NEMD Metal Up Your Ass! The MetalHeads Thread v.VIVIVI

"And then this guy walked in the room looking like the ghost of Cliff Burton,
Whipped his head around so fast he gave himself a concussion.
Dude you're making me dizzy
You're gonna break your fucking neck
You know that shit can't be good for your brain" I'm a thrash puppy instead of a metal head.
More psilocybin brain feels like it impacting concrete except they tell me it's safe from a toxic standpoint but they don't get the underlying complications and all too frequent using

So much metal out but baby gotta choose one at a time not on a multiple monitor system

I can't keep track of all the independents on YouTube it's a trip every search for me tunes no idea what they have in store

Rare random label offering rabbit hole search EastHaven Records sounds witchy ahaha I like sinister tones anyways so much metal all too much to touch upon will be selective since I have no loyalties to fandom to maintain a true Sonic drifter and explorer, rare because so many artists self promote but only some make an impression haha as long as they enjoy what they do but these guys are memorable to stand out from all those searches more seen than can ever be remembered

They don't release much but these two latest aren't too shabby nothing too special but I found it so interested somehow

Ahh sh!t new song love these recommendations they all link up works like a charm, they haven't matured but they got louder it's a sermon in pure doom yelled for what purpose that is their calling to convey however my prayers as of late are eerily similar to these lyrics

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this is from the newer metal core band Knocked Loose, they have a bunch of reviews on you tube by some popular you tubers and this album is getting a ton of great ratings... The whole 26 minute album is just really hard metal core with high pitch guitar and then the deep guitar break downs. the vocals are terrible imo. they remind me of a drill sergeant army guy jock instead of the growling animal or demon like vocals that i like from metal... from all the metal core i've seen at punk fests, i felt like someone is going to come in the room and punch me in the face for listening to this. lol... THE END OF THIS SONG IS REALLY COOL THOUGH.... click 2.50 into this song.. it's some seriously cool ambient guitar with a break down type beat mixes together really well in a weird way... was worth me listening to this album to discover the end, although most of the guitar tone on this album i'm not into and i can't get into the vocals at all like i said.. The end of this song is fire though.:
