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Meth ⫸Methamphetamine Megathread⫷


I'm ok with 30-50 mg at a time TBPH...

For new timers / low tolerance, it can't hurt to start a bit lower.

This. That really goes with any drug, especially via IV. It really depends on the quality of the product and ones tolerance. You can always do more, so it's not really appropriate to say any dose under a certain amount "isn't worth it", because there are a lot of variables in play, and everyone is different.
Word. I'll watch my words more scrupulously; sometimes I forget we're talking strictly HR and not general conversation.
anything under 100mg is not worth injecting, IMO.
I was doing shots that were around 70-90mg. i think my guy got an upgrade because they gave me the nicest rushes. not too intense.
but i wouldn't have liked it to be too intense. and i only needed to redose every 12hrs. last time he gave me a bag that every 5-6hrs, i wanted another shot.
Got a question for you guys, I have been iving meth on and off for 5 years, with the longest laspe in time when I was clean was probably about 5 or 6 months. So anyways I used to be a daily user, and would do anywhere from 25cc to 75cc at a time, sometimes with no effect, because my tolerance was so high. Now I am only iving maybe 3-4 times a month. I no longer get that motor mouth thing like i used to and I kinda miss it, I also feel like when I get high and even when I'm not I've become just emotionally shut-off , where I feel no emotions, I can't remember the last time I cried. I also no longer enjoy sex, or even want it even after iving meth, what is my problem and how can i fix it?
Got a question for you guys, I have been iving meth on and off for 5 years, with the longest laspe in time when I was clean was probably about 5 or 6 months. So anyways I used to be a daily user, and would do anywhere from 25cc to 75cc at a time, sometimes with no effect, because my tolerance was so high. Now I am only iving maybe 3-4 times a month. I no longer get that motor mouth thing like i used to and I kinda miss it, I also feel like when I get high and even when I'm not I've become just emotionally shut-off , where I feel no emotions, I can't remember the last time I cried. I also no longer enjoy sex, or even want it even after iving meth, what is my problem and how can i fix it?

Stop doing so much meth...
^ ditto. And 25-75 cc is a shit ton of liquid and gives no bearing on the actual amount of drug being consumed?

He must have meant 25-75 units. 1cc=1ml, or one full syringe full.. so 25cc's would be massive. Makes no sense.
iv been doing lot of research on shake and bake with a fire extinguisher instead of 2lt bottles... does anyone know what im talking bout? or any good easy recipes?

Synth discussion like that is not allowed on BL. Recipes for meth and whatnot can not be discussed here. There are plenty of sites you can find on google with that info, although you need to be very careful because it's dangerous.
be careful when using 30gauge or + needle tips, especially if using the same needle over and over, the needle being so thin can snap off and get stuck in ur vein...also small tip needles sometimes get skin stuck in the tip, so when ur hitting a vein, you get confused and think your not in ur vein cause no blood drew back. When you really are, it leads to problems, i only reccommend 30G+ for new users with great veins

If you're not reusing your needles, which you shouldn't be doing anyway no matter what size you use, then you don't have to worry about it.
I've done shots before, but it would be another person administering to me, but I'm set on trying to myself. I'm wondering how much water to mix with it filled to right under 30 units(ml) and it's not entirely crushed just packed a bit with the plunger. I don't have any other way to measure it.

Wait you're filling the syringe with the meth, before you add the water? You're not drawing it up through a filter? Who the hell told you to do that?
^ back loading crystal is real popular around here.

I recommend against it. My last bag had a hair in it. :|
^ What have meth dealers come to when they allow a hair to be in the bag? Such a shame to hear that.
first post. 9:00 pm last night, slammed ,22. good, just good rush. 2:00 am. slammed 1.7. little rush. meh. 11::00 am. last hit of. the run, day off today, work tomorrow. slammed .3 hard to text. think i will modify the day off formula to 2 .3's, 6pm and 6 am. jesus, im so high.
thanks for the welcome.,Mr S. BL and this thread have been a greatnco-pilot the past weeks