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Benzos Etizolam Tolerance


Feb 5, 2012
0.25mg used to be good.

Now, after about a week of almost daily 0.5-1mg use, it feel like nothing.
0.5... nothing.. + 0.5mg... meh.. + 0.5mg.. okay there's something.
So 1.5mg it took.

Well. Shoot.

Anyway, when do the withdrawals start? It's been 7-8 days.
So long ago that I don´t even remember. But wasn't 1 mg a standard dose?
AFAIK WD's of Benzo's, specificly Etizolam , take some week's more to become dependend. So I think your safe, you can taper when in doubt.
But don't continue weekly use.

If you don't space your use you will def get physically and mentally dependant, with which i have no experience luckely.
Avoid that at all cost's is the best advice, Etizolam was imo in the top of usefull Benzo's, and its not even medically used over here.
Reminds me a bit of Clobazam with sedating effect's added.
I took it for 12 years at dozes 0.1-1mg for sleep every night with a few intentional breaks up to a week to test for withdrawal symptoms. I never experienced any aside from not being able to fall asleep. I quit it cold turkey a couple of months ago and didn't have any withdrawals, aside from suffering from not being able to get any normal sleep. I did use natural supplements like valerian during this process and I am still using them gradually tapering them off.
It has some metabolites that last a pretty long time, but I think you have withdrawals before a week for sure. especially at that low of a dose.

Also man you guys with your tiny doses are really telling me everything I need to know about the form you use/d it in. Sat there trying to figure out how you would shave down a 1mg pill to do 0.1mg and then I realized I'm being stupid.
Can anyone help me find real Xanax I've been getting laced ones sometimes cause I always test them and I jeed a safe supply
Only places that can help you with that one are your doctor or a forum that doesn't have a rule against sourcing drugs.
It has some metabolites that last a pretty long time, but I think you have withdrawals before a week for sure. especially at that low of a dose.

Also man you guys with your tiny doses are really telling me everything I need to know about the form you use/d it in. Sat there trying to figure out how you would shave down a 1mg pill to do 0.1mg and then I realized I'm being stupid.
It's rather simple. When I first started making my own Etizolam solution, I came up with the following process.
I used to make 60ml EtOH/water/PG solution of 300mg of Etizolam, which gave me 5mg of Etizolam per 1 ml. I then removed the rubber bulb from the dropper that I was planning to use to dispense the solution, blocked its bottom tip with my finger and used an 1ml insulin syringe to fill the dropper precisely with I ml of solution. I then put the bulb back onto the dropper and counted how many drops it would dispense. I did it several times using chilled and room temperature solution. For that particular dropper and solution, under normal conditions 1ml = 5mg of etizolam = 30 drops, which equated to 6 drops for 1mg of Etizolam. Note that different proportional mixtures of solutes would have a different viscosities, while dropper tip radius, dropper shape and dropper material (glass/plastic) contribute to surface tension so you would have to measure specifically for your dropper and formulation.
Your withdrawal equals your time and it does typically take about a month to notice symptoms at low doses.
Most don't stop until they are taking doses that pretty high with anything.

The biting you take, is equivalent to the bite you took
Well shit. It's been 3 weeks and I've been taking it daily.
Now I'm up to ~1.5-2mg/day.
The morning 0.5 doesn't really register.
The dreams in the morning are very vivid and odd and sometimes involving taking etizolam in false-awakenings.

I tell ya, taking a GABA drug for days on end like this may not end well.
I have clonazepam which I can use to taper eventually - it's longer half-life.
Yeah. Should've been more responsible.
Sometimes in life though - it's nice to have a button to take away all worries and concerns. (Though they're simply waiting for you the next day)
Well, shit, it's been about 40 days. Daily use. 2-4mg/day. Tolerance has risen. Nightmares in the early morning.

I have some clonazepam. Can someone lay out a taper strategy for me so that I don't go into a seizure please?
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@Madrus try the Ashton manual. Taper your dose, stick to a plan.
let me know if I can help somehow.
Also, after how many days did you have physical symptoms?

I took gerodorm 40mg for 10 days then between 1.5 and 2.5mg for 4 days, then I took 0.5mg on Monday, 0.5mg on Wednesday. I haven't taken any since. I might be wrong and dose 0.5 in a random day but I honestly can't remember.
Try reading this thread. You also have the Ashton manual link there.