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‘Very promising’: UK’s first full heroin-prescribing scheme extended after reductions in crime and homelessness


Bluelight Crew
Apr 2, 2009
‘Very promising’: UK’s first full heroin-prescribing scheme extended after reductions in crime and homelessness
The UK’s first fully-fledged scheme to provide heroin users with a safe and legal supply of the drug has been extended for a further year, after showing “very promising results”.

Heroin-assisted treatment has been used successfully for decades in Switzerland, based in part on Britain’s long-forgotten model of heroin prescribing, and despite “impressive” UK trials, government funding for post-pilot schemes was removed in 2015.

But in Cleveland and Glasgow, police and local health experts have pushed in recent years for the creation of two of the UK’s first fully-fledged centres, both of which are now up and running, providing access to medical-grade diamorphine twice per day and to wider social support.

Campaigners celebrated the first “dramatic” results from Middlesbrough’s scheme on Wednesday, which found a vast reduction in re-offending rates and use of street drugs, and significant improvements in participants’ health and quality of life, including seeing those homeless at the outset placed in accommodation.

Thirteen of the city’s most at-risk heroin users, who had found other treatments unsuccessful and were of concern to criminal justice agencies and health services, accessed the programme – which will now be largely funded by money seized from criminals. Eight remain, while five dropped out or were suspended.
Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...esults-crime-homelessness-drugs-a9680551.html
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They were meant to be starting one of these clinics & legal shooting gallery just round the corner from me some months back but the idea just dropped dead due to some local Tory scum.

I'll believe it when I see it

Unfortunately, though many people agree with these ideas in principle and the evidence is there, they have a "not in my backyard mentality." Basically it goes: "Want a reduction in crime, strain on the medical system alongside greater social contact/care for addicts and a general reduction in some of the serious consequences of drug addiction? Yeah! Can we put up a clinic in your neighborhood? Fuck no! My property values! Think of the children!"
Unfortunately, though many people agree with these ideas in principle and the evidence is there, they have a "not in my backyard mentality." Basically it goes: "Want a reduction in crime, strain on the medical system alongside greater social contact/care for addicts and a general reduction in some of the serious consequences of drug addiction? Yeah! Can we put up a clinic in your neighborhood? Fuck no! My property values! Think of the children!"

How very true, people don't want people doing what they have to just to keep from getting sick & they also don't want somewhere to go that's legal to shoot or toot etc.......

The logic of the everyday house wife or white man that works 40 hours a week & only has a few pints on a wk/end is kinda stupid in my view.
Like you said "Think of the children!" you know, all those bag heads trying to get their children addicted to evil heroin so they can take their £5 per week pocket money & shoot up their little veins with evil dope!!!!!
How very true, people don't want people doing what they have to just to keep from getting sick & they also don't want somewhere to go that's legal to shoot or toot etc.......

The logic of the everyday house wife or white man that works 40 hours a week & only has a few pints on a wk/end is kinda stupid in my view.
Like you said "Think of the children!" you know, all those bag heads trying to get their children addicted to evil heroin so they can take their £5 per week pocket money & shoot up their little veins with evil dope!!!!!

If anything, I would think a little center with a bunch of struggling, sad addicts beholden to their two government doses of heroin a day would act as a great big neon sign to kids saying "don't do fucking heroin!" The War on Drugs failed before it started and has done nothing good for the world.
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Great to hear, though it's worth noting that this is not the UK's first fully-fledged heroin prescribing scheme. It seems that it has been forgotten over time, but heroin prescriptions for maintenance used to be known as the "British system" until that system was largely dismantled in the 1960s.
Been saying for years heroin should be available on prescription. It lets the user stabilize their life plus have access to treatment if wanted and become part of society again get a job start building their life. For the wider community, it lowers crime ends up cost less taxpayer money than keeping it illegal.But we all know the conservatives even if the facts where all there they will ignore them and say it not moral to give drugs to addicts
The problem with these schemes are that they are only offered to the most difficult, treatment resistant, thieving, lieing junkies. So the moral of the story is: "To get what you want, just be a cunt".

Ain't that just true of life in general..?

The worst offenders are selected purely to benefit society, rather than to help the individual.
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The problem with these schemes are that they are only offered to the most difficult, treatment resistant, thieving, lieing junkies. So the moral of the story is: "To get what you want, just be a cunt".

Ain't that just true of life in general..?

The worst offenders are selected purely to benefit society, rather than to help the individual.

"To get what you want, just be a cunt"

I want that phrase on a plaque above my desk
From what I've read on here, they started with heroin and it was limited to a set group of people. It never started with morphine and progressed to heroin treatment, or at least not formally. It was when other traditional methods failed, but also included rehabilitation so that seems like it could mean just about anything. Of course I could be completely wrong

Morphine is inferior.thats why
That's not why. Morphine is therapeutic and heroin is only slightly better, but that's no reason to not use morphine unless you're being sarcastic, which is fine I guess
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Great to hear, though it's worth noting that this is not the UK's first fully-fledged heroin prescribing scheme. It seems that it has been forgotten over time, but heroin prescriptions for maintenance used to be known as the "British system" until that system was largely dismantled in the 1960s.
Absolutely correct! Picadilly Circus was the main pharmacy then i think, but i was still shitting my diapers back then. I remember when they opened the first one in Frankfurt and expected to be flooded, then flabbergasted why noone came. So they went on the scene and asked....its even on YT, worth watching. The system has flaws.No takehomes, go there twice a Day (!!!),no side addictions like benzos ( nowadays???) and of course no vacation. Now as a Freelancer you got that money/ supply problem ( unless your born filthy rich or a functioning addict in well paid job) but most manage that. And when down with flu or just plain ugly, cold n dark outside, get yourself a few grams, couple pills n stay in cozy warm bed. Not drag yourself up, sludge through heaps of snow and then stay there cuz going home and coming back makes no sense. If you live around the corner, fine. But not all do. Plus the place tends to be in some industrial area cuz like stated the brickheads dont want that in their neighbourhoods. " the children, the children...."! Fuggit, " the children " wont turn into Junkies just cuz you got a clinic near you. Rather more likely not! That system needs a good once over, that Way now will never make more than a dent. Sorry for the rant

From what I've read on here, they started with heroin and it was limited to a set group of people. It never started with morphine and progressed to heroin treatment, or at least not formally. It was when other traditional methods failed, but also included rehabilitation so that seems like it could mean just about anything. Of course I could be completely wrong

That's not why. Morphine is therapeutic and heroin is only slightly better, but that's no reason to not use morphine unless you're being sarcastic, which is fine I guess
Correct Gormur!!! Here you can get into Morphine extended release pills, first 1 week for everyone ( started round 1998 ),then of course too many were caught going into treatment unaddicted or claiming higher dosed than were and making a quick buck.
Now its a week if you work, everyday pickup in pharmacy if you dont. Thanks to Covid its a week for all now and be caught dealing twice your out, which is fair cuz esp the gypsies and other immigrants ( i am left wing!) abused that lenient Way it was first and screwed it for all. But i got distracted, sorry! Many think its MORPHIN NOT DIAMORPHIN cuz M.is just more acceptable for the health system. Heavens forbid we actually give them HEROIN, its just what these daft creatures WANT! So No, morphin it is. Still better than only methadone, levomethadone or buprenorphin. Still a long Way to go...
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The one in Middlesbrough is right near the high street, about two minutes walk from the cinema, five minutes from the cop shop.
I think some programs do.
Morphine is weak. I think that ALMOST every country is fucked. That being said it’s nice to see some progression and less criminalization. That being said, i doubt it will work. I didn’t really read article, but as we know with opiates you will gain a tolerance. So what they go to clinic twice a day for how long until they need to get some illegally anyway. Like in states where you in that state weed is legal, but they tell you how much you can have/buy legally. So what when that’s not enough? People get what they need regardless. I really hope it helps people though. Having experience with heroin addiction myself it would not have helped me it would have just been two more shots i did that day. But i truly hope it helps. Sorry I rambled ive never actually commented on here this topic-i feel it in my soul- just as much as i felt it when i said morphine is weak❤️
For me personally morphine is the only drug that can fight off the withdrawals good enough as well as being something I don't spiral out of control with.
Morphine is weak. I think that ALMOST every country is fucked. That being said it’s nice to see some progression and less criminalization. That being said, i doubt it will work. I didn’t really read article, but as we know with opiates you will gain a tolerance. So what they go to clinic twice a day for how long until they need to get some illegally anyway. Like in states where you in that state weed is legal, but they tell you how much you can have/buy legally. So what when that’s not enough? People get what they need regardless. I really hope it helps people though. Having experience with heroin addiction myself it would not have helped me it would have just been two more shots i did that day. But i truly hope it helps. Sorry I rambled ive never actually commented on here this topic-i feel it in my soul- just as much as i felt it when i said morphine is weak❤
Having been hooked and banging morphine for a year, and having been hooked on IV heroin for more brief periods several times, I know what you mean. Heroin takes the high to a completely different planet. However, some IV morphine plus klonopin could drop you up to your eyelids in the dirt.
Having been hooked and banging morphine for a year, and having been hooked on IV heroin for more brief periods several times, I know what you mean. Heroin takes the high to a completely different planet. However, some IV morphine plus klonopin could drop you up to your eyelids in the dirt.

Heroin is a name for correct, me if I'm wrong Diacetyl-Morphine meaning Heroin is literally simply morphine that penetrates the blood-brain barrier causing a quicker and stronger effect especially when it comes to the I.V. rush for Heroin compared to Morphine otherwise they r basically the same drug nearly at least with some subtle differences.