your dopeage! Brilliant!

1) Grab your baby nose cleaner. Your shot mix should be chillin' in your bowl/cup/dish of choice. Squeeze bulb on baby nose cleaner. Stick end into dish/glass. Release the squeeze, sucking up all the deliciousness preciousness into the bulb of the squishy thingy.
2) Find a place to get comfy, cuz you're gonna be there for a minimum of ten minutes. Grab your phone, your laptop, your mom, your cat, whatever you like.
3) Lay a towel down. Shit happens, yo.
4) Lay down on your left side, with your left leg extended, and right leg flexed forward for balance. See here:

Don't like that position? Try this one:

Either way, you need to lay still for AT LEAST 10 minutes. So I prefer position 1, so then I can watch some p0rns on the old laptop or what have you. (booty bumps make me wicked crazy horny I tell ya...)
5) Lube up your balloon knot or lube up the end of the baby nose cleaner with a little spit, or lube, or whatever you want, or just throw it in raw dog. Whatever makes you happy. Not like you're about to take king kong kock here or anything. Slide it in about 1/2-3/4". Squeeze bulb firmly, but gently. You don't want to blast it inside, but you want the motion to be swift enough to get it all in one squirt. Doing more than one squishy squirt isn't bad, but it forces extra air in there and I am not a huge fan.
6) Lay still and relax. Take deep breaths. It's usually a tiny tad uncomfortable for the first 3-4 minutes (the feeling like you're gonna shit yourself) but just relax and know that the feeling will pass shortly. Don't poo. You'll end up taking a really expensive shit. Nobody wants expensive shits.

Well, there ya go! You have just successfully administered illegal drugs up your poop chute! Call your moms!
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Little Penguin, you give a fun no-nonsense description of the process. I've never tried a nose cleaner, I'd be worried about getting all the liquid out. A syringe works for me fine. But each to her own ;)
As you withdraw the syringe the walls of the rectum collapse around the tip but there is always an opportunity for a drop of liquid to follow the syringe on the way out. I often notice a lost drop and I prepare for this by having a tissue handing to catch it and clean up when I remove the syringe. But it's never enough that it would make a significant difference.

I agree.

After reading a thread on MPA I tried plugging it and loved it.

I plugged a few times that night, and tonight (a few days later), plugged 50 mg followed by another 50 mg about two hours later.

No "leakage."

And I don't lay on my back when I plug my new favourite drug, I stand up - 50 mg with about 5 mL tap water in a 5 mL syringe, lube up, squirt it up there, pull it out, and a few minutes later I'm in bliss.

No leakage, no problems, except maybe that one drop that comes out with the syringe.

No big deal.
i tried also this with the time release oxy ...
i put it in a coffee grinder , and then went at it with a morter n pestle
not snorting, not plugging.

i just don't think it will work with those time release oxys...
trying to snort is really a waste... bad sinus headache and no buzz.
I had to actually end up trying to blow the stuff out of my nose...ughhhhh

Think you'll need to extract the goodies from the time release matrix before plugging.

That one image of the bulby thing is silly IMO.

I much prefer to use one of these 1mL Terumos when I dose drugs via rectal administration.


No discomfort, no hassle, disposable.
I just use my legal Oxycontin script orally as prescribed. (I actually do. This is due to the wonderfully-high oral bioavailability and the fact I'm lazy and just want pain-relief without a fast tolerance-increase that other ROA's apparently cause).
But for those that take their meds in ways other than oral, they may be interested in this:

Anyone had any experiences with using Acetyl L-Carnitine ('ALCAR') for boosting bioavailabilty?
There doesn't seem to be too much info in forums yet (regarding use of ALCAR to help drugs cross membranes) though there is some.
Basically (as many of you know) it's the "Acetylated derivative of L-Carnitine. During strenuous exercise, a large portion of L-Carnitine and unused Acetyl-CoA are converted to ALCAR and CoA inside mitochondria by Carnitine O-AcetylTransferase. ALCAR is transported outside the Mitochondria where it converts back to the two constituents." - (quickly copied from Wikipedia).

There are reports that it helps the drugs cross your mucous membranes, and is used in a similiar way to 'chitosan and morphine'.

*And from Taimepedae:
Acetyl L-Carnitine - Recent developments on the /opi/ board have discovered that this substance can considerably increase the bio-availability of mucus membranes to much higher levels. It has been tried so far by a wide range of users and reports have been almost always positive, except when taken orally. Acetyl L-Carnitine doesn't seem to effect the GI tract at all. For snorting, mix a very small amount of Acetyl L-Carnitine with a small amount of water. Usually recommended amount is between 1mg and 10mg, but if you don't have any way to accurately measure you can just use a small pinch of the powder. After mixing with water snort this into both nostrils and make sure that it gets back into your nose. The main mucus membranes in your nose are much farther back than the larger passage in the front of your nose, and as such your finger cannot reach them so snorting is the only option. For rectal administration the process is the same. You need a larger amount of Acetyl L-Carnitine because of the increased surface area of the mucus membrane. Mix with water and use some kind of needless syringe to administrate the liquid. More information on the specifics can be found on the rectal page. For both nasal and rectal administration, it is best to take this 15-20 minutes before your dose. It would also be best to start at a much lower dose than normal because of the large increase in bioavailability. Some users have report as much as a 2x increase in perceived strength, doubling the perceived mg dose (40mg of Oxy may feel like 80mg). This product can be found at many health food stores like GNC or even at normal stores like Walmart or your local grocery store or pharmacy. It's usually sold under the name Acetyl L-Carnitine but as long as you buy an Acetylated version of Carnitine it will work. Be wary of "L-Carnitine" without the "Acetyl" in front -- this is not the same product."
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That one image of the bulby thing is silly IMO.

I much prefer to use one of these 1mL Terumos when I dose drugs via rectal administration.


No discomfort, no hassle, disposable.

Except that the quantity of liquid is rather too small for satisfactorily dissolving mdma for example.
What about dissolving an oral benzo dose in 2.5ml of wine, then mixing with 2.5ml of water(the 50/50 wine enema rule), than letting the insoluble binders sink, and pull off the fluid with a syringe and plug that?
Surely insoluble binders will just get "evacuated" with any other solids which arrive in the rectum?
You Americans are weird with your vaginal douches and your baby nose cleaners!
Haha yes lets start a UK vs US weirdness debate...it'll go back and forth forever, humans are the things that are weird!;)
That one image of the bulby thing is silly IMO.
I much prefer to use one of these 1mL Terumos when I dose drugs via rectal administration.
I also find it a bit odd when people use things other than syringes but i've never had a problem acquiring them though. I have to ask though, you can't be fitting whatever your plugging into a singular ml....right?!? So you must be going back for seconds? How do people manage to do this? Plugging isn't the worst thing in the world but I can never imagine how people shoot 10+mls up there or use anything higher than a 5ml syringe. I've gone back for seconds before when using less soluble things and it was messy not to mention pretty difficult. I always notice anything past 5mls as well, it always gives off that uncomfortable pressure "I've got to shit!" feeling for a bit. Which for me its actually really uncomfortable so I rarely use more than 3mls which is a bit difficult sometimes but not to bad. I can fit things like MDMA into 3mls of warm water fairly easily(note I like plugging/IM'ing usually 60 mgs max but rarely travel over 15-30) as well.
i usually plug 5ml with no discomfort, guess i have a big rectum! yeah, i don't see the attraction of 1ml syringes either. for example, i used to dose 70-100mg o-dt, this took quite an effort to dissolve in 5ml of water, including heating and lots of stirring. i'd rather do one plug than two because i always wash my plugging syringe thoroughly between plugs, as it's coming in contact with other things that don't go up my arsehole.
the stack and draw method is extremly helpfull. just take the top part off the oral syringe, put pills in(i could fit up to 7 or 8 hydros in mine im sure, put plunger back on pushing it till it meets the pills, suck up just a tiny bit of hot water and shake till dissolved(its best to let it sit there for about 2 mins and then 1 or 2 shakes and its dissolved, plug said pills and walah your high as a kite, longer duration, you dont need as much as your normal dose, and best of all NO SPILLS
i don't have anything to add here. i never thought hearing about people's personal anal and rectal experiences would be so interesting. i read the whole thing! makes me almost wish i regularly used a suitable substance.
I recently had an idea. which i might someday try(I would propably use it with a stimulant , methylone or something) and i wanted to hear what you guys thought of my idea.

Some drugs have a rather short duration and require redosing.
most of the time I want to redose im not in a situation i want to be snorting or popping pills or other roa for that matter.
I read that gelatine capsules take a while to dissolve in the anal cavetiy.

my idea is to take a small capsule and fill it with a redose, next you take a slightly bigger capsule and fill it with another redose.
now you put the smaller capsule in the the bigger capsule (along with the redose).
you repeat this step as often as you want.
and then you simply plug it.
the idea is the outer capsule will slowly dissolve giving you a redose , then the inner capsule will dissolve and give you a redose, and then its inner capsule and so on,
the result, a constant stream off extra drugs to keep you going nice and hard.

so, do you guys think this would work, or would it disolve to slow/ to fast or wont work for some other reason?
i pretty much only do H now but roxies are awesome for plugging. its the best way to do them. i started with the 1ml terumo's that my cat had. and then i bought a big ass oral syringe cuz u cant fit like 3-4 roxies in a little ass 1ml. i wish i could tell more people about how good it is but it seems so gay lol i know people would be grossed out.
but i still remember to this day i hadent used in a while and i ended up getting 3 roxie 30's after like 2 solid weeks of not using. i dumped the crushed powder into the back of the syringe and when i went to stick the plunger back in my arm jerked for some reason and all 3 30s ended up spilled all over my hand and bathroom sink.
so what do i do? lick my hand clean of course then wiped up all the spilled roxie with a peice of toilet paper and fucking ate it. yup lol. i was sitting there thinking "i diddent get it all" "theres no way im getting high" 20 mins later to my surprise i was pretty fuckin high lol it was such a relife, i thought i wasted it all for a bit and was so fucking pissed.
^just watched it...nasty as hell! but i love it mate, well done! Not sure how long it will last with that level of decency though!

Plug ya life away