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Meth ⫸Methamphetamine Megathread⫷

To start with - my thanks to all of you who have participated in this mega-thread. This is a priceless resource that you have all come together to create. I have read a lot about missed shots, abscess, hitting nerves, etc. I have seen many people asking for help with bruising, discoloration, pain etc. Something that has always helped me is Arnica cream or gel, applied liberally to the area about 3 or 4 times a day. I usually buy it at a local health food store but recently saw it being sold at Target. Med spas tend to recommend it for use after injectable cosmetics and fillers to shorten the healing time as well as lessen the bruising, swelling and pain. I've had great success with it for bruises, pain and also with a slightly missed shot -* but please, take it seriously when I say always use hygienic practices and Arnica gel / cream should NEVER EVER be used as a substitute for medical care for abscesses or any suspected infection or injury.* I hope this may prove helpful. Stay safe!
meth questions answered

ok so Im new here and im not sure where to post this so let me know. ill go ahead and make the post to save time and move it later. I have looked on this site numerous times when I had questions about drugs particularly about injecting crystal meth. its uselessly a question about the dangers of doing something really stupid like a syringe mixed with your blood and a full hit of meth can sit before you shouldn't use it. normally the answers are people laughing at the idea or acting like they themselves would never do something so low and stupid. while these answers are correct they dont really help the people that are seriously thinking about doing it. so I have shot meth for about 3 years doing .20 -.40 a day 2 injections a day give or take. I have done every stupid thing you can think of except shearing needs. answer to the question referenced above extremely dangerous the blood in syringe is now cloted and could easily clot ur vein and kill u. but I am very healthy no blood vein issues in past plus im abnormally resistant to a number of things that would easily harm most. I did it without a problem. I've used the same insulin syringe for over a month, used huge Gage 20 needles, ive missed shots and had huge lump then shot through the lump from lack of finding another vein successfuly, put water into pipe with smoked meth drawn it up and shot it successfully you name it. I have NEVER had an infection,mind you like I said im abnormally resistant to these things. you could sow up a dead cat in me and I'd be fine. now im ready to endure countless replys say a-to-z about how stupid I am and you would be right. but we have to realize is a fiend is going to get high one way or another no mater what. harm prevention is my angle and its hard to argue that shooting cloted blood and pipe residue in ur vein is harm prevention but I did it all anyway. if anyone has questions about iv meth message me. ill tell you how incredibly dangerous it is but not hype it over the top. if your still thinking about doing it ill help u do an unsafe thing as safely as possible. harm prevention. thank you.
Hi, Thank you for sharing about your experience with meth. I could move your post if you like to a specific drug section. I used meth for a long time... but long ago.

Anyways, great to have you aboard - welcome to the site! I bet you will have a lot to contribute.

Smoky :)
ok so Im new here and im not sure where to post this so let me know. ill go ahead and make the post to save time and move it later. I have looked on this site numerous times when I had questions about drugs particularly about injecting crystal meth. its uselessly a question about the dangers of doing something really stupid like a syringe mixed with your blood and a full hit of meth can sit before you shouldn't use it. normally the answers are people laughing at the idea or acting like they themselves would never do something so low and stupid. while these answers are correct they dont really help the people that are seriously thinking about doing it. so I have shot meth for about 3 years doing .20 -.40 a day 2 injections a day give or take. I have done every stupid thing you can think of except shearing needs. answer to the question referenced above extremely dangerous the blood in syringe is now cloted and could easily clot ur vein and kill u. but I am very healthy no blood vein issues in past plus im abnormally resistant to a number of things that would easily harm most. I did it without a problem. I've used the same insulin syringe for over a month, used huge Gage 20 needles, ive missed shots and had huge lump then shot through the lump from lack of finding another vein successfuly, put water into pipe with smoked meth drawn it up and shot it successfully you name it. I have NEVER had an infection,mind you like I said im abnormally resistant to these things. you could sow up a dead cat in me and I'd be fine. now im ready to endure countless replys say a-to-z about how stupid I am and you would be right. but we have to realize is a fiend is going to get high one way or another no mater what. harm prevention is my angle and its hard to argue that shooting cloted blood and pipe residue in ur vein is harm prevention but I did it all anyway. if anyone has questions about iv meth message me. ill tell you how incredibly dangerous it is but not hype it over the top. if your still thinking about doing it ill help u do an unsafe thing as safely as possible. harm prevention. thank you.
U used same syringe for a month? Did u clean it in between uses?
Hi, Thank you for sharing about your experience with meth. I could move your post if you like to a specific drug section. I used meth for a long time... but long ago.

Anyways, great to have you aboard - welcome to the site! I bet you will have a lot to contribute.

Smoky :)
Thanks for bumping up the megathread. I had no idea there was a methamphetamine MT, i just assumed nobody did meth lol. The 3.0 is in Australia Discussion so it does not apply to everyone. Finally, justice has been served. bless your heart
kinda I would draw up water then push it out hard after each use
ok cool cuz I did that a few times when I shot up oxy but I didnt filter it so when I went to the hospital the anaesthesia guy wanted to give me an injection couldn't find a damn vein on my arm. He was like "WHERE ARE UR VEINS???" Well it took him a couple mins to find one. Lol.

Did u burst a lot of veins?

Does anyone know if veins can grow back?
well I've heard busting a vein is really painful so im not sure if I have. I really don't understand how it pops, if u miss its not in vein its in muscle tissue or under skin which burns pretty good. if you are in vein ur good seems like you'd have to smash the plunger down extremely hard and fast to pop vein am I right?? but a collapsed vein/ popped vein will never grow back.
No it's not unless the needle is real dull and you hook it that is give it a little pull

Veins don't grow back but other veins take over vascular function and swell this will make it seem like new veins pop up...
ya thats right there lots of tiny veins even smaller than the ones on ur hands and feet right. and I have a question meth is suppose to cause extreme dental decay right. is it more so from iv/smoking? and I have a few friends that are older than me 45-65 and all there teeth ave long been gone. they say it's from the drugs but I smoked from 2013 to 2014 every single day and from then to present shot $20-$40 a day skiping a day or two hear and there and my teeth are still in very good shape. maybe they made the dope different back then??
ya thats right there lots of tiny veins even smaller than the ones on ur hands and feet right. and I have a question meth is suppose to cause extreme dental decay right. is it more so from iv/smoking? and I have a few friends that are older than me 45-65 and all there teeth ave long been gone. they say it's from the drugs but I smoked from 2013 to 2014 every single day and from then to present shot $20-$40 a day skiping a day or two hear and there and my teeth are still in very good shape. maybe they made the dope different back then??

Some people say it has more to do with the dental hygeine of the user than the methamp itself. Although some cuts/different synthesis(especially improper synthesis leaving behind nasty shit) used in different batches could definitely make some product alot worse than others.
this will probably sound like bs but it will work for you. I shoot meth every day I can but sometimes im out its Tuesday and I have 4 more 12 hour days at work. I mow lawns id sleep in the truck between stops sometimes as little as 4 - 5 min which makes for a terrible day and all week sux. my boss gave me a pill one day and I knew it was some kind of thing for either energy or vitamins. ive tryed energy drinks /shots, caffeine pills, nodoze, vitamins nothing has ever effected me in the least,even years before drugs they did nothing. this worked I wasn't wired I wasn't jittery I was just... normal. good mood energy, its great. they are xm extreme morning caps. daytime weight management brand zija there meal supplement pills. now if I had read this post in the past id laugh at it, there's no way a meal supplement could work all day great with no side effects. just give it a try. I thoght as long as I use meth when im out ill be calling in once a week and hating work forever but im good now
Now what about Mucana Pruriens.. the supplement that helps restore dopamine. If I relapsed and binged for a month and a half and I've been clean for almost 2 and a half weeks but still lethargic due to only being able to sleep 5-7 hours of sleep sometimes less because of working full time.. what can you do to speed things up as far as recovery and lethargy! I didn't do it everyday for a month but almost.. maybe 4-5 times a week for a month and a half. I just want to know what I can do to speed things up and I heard about Mucana Pruriens helping restore that lost dopamine from the meth use. I can't stay lethargic like this I'll get fired! And I won't go back to that shit.. it was a mistake relapsing in the first place! Coffee sucks.. Modafinil sucks.. being employed is great but not when you can't sleep this shit off for a whole month and then some lol what should I do?

this will probably sound like bs but it will work for you. I shoot meth every day I can but sometimes im out its Tuesday and I have 4 more 12 hour days at work. I mow lawns id sleep in the truck between stops sometimes as little as 4 - 5 min which makes for a terrible day and all week sux. my boss gave me a pill one day and I knew it was some kind of thing for either energy or vitamins. ive tryed energy drinks /shots, caffeine pills, nodoze, vitamins nothing has ever effected me in the least,even years before drugs they did nothing. this worked I wasn't wired I wasn't jittery I was just... normal. good mood energy, its great. they are xm extreme morning caps. daytime weight management brand zija there meal supplement pills. now if I had read this post in the past id laugh at it, there's no way a meal supplement could work all day great with no side effects. just give it a try. I thoght as long as I use meth when im out ill be calling in once a week and hating work forever but im good now
they are xm extreme morning caps. daytime weight management brand zija there meal supplement pills. now if I had read this post in the past id laugh at it, there's no way a meal supplement could work all day great with no side effects. just give it a try. I thoght as long as I use meth when im out ill be calling in once a week and hating work forever but im good now

That ingredient list actually looks quite promising. Coming from a bodybuilding background, most supps these days suck ass, but that combination looks alright. Cheers, hadnt heard of it before. Dunno if it will be shipped through the nazi customs officers in oz.
I'm so glad I found this forum. I've been outta the scene for awhile but now that I'm back wtf happened to meth? Used to just wash all my shit now I can't even do that. I don't know what the he'll this shit is but it won't wash...HELP!! any info would be helpful
^ We don't know what you have and we're not allowed to speculate, however whatever doesn't freely disolve in water, isn't meth hcl..
ok so Im new here and im not sure where to post this so let me know. ill go ahead and make the post to save time and move it later. I have looked on this site numerous times when I had questions about drugs particularly about injecting crystal meth. its uselessly a question about the dangers of doing something really stupid like a syringe mixed with your blood and a full hit of meth can sit before you shouldn't use it. normally the answers are people laughing at the idea or acting like they themselves would never do something so low and stupid. while these answers are correct they dont really help the people that are seriously thinking about doing it. so I have shot meth for about 3 years doing .20 -.40 a day 2 injections a day give or take. I have done every stupid thing you can think of except shearing needs. answer to the question referenced above extremely dangerous the blood in syringe is now cloted and could easily clot ur vein and kill u. but I am very healthy no blood vein issues in past plus im abnormally resistant to a number of things that would easily harm most. I did it without a problem. I've used the same insulin syringe for over a month, used huge Gage 20 needles, ive missed shots and had huge lump then shot through the lump from lack of finding another vein successfuly, put water into pipe with smoked meth drawn it up and shot it successfully you name it. I have NEVER had an infection,mind you like I said im abnormally resistant to these things. you could sow up a dead cat in me and I'd be fine. now im ready to endure countless replys say a-to-z about how stupid I am and you would be right. but we have to realize is a fiend is going to get high one way or another no mater what. harm prevention is my angle and its hard to argue that shooting cloted blood and pipe residue in ur vein is harm prevention but I did it all anyway. if anyone has questions about iv meth message me. ill tell you how incredibly dangerous it is but not hype it over the top. if your still thinking about doing it ill help u do an unsafe thing as safely as possible. harm prevention. thank you.

If you give a good reason to your immune system to protect you, it will. I'm like that, I really believe the immune system is greatly increased by pleasure, or at least following pleasure sessions. Depressed people who are always in a bad mood always tend to be the weakest prey to infections and disease. They got all kinds of disease I've never even heard of! I'm like jees, I take Dexedrine and don't give a fuck, that's the attitude, didn't get a cold in 3 years.
^yes I should be dead from everything but shame and guilt will be the things that kill an empathetic meth user.

To those trying to deal with track marks and what not - fellas, you're not a real meth head until you carry a make up kit, namely concealer..... Once you know your colour you are at the top of the bottom rung.