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Harm Reduction ⫸Official Plugging/Rectal Administration Megathread⫷

Do you have to crush it to work? Just asking cause I don't have any syringes... and I forgot what I have is ir not xr morphine
Yes. Plugging may be the most effective way to administer morphine, as it avoids the histamine rush of iv. Oral BA is about 10% compared to 70-90% rectally.
An I going to kill my tolerance level if I start regularly plugging instead of swallowing my morphine? Because i AM NOT getting enough relief!!
Yes. Plugging may be the most effective way to administer morphine, as it avoids the histamine rush of iv. Oral BA is about 10% compared to 70-90% rectally.

Do you have to crush it to work? Just asking cause I don't have any syringes... and I forgot what I have is ir not xr morphine
I'm rx'd Cyclizine (Marezine).
I know people inject it for a "rush" and then some Euphoria.

Is it worth plugging? I primarily use it to potentiate my morphine, which I usually plug anyway.
An I going to kill my tolerance level if I start regularly plugging instead of swallowing my morphine? Because i AM NOT getting enough relief!!

In exactly the same situation. Not noticed my tolerance go up at all! And I feel close to twice the pain relief when plugging vs swallowing orally.
Just make sure you crush up the morphine into as fine a powder as possible and give it a little time to FULLY dissolve in the water.
In exactly the same situation. Not noticed my tolerance go up at all! And I feel close to twice the pain relief when plugging vs swallowing orally.
Just make sure you crush up the morphine into as fine a powder as possible and give it a little time to FULLY dissolve in the water.
You will likely find your tolerance rise if you plug regularly because so much more morphine is absorbed and cyclizine potentiates opioids so effectively (watch out dose wise and read Trainspotting) it was made prescription only in UK. Seems to potentiate methadone and analogues (dipipanone etc) in particular so double careful folks.
You will likely find your tolerance rise if you plug regularly because so much more morphine is absorbed and cyclizine potentiates opioids so effectively (watch out dose wise and read Trainspotting) it was made prescription only in UK. Seems to potentiate methadone and analogues (dipipanone etc) in particular so double careful folks.

Funny you should say that, I literally blagged my way to a Cyclizine prescription (I think I faked having "Positional Vertigo w/ associated nausea") after reading Trainspotting :ROFLMAO:

I don't plug morphine that often, like maybe 2 days a week on average. Just if either I'm very anxious/depressed and need the extra high or if I'm running low on opioids as when plugging morphine I only need to take half the dose I would need to take orally to get well.

And idea on the effects if plugging Cyclizing?
I plugged it once and like 30 mins later I was like "and I OOP - " thinking I'd pooped myself a little without even knowing it, but when I looked it was blood. No idea if it was the Cyclizine being caustic or something. I HAD been in severe withdrawal prior to plugging it (morphine-cyclizine combo) so it might have just been that as I had pooped and/or vomited blood in opioid withdrawal before.
Pretty much. Plugging isn't really difficult, but you may need a little while to figure it out.

Disolve your pills in as little solution as possible, depending on the size of your syringe. I'd max out at 5ml. Obviously, crush them prior to mixing with water so they disolve faster.

Then, lubercate your anal region (glycol based substances such as KY jelly work fine, but any household cooking oil should suffice), insert the syringe and inject. You should be feeling it in 3-5 mins.
Still confused on what type of syringe were talking about here?