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Stimulants ¿Meth questions?


Nov 23, 2018
Can smoking meth (almost) daily cause emphysema? Where can I read about this?
Thanks. Peace.
Interesting that particulates from injecting meth can also lodge in the lungs and give emphysema - not just smoking.
Definitelty. Putting anything into your bloodstream can ultimately lead to damage in the lungs or heart. There have definitely been recorded instances of lung damage associated with Methamphetamine smoking/vaporizing. I'm not sure if the culprit is contaminants or just Methamphetamine itself.

I noticed you used Spanish style quotations in your thread title. This is America. We speak American here and we use strictly one question mark per question. Donald Trump 2020. New World Order. @JoeBidenIlluminati@SleepyJoeIsACreepyHo@WeretheNazisReallyThatBad?@MikePenceisDefinitelynotstucksodeepintheclosetthathehasbecomelostsostoptalkingaboutit
Definitelty. Putting anything into your bloodstream can ultimately lead to damage in the lungs or heart. There have definitely been recorded instances of lung damage associated with Methamphetamine smoking/vaporizing. I'm not sure if the culprit is contaminants or just Methamphetamine itself.

I noticed you used Spanish style quotations in your thread title. This is America. We speak American here and we use strictly one question mark per question. Donald Trump 2020. New World Order. @JoeBidenIlluminati@SleepyJoeIsACreepyHo@WeretheNazisReallyThatBad?@MikePenceisDefinitelynotstucksodeepintheclosetthathehasbecomelostsostoptalkingaboutit
Actually in this country, the USA, English, Spanish, and French is spoken. I used the first question mark so my thread would be noticed, and, because, as a free American, I can write any way I damn well please. Oh, and thanks for your input.
It seems to be rare, although lung damage in general is kind of a given. Here’s a correlation I found to emphysema.

Thanks for the info. I've also noticed many meth smokers also enjoy smoking pot and tobacco. For me, regular use of all three comes with a persistent cough.