Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Besides the fact that i am dealing with pssd i also have a mother that likes to tease me about it whenever she’s mad and now she is trying to put me back in the mental hospital as we speak just because i was saying she does nothing and doesn’t clean up.
Thanks for listening and understanding maikon douglas. There's still much hope for you. And I truly pray that you recover. :) ❤️

I've pieced it or put it together. This all has to do with the MOTIVATION and ENERGY factor, and the INDIFFERENCE factor as well. I'll explain. It is by motivation that you are able to experience your energy. And without motivation you are unable to experience that energy. This goes for all of you dealing with the Invega side effects, etc. If you believe, hope, or expect to receive recovery it gives you motivation to experience your energy. And where the indifference comes to play is, if you neither believe or hope to see recovery nor are afraid or hopeless that you won't recover, you should still have motivation or experience of your energy if the Invega is not the underlying cause. But because it is, you won't be able to consistently experience your energy through motivation. That's the key to all this. So, if anyone truly has recovered then they will either be hyper as they were, have their emotions as they were, or their motivation will again be at the level it was or better.

Many people may not want to hear this post. But this is probably one of the truest comments or posts ever on this site (website).
I'm not putting my trust in people's comments anymore regarding recovery. Too much lying going on. And many people love praise and applause rather than declaring or saying what is really true.
Thanks for listening and understanding maikon douglas. There's still much hope for you. And I truly pray that you recover. :) ❤️

I've pieced it or put it together. This all has to do with the MOTIVATION and ENERGY factor, and the INDIFFERENCE factor as well. I'll explain. It is by motivation that you are able to experience your energy. And without motivation you are unable to experience that energy. This goes for all of you dealing with the Invega side effects, etc. If you believe, hope, or expect to receive recovery it gives you motivation to experience your energy. And where the indifference comes to play is, if you neither believe or hope to see recovery nor are afraid or hopeless that you won't recover, you should still have motivation or experience of your energy if the Invega is not the underlying cause. But because it is, you won't be able to consistently experience your energy through motivation. That's the key to all this. So, if anyone truly has recovered then they will either be hyper as they were, have their emotions as they were, or their motivation will again be at the level it was or better.

Many people may not want to hear this post. But this is probably one of the truest comments or posts ever on this site (website).
I'm not putting my trust in people's comments anymore regarding recovery. Too much lying going on. And many people love praise and applause rather than declaring or saying what is really true.
And when you don't experience or are unable to experience your energy (fully), you most likely or most certainly will feel depressed. And you'll keep oscillating between being motivated and not being motivated. And such will give the false appearance of bipolar or some other so-called mental illness or ailment. That's what Invega does, if you believe in your recovery, then you get motivated, and when you start doubting it you start to feel down, and you're unable to be indifferent and consistently experience the GOODNESS of your energy, which is what energy really is, that good feeling, and not a depressed or down feeling, but feeling up or uplifted.
It comes down to this, either Invega is something most everybody recovers from, or it's something that requires a miracle. And the more I read posts and hear testimonies and dissect them for precision the more I find that recovering from Invega is a miracle. I may think things to be the other way around sooner or later, but the testimonies or recovery stories of people just don't add up to full recovery :) ❤️ It seems as though people are keeping information out of their recovery stories. And many people if you continue to read their comments will say in later posts after their recovery post that they are still suffering certain side effects or that they are not fully recovered, etc. Though that might not be the case with all people who claimed they have recovered, I have seen it with many people, whether those people eventually recover or not. Peace and love. And God bless...
Consider the recovery testimonies, but ONLY put your trust in God, is my advice. And not both God and the recovery stories, but God alone. Peace and love. :) ❤️
I've probably posted too much already, but I want to say this, is you really can't blame those people for embellishing their recovery stories. They've been through hell (and probably still going through it to some degree), and having some hope or success gives them some kind of joy or peace of mind, despite the recovery story not being fully true. Feel free moderators, to warn me of too many consecutive posts. I might just rest a while, and get off of this website for a few hours. :) ❤️ Believe in yourself, believe in God, and use recovery stories as fuel to keep going. Trust that God delivers and heals people. So in that way you can trust recovery stories. Peace and love.
Dendritic spines grow back, pretty easily and fast too. I don't know why they wouldn't.

Do not talk to me or send me a scary link, I'm in a bad place right now. I'm just saying what I see in the results of a quick search.
Jesus Christ is what helped me heal from invega Sustenna. I had 2 shots and I literally lost everything. Family, friends, relationships, feelings, emotions, tardive dyskinesia, depression, schizophrenia, not being able to get good sleep, no feeling in my body or penis, not being able to talk to people, constantly twitching and waking up 3-4 times a night, akathisia, not seeing the beauty in the world or the beauty in women, if a tornado was headed right for me I wouldn’t even care or react, pacing back and forth, heart palpitations and heavy beating, not being able to take that nice deep breath in and nice exhale out. Etc etc.
Guys I’ve been there. And I know exactly how you guys feel and let me tell you it’s definitely no fun. You’re in this position where it’s literally like nothing. Just nothing. And on top of that the people around you don’t understand what you’re going through. Maybe they might try to encourage you but.. it seems that THAT doesn’t even work. And I’m not here to tell you that it’ll be ok and make it seem that it’s ok right now because it’s definitely not. It’s truly something the devil has created. It’s Just evil man. And there’s only one way to fight evil and overcome it. And that’s with our lord and savior Jesus Christ man. I’m telling all you guys he is the way, the life, and the truth. And no one’s can come to the father except through him.
Guys don’t put your faith and trust into meds, doctors, or any man.
Put your trust in the god who created you. Who loved making every single detail about you yes YOU. You may not feel love right now or know what true love is but I’m telling y’all he LOVES YOU. And when you put your trust in him and pray to him and tell him everything that you’re experiencing he will change you for the better. I thought it was impossible and thought I would be like this forever. But I’m doing great now and it took him 7 months to change my heart and take away that pain I was feeling. And he’ll take away your pain. All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ with all your heart, mind, and soul. And yes I know. It may not feel like you have any of those things. But just trust in him and believe that he will heal you. Read the word of god which is the Bible and you will start to see change around you. Spend as much time as possible outside in beautiful nature that he created and you will adjust to the beauty. He will save you. He is a way maker and a miracle worker. He is real. If you are really struggling right now then this message is for you. And even if you aren’t struggling this message is also for you. I love you all even though I don’t know you and it’s truly a shame that the world has created something that destroys so much in you. But listen! The same god who created you can also heal you. He got me through the some and saved me and he’ll do the same for all you!
May you all be filled with the Holy Spirit and get back on the path that god created for you! Amen!!
Jesus Christ is what helped me heal from invega Sustenna. I had 2 shots and I literally lost everything. Family, friends, relationships, feelings, emotions, tardive dyskinesia, depression, schizophrenia, not being able to get good sleep, no feeling in my body or penis, not being able to talk to people, constantly twitching and waking up 3-4 times a night, akathisia, not seeing the beauty in the world or the beauty in women, if a tornado was headed right for me I wouldn’t even care or react, pacing back and forth, heart palpitations and heavy beating, not being able to take that nice deep breath in and nice exhale out. Etc etc.
Guys I’ve been there. And I know exactly how you guys feel and let me tell you it’s definitely no fun. You’re in this position where it’s literally like nothing. Just nothing. And on top of that the people around you don’t understand what you’re going through. Maybe they might try to encourage you but.. it seems that THAT doesn’t even work. And I’m not here to tell you that it’ll be ok and make it seem that it’s ok right now because it’s definitely not. It’s truly something the devil has created. It’s Just evil man. And there’s only one way to fight evil and overcome it. And that’s with our lord and savior Jesus Christ man. I’m telling all you guys he is the way, the life, and the truth. And no one’s can come to the father except through him.
Guys don’t put your faith and trust into meds, doctors, or any man.
Put your trust in the god who created you. Who loved making every single detail about you yes YOU. You may not feel love right now or know what true love is but I’m telling y’all he LOVES YOU. And when you put your trust in him and pray to him and tell him everything that you’re experiencing he will change you for the better. I thought it was impossible and thought I would be like this forever. But I’m doing great now and it took him 7 months to change my heart and take away that pain I was feeling. And he’ll take away your pain. All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ with all your heart, mind, and soul. And yes I know. It may not feel like you have any of those things. But just trust in him and believe that he will heal you. Read the word of god which is the Bible and you will start to see change around you. Spend as much time as possible outside in beautiful nature that he created and you will adjust to the beauty. He will save you. He is a way maker and a miracle worker. He is real. If you are really struggling right now then this message is for you. And even if you aren’t struggling this message is also for you. I love you all even though I don’t know you and it’s truly a shame that the world has created something that destroys so much in you. But listen! The same god who created you can also heal you. He got me through the some and saved me and he’ll do the same for all you!
May you all be filled with the Holy Spirit and get back on the path that god created for you! Amen!!
And forgive me for my nasty username and I also forgive the doctors who did this to me and I love them even if they may have hurt me Jesus Christ is Greater than them and I.
Jesus Christ is what helped me heal from invega Sustenna. I had 2 shots and I literally lost everything. Family, friends, relationships, feelings, emotions, tardive dyskinesia, depression, schizophrenia, not being able to get good sleep, no feeling in my body or penis, not being able to talk to people, constantly twitching and waking up 3-4 times a night, akathisia, not seeing the beauty in the world or the beauty in women, if a tornado was headed right for me I wouldn’t even care or react, pacing back and forth, heart palpitations and heavy beating, not being able to take that nice deep breath in and nice exhale out. Etc etc.
Guys I’ve been there. And I know exactly how you guys feel and let me tell you it’s definitely no fun. You’re in this position where it’s literally like nothing. Just nothing. And on top of that the people around you don’t understand what you’re going through. Maybe they might try to encourage you but.. it seems that THAT doesn’t even work. And I’m not here to tell you that it’ll be ok and make it seem that it’s ok right now because it’s definitely not. It’s truly something the devil has created. It’s Just evil man. And there’s only one way to fight evil and overcome it. And that’s with our lord and savior Jesus Christ man. I’m telling all you guys he is the way, the life, and the truth. And no one’s can come to the father except through him.
Guys don’t put your faith and trust into meds, doctors, or any man.
Put your trust in the god who created you. Who loved making every single detail about you yes YOU. You may not feel love right now or know what true love is but I’m telling y’all he LOVES YOU. And when you put your trust in him and pray to him and tell him everything that you’re experiencing he will change you for the better. I thought it was impossible and thought I would be like this forever. But I’m doing great now and it took him 7 months to change my heart and take away that pain I was feeling. And he’ll take away your pain. All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ with all your heart, mind, and soul. And yes I know. It may not feel like you have any of those things. But just trust in him and believe that he will heal you. Read the word of god which is the Bible and you will start to see change around you. Spend as much time as possible outside in beautiful nature that he created and you will adjust to the beauty. He will save you. He is a way maker and a miracle worker. He is real. If you are really struggling right now then this message is for you. And even if you aren’t struggling this message is also for you. I love you all even though I don’t know you and it’s truly a shame that the world has created something that destroys so much in you. But listen! The same god who created you can also heal you. He got me through the some and saved me and he’ll do the same for all you!
May you all be filled with the Holy Spirit and get back on the path that god created for you! Amen!!
Beautiful testimony! I truly and totally appreciate it. I pray God heals all of us. And I pray God shows us the way to permanently fix or heal everyone from this Invega dis-ease. I got work to do. I must find out the solution to all this. And, of course, I do accept God's miraculous healing of me (and whenever the time is for me to fully experience it). And thanks for liking my posts. That means you have a good heart and you understand what I'm saying. Excellent job again, you have truly blessed me with your messages, and also the other people who have given their recovery testimonies. Victory is coming. Victory is here. Victory is near. Victory is forever. Don't give up, people. Something good will come out of all this. Something very good. Something extremely and loftily good. Amen. :) ❤️
I thiiiink I got my period again. I'm on a 56 day cycle apparently. That isn't too bad. I guess this explains why I was suicidal. I used to feel randomly suicidal before my period in the beforetimes, especially before I started smoking weed. This means my serotonin is probably low and I don't have "high serotonin" type PSSD.

I'm synched up with the moon too, that's convenient. Kinda fun in a mystical way.
I thiiiink I got my period again. I'm on a 56 day cycle apparently. That isn't too bad. I guess this explains why I was suicidal, I used to feel randomly suicidal in the beforetimes, especially before I started smoking weed. This means my serotonin is probably low and I don't have "high serotonin" type PSSD.

I'm synched up with the moon too, that's convenient. Kinda fun in a mystical way.
Praise the LORD!!! I'm so happy for you :) ❤️
Praise the LORD!!! I'm so happy for you :) ❤️
I've had it a few times after invega, but it's not regular. I always had issues with regularity, but it became regular after I started treatment for my autoimmune disease. Theeeen it got fucked up by invega, right when it finally fixed itself.

I don't like having my period, I have gender dysphoria about it. But I'm kinda happy when I get it these days because it means something is healing and my hormonal processes aren't completely destroyed. It's bad if it stays like this though. But hey, my AMH is fine which means I have a lot of immature follicles. I was told my egg count is likely really good for my age.
I've had it a few times after invega, but it's not regular. I always had issues with regularity, but it became regular after I started treatment for my autoimmune disease. Theeeen it got fucked up by invega, right when it finally fixed itself.

I don't like having my period, I have gender dysphoria about it. But I'm kinda happy when I get it these days because it means something is healing and my hormonal processes aren't completely destroyed. It's bad if it stays like this though. But hey, my AMH is fine which means I have a lot of immature follicles. I was told my egg count is likely really good for my age.
You have every right to feel the way you do. You want everything to be normal. Concerning the things you feel good about, I'm happy for you. Every comment you post is helpful or uplifting in some way. I hope so, so, so much that everything with your situation turns out right. I'm gonna post a prayer that God inspires me to do. I'll put something together which God will honor us for and look upon us with his tender mercies. :) ❤️
Lord of heaven, master of earth, we praise you for your greatness. We thank you for your divine love. Look upon us with compassion. With your healing power restore us. Open unto us the mysteries of creation. Protect and purify our brains. Proliferate the necessary things in our body. In your most holy name we pray. Amen.
CrimsonThornX has a really good recovery story.
Thank you, everyone, for your recovery stories. It is greatly appreciated. I apologize, if any of my comments have offended you. I'll try to be more respectful and considerate in the future. That said, there is a recovery story below that I pray blesses you all very much:

CrimsonThornX: "You know what, I had no intention to log in and post/reply to anyone until exactly 2 months from here, where I'd come back exactly a year after being injected with Invega, to report and even make a video of how I went from being completely mentally and physically destroyed and dysfunctional to living a great, fulfilling, and satisfying quality of life again, but felt the need to intervene here, because of the amount of negativity being posted here, and due to the apparent lack of positivity, felt the need to talk about my recovery story/progress sooner than anticipated, in hopes that it will help others in an earlier state of recovery, where I once was.

While I do personally believe that antipsychotics and other meds for "mental illnesses" have the capability of potentially causing permanent, irreversible damage, that primarily occurs after a prolonged, extended period of use (such as Tardive Dyskinesia), we're talking year after year of constant use. I strongly believe after going through this living hell of an experience that people here can, and will recover. Sure it may take months, in my case 9 1/2 to 10 months to feel normal again but once you've improved to the state you were in previously, you'll appreciate life that much more, and never take bodily functions and features for granted ever again.

Yes, I will agree, the grand majority of people, mainly young guys based off of my observation over the span of several months, realistically only seem to care most about being able to fully enjoy and experience sex/self-pleasure again, and the ability to properly feel substances again, including myself. But I didn't determine that I've made a seemingly full recovery based off of those few factors alone, I came to that conclusion based off of everything that was once affected, altered, and taken away from me by Invega, for almost a year total, and finally managed to regain after so long.

I went from being completely dysfunctional, drained and devoid of anything that makes life enjoyable, with the constant negative mentality of being permanently damaged, and that my only way out of this shitty situation would be to commit suicide, to being back on track with my life, fully and thoroughly enjoying everything life has to offer again, properly being able to enjoy and experience everything this stupid, useless poison had taken from me. And so, to the best of my ability, I will write some of many features that I have regained by now, exactly 10 months later after the injection.

I feel as interested and motivated as I used to, in other words, I have recovered from being in a totally anhedonic state initially. I went from being completely bedridden, with zero interest in anything I once enjoyed, to the point where I completely neglected my surroundings and my hygiene, and stopped shaving, showering, brushing my teeth, changing my clothes, etc., for months, to being fully motivated and energetic, feeling refreshed, with the strong desire to be productive again. Infact, I feel as if I'm starting to become or will soon become even more productive then I was pre-Invega.

Yes, this includes my sexual health, I felt as if my dick and balls were basically cut off, with zero sex drive, the complete inability to achieve or maintain an orgasm, absolutely no pleasurable sensation whatsoever, and having very delayed orgasms, and producing no actual semen at all, only a few drops of clear, watery fluid, to having a high sex drive and being very horny again, can reach an orgasm much faster like before, which feels immensely pleasurable and satisfying, and can produce a good, healthy, and normal load of semen again. (I came back to edit it because I realized that I forgot to mention that I could not get or maintain an erection at all initially, but can do so once again just like before, and can get one even without physical touch, even waking up with "morning wood" very often.)

I've also regained the ability to enjoy the other usual activities and hobbies once again, such as music, drawing, gardening, and yes, including playing video games. With music specifically, I can feel fully immersed and enjoy it again. I feel more lively, excited, and energetic when listening tp upbeat music. The same could be said for the opposite, with sad, more mellow music. I feel calmer, more relaxed, and at certain times, especially while listening to nostalgic music, even begin to cry. With that, it brings me to the next feature that I have managed to regain.

I was once, and am once again a very emotional person. I can feel excitement and satisfaction from winning or achieving something difficult, feel concerned or saddened by the loss of someone or seeing and hearing others suffer, such as others here, feel very tense and angry when people disagree with me, specifically all of those people that I've come across, saying bullshit such as that I lied about my side-effects, that I'm being delusional, that I'm using it an excuse to be lazy, that I'm doing it for attention, that I'm too negative about it, despite the fact that it's supposedly not a big deal. This is a few examples of all of the crap I was told over the span of months, until it completely broke me and made me snap towards such people.

My mind was so blank and hindered from being able to think at all at first that I could literally only give one-worded responses, such as yes or no. I basically went minutes, almost hours just being dead silent because my brain was absolutely fried from Invega, and my speech was also very delayed. Now I can have complex, meaningful conversations again, for hours. I can properly understand what the other person is saying and the meaning of it, can think of a reasonable reply/response rather quickly, and can once again speak normally and fluently, just as I could previously. Infact, I could've never written this entire "essay" just a few months ago, I simply couldn't think of how to properly form and structure sentences, let alone paragraphs.

For the first 4 months off of Invega, I literally couldn't sleep at all, not even for a single minute. I don't believe it's usual or typical for people to experience such severe insomnia, even from such substances, but I suppose I was just very unlucky and unfortunate then. I was convinced that this would be the end of me, that I wouldn't live beyond 2023, but after said 4 months, I suddenly regained the ability to sleep gradually and consistently, which improved more and more, to where I can now sleep a full 7 to 8 hours with very few interruptions in between, with very infrequent nightmares about Invega. As a matter of fact, I actually received 9 hours of sleep today, not only that, but I can somehow fall asleep faster now then I could even before Invega.

Realistically speaking, I could choose to devote more time and effort into further explaining how and what else I've managed to regain and recover from, but will leave it as is, mainly because I'm still interested in being more in-depth and detailed in an explanation I'll provide in an upcoming video. And because personally, when I was recently injected with Invega, greatly struggled to speak or read for such an extended amount of time, which you can clearly see is no longer the case here. Lastly, I will admit as I said initially, the likelihood of more severe, permanent damage seems to increase the more and the longer you were on antipsychotics, but I'm still very positive and confident that you people will be able to enjoy your quality of life once again.

Unfortunately, this does mean that you will have to go through severe, unbearable amounts of suffering initially, since there currently isn't exactly a "cure" or "antidote" for the side-effects caused by these so-called medications, but the best you can do is surround yourself with positivity, and most importantly, remain physically active, because once I started going back to the gym consistently, I saw rapid and drastic recovery, up until where I am now, healthy, normal, and functional again. I'll still check and possibly post/reply every once in a while, but because I'm going to focus on work and college again the beginning of next year aside from what I'm currently already doing, I don't intend to be as active or involved as I was a few months ago." Oct 9, 2023, (thread 8, page 25)
Im going to be honest with yall. Weed may work differently but i would be dead without it. It still works on my receptors in some way and calms me up. On previous recovery shrooms were also saving my life. Its such a relief to have those substances. they are life saving god medicines
I want to grow shrooms but living with borderline insane psychopathic mother that can call the police on you makes the whole process stressy as fuck.
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