Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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OK it's the same with me. I was good for about 3 weeks then it started up again.
I hope we get over this. I have periods of time where the brain burn is either really small or gone. I also had a month period after the 2 1/2 month mark where it seemed to go away but came back.
Hey it’s me #Kiaf85 I couldn’t log into my old account. I created a new account today. I haven’t been active on here since January of 2024. I have completely healed after two injections of Invega Sustenna back in September of 2022. I’ve become a grandmother recently. I’m only 38 so I’ve had to adjust to this shift in my reality. I was upset at first but I’m enjoying every moment of it 😊 I have never been so happy. I wake up everyday and thank god for restoring me. I still can’t believe that I’ve healed completely. I feel like I did prior to Invega. The only difference is that I feel even better. I have gratitude for so many things. I credit God for restoring me because without my faith in healing, I don’t think I’d still be here. I tried a few times to long into this app. I just wanted to encourage all of you to keep going.
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When I was in some of the lowest places I’d get on this app under the name Kiaf85 and roll my eyes at anyone crediting God for restoring them from this poison. I didn’t want to really hear anything like that. I had very little faith at that time in my life. I’d scroll pass their opinion and go to the next comment. I can honestly say that prayer was an important factor in my healing. I truly believe now that God had a hand in healing me. I always had faith in healing. I had moments of discouragement. I had moments of frustration. I had moments where I didn’t want to be here anymore. I was in a really low place. I continuously prayed that if God restored me that I’d testify on all of the good things that he’s done for me. The Invega experience taught me so much about myself. I’ve over come that horrible nightmare. I can now motivate others to continue fighting and living. There’s something so wicked about that medication. How someone could create something that sucks the joy out of your being, that could change your personality, it’s truthfully heartbreaking, it’s something out of a horror/scientific movie. To inject anything with that poison should be a crime. I feel so sorry for the animals that’s injected with things. My heart breaks for the animals that’s experimented on. Invega medication chemical lobotomize/turns you into a shell of the person that you used to be. I had close to two years without any senses. It was like living inside of a prison in the twilight zone. That experience almost sucked the life out of me but I refused to give in. I wanted to get better so that I could spend this life with my daughter, now I have a granddaughter. I chose to get up and fight. I have completely healed. My advice would be to push yourself to do things no matter how you feel. Go for a walk even if you don’t want to. Call a friend when you’re feeling down. Use daily affirmations. Pray. Talk to God like you would talk to one of your closest friends. Take daily multivitamins. Go to sleep at the same time everyday. Make sure you’re eating properly. Make sure that you are getting plenty of water. Make sure that you are getting plenty of fresh air. I recommend finding ways to laugh again. I believe laughter is the best medicine when it comes to recovering. I would thank God for healing me even when I couldn’t feel anything. I’d repeat that I’ve healed daily while driving to work. I would thank God for all of the good things in my life. I would write in a gratitude journal. I played uplifting music. I worked full-time around children. I refused to give up on me. I wish complete healing for each and every one of you.
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When I was in some of the lowest places I’d get on this app under the name Kiaf85 and roll my eyes at anyone crediting God for restoring them from this poison. I didn’t want to really hear anything like that. I had very little faith at that time in my life. I’d scroll pass their opinion and go to the next comment. I can honestly say that prayer was an important factor in my healing. I truly believe now that God had a hand in healing me. I always had faith in healing. I had moments of discouragement. I had moments of frustration. I had moments where I didn’t want to be here anymore. I was in a really low place. I continuously prayed that if God restored me that I’d testify on all of the good things that he’s done for me. The Invega experience taught me so much about myself. I’ve over come that horrible nightmare. I can now motivate others to continue fighting and living. There’s something so wicked about that medication. How someone could create something that sucks the joy out of your being, that could change your personality, it’s truthfully heartbreaking, it’s something out of a horror/scientific movie. To inject anything with that poison should be a crime. I feel so sorry for the animals that’s injected with things. My heart breaks for the animals that’s experimented on. Invega medication chemical lobotomize/turns you into a shell of the person that you used to be. I had close to two years without any senses. It was like living inside of a prison in the twilight zone. That experience almost sucked the life out of me but I refused to give in. I wanted to get better so that I could spend this life with my daughter, now I have a granddaughter. I chose to get up and fight. I have completely healed. My advice would be to push yourself to do things no matter how you feel. Go for a walk even if you don’t want to. Call a friend when you’re feeling down. Use daily affirmations. Pray. Talk to God like you would talk to one of your closest friends. Take daily multivitamins. Go to sleep at the same time everyday. Make sure you’re eating properly. Make sure that you are getting plenty of water. Make sure that you are getting plenty of fresh air. I recommend finding ways to laugh again. I believe laughter is the best medicine when it comes to recovering. I would thank God for healing me even when I couldn’t feel anything. I’d repeat that I’ve healed daily while driving to work. I would thank God for all of the good things in my life. I would write in a gratitude journal. I played uplifting music. I worked full-time around children. I refused to give up on me. I wish complete healing for each and every one of you.
How many shots u had.
Hey it’s me #Kiaf85 I couldn’t log into my old account. I created a new account today. I haven’t been active on here since January of 2024. I have completely healed after two injections of Invega Sustenna back in September of 2022. I’ve become a grandmother recently. I’m only 38 so I’ve had to adjust to this shift in my reality. I was upset at first but I’m enjoying every moment of it 😊 I have never been so happy. I wake up everyday and thank god for restoring me. I still can’t believe that I’ve healed completely. I feel like I did prior to Invega. The only difference is that I feel even better. I have gratitude for so many things. I credit God for restoring me because without my faith in healing, I don’t think I’d still be here. I tried a few times to long into this app. I just wanted to encourage all of you to keep going.
Congrats on becoming the first millennial grandma! I was just thinking about how it's weird that a baby born to one of my high school class mates is a teenager now and I thought "There has to be young millennial grandparents now, weird."

I'm so glad to hear you're doing well, I had a feeling you would be alright. I saw someone post "no one comes back 100% from this, pre-invega you would always win in a cage match" but I really think that's bullshit. I didn't see how anyone could be better than ever after this, but it's true. I also thought maybe the people who feel better than before were also schizophrenic but you're not as far as I remember. This stuff doesn't cause permanent brain damage in most cases. I hope these threads stop being home to fearmongering. Recovery stories need to be compiled and placed on the first page of every thread.

I still don't feel like writing anything since I think the rest of my healing is blocked off. I think I would also be 100% normal by now too if I didn't take an antidepressant. I feel like I just started getting my personality back. I feel like me again, but something is missing.
hello everyone, I have come to bring you a potential solution coming from a person who is anhedonic and aphatic because of neuroleptics in my discussion group, he tried binaural waves for a while on YouTube (Alpha frequency, Emotional healing frequency, Frequency of emotional regeneration etc) he used it during his partial recovery to achieve better recovery, it was 20 min to an hour per day and I also use them sometimes to regenerate my mind more quickly (even if I no longer have of anhedonia), brain waves, vibrations working by frequency it is already proven, it is true that you have to believe in this for it to work better but in the case where you do not know what to do or you feel septic is that it would surely be a placebo effect, I think that you should try it anyway by imagining and visualizing healing effectively after all people who have faith in their healing always have a much better chance of really healing so if that can increase your percentage and speed of healing, I tell myself that doing it a little every day would not be wasted. do as you want, in any case I hope that other possible solutions will be available one day
Congrats on becoming the first millennial grandma! I was just thinking about how it's weird that a baby born to one of my high school class mates is a teenager now and I thought "There has to be young millennial grandparents now, weird."

I'm so glad to hear you're doing well, I had a feeling you would be alright. I saw someone post "no one comes back 100% from this, pre-invega you would always win in a cage match" but I really think that's bullshit. I didn't see how anyone could be better than ever after this, but it's true. I also thought maybe the people who feel better than before were also schizophrenic but you're not as far as I remember. This stuff doesn't cause permanent brain damage in most cases. I hope these threads stop being home to fearmongering. Recovery stories need to be compiled and placed on the first page of every thread.

I still don't feel like writing anything since I think the rest of my healing is blocked off. I think I would also be 100% normal by now too if I didn't take an antidepressant. I feel like I just started getting my personality back. I feel like me again, but something is missing.
I agree recovery stories should be placed on the first page of every thread. I had moments where I felt somewhat normal over the past few year but something was missing. I still didn’t feel complete. I can honestly say that I feel complete. I had doubt that I’d ever heal completely. I’d always try to ignore that way of thinking. I was really hopeless in many moments. I had two relatives pass away back to back. I loss my appetite. I started sleep walking. From there I ended up in the mental hospital. I was released after a few days. I still had trouble sleeping. I tried driving back to the hospital and blacked out. I woke up in the mental hospital. I was fine in that place. I wasn’t causing any drama or anything. I was just waiting to go home. My mother told the staff that I threw my medication away. I’ve never taken medication before. I was dealing with grief. I had insomnia too. I wasn’t crazy. That second time they forced me to stay three weeks. Upon releasing me I was told that I had to take the Invega injections. I had no one to advocate for me. After being in there so long I just wanted to go home. Every day this male patient there would come to my room and threaten to rape me. The staff slept in shifts outside of my doorway. I agreed to take the injection because I wanted to go home. I was also terrified of one of the patients. That man told me he was going to rape me like he raped his daughter. It was a frightening experience for me. After they gave me two high dose injections 234 Mg, then 164 Mg a few days later, they released me back into society. I had to leave that place wearing someone else shoes because they gave my shoes away. I looked like death walking away from that place. I was skin and bones. I couldn’t stop pacing after that injection. I lost my appetite. I had severe insomnia for over a year. No period for 16 months. I had horrible acne all over my back and arms. I felt disconnected from reality. I couldn’t feel any emotions. I had no thoughts. I had no desire to shower or anything. I couldn’t even enjoy music or watching tv. It was truly a living nightmare for me. Those doctors tried to tell me I was schizophrenic because I threw away their medication. 37 years old isn’t common for developing schizophrenia. They had to label me something so that they could send me on my way. It was a year before I was told by a therapist that I didn’t have schizophrenia. I was told that the therapist are powerless against the decisions of the psychiatrist. They sit back disagreeing with their decisions and silently watching them destroy so many people’s lives. I had to truly know myself. Although I did go through something I knew that I didn’t need Invega for the rest of my life. Had I continued to take that medication I wouldn’t be here today. There is no way that I could’ve lived like that. My therapist said she watched a woman go from being independent to unable to care for her own children after being medicated. If you research schizophrenia most of the symptoms are caused by the medication that they use to treat it. I knew myself better than those people knew me. I refused to take any more injections after leaving that facility. I would receive phone calls from them sometimes trying to get me to take something. I’d respond by saying that I’m only interested in talking to a therapist, they’d say we can get you one if you continue to take our medication. They didn’t care about me it was just about the money for them. I’d tell them about the side effects of Invega and they’d suggest a different antipsychotic for me. I refused to take anything. I’m so grateful that I knew myself. I was in that mental hospital watching the residents go from behaving normal to slumped over drooling on tables. That experience was a real eye opener for me.
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I agree recovery stories should be placed on the first page of every thread. I had moments where I felt somewhat normal over the past few year but something was missing. I still didn’t feel complete. I can honestly say that I feel complete. I had doubt that I’d ever heal completely. I’d always try to ignore that way of thinking. I was really hopeless in many moments. I had two relatives pass away back to back. I loss my appetite. I started sleep walking. From there I ended up in the mental hospital. I was released after a few days. I still had trouble sleeping. I tried driving back to the hospital and blacked out. I woke up in the mental hospital. I was fine in that place. I wasn’t causing any drama or anything. I was just waiting to go home. My mother told the staff that I threw my medication away. I’ve never taken medication before. I was dealing with grief. I had insomnia too. I wasn’t crazy. That second time they forced me to stay three weeks. Upon releasing me I was told that I had to take the Invega injections. I had no one to advocate for me. After being in there so long I just wanted to go home. Every day this male patient there would come to my room and threaten to rape me. The staff slept in shifts outside of my doorway. I agreed to take the injection because I wanted to go home. I was also terrified of one of the patients. That man told me he was going to rape me like he raped his daughter. It was a frightening experience for me. After they gave me two high dose injections 234 Mg, then 164 Mg a few days later, they released me back into society. I had to leave that place wearing someone else shoes because they gave my shoes away. I looked like death walking away from that place. I was skin and bones. I couldn’t stop pacing after that injection. I lost my appetite. I had severe insomnia for over a year. No period for 16 months. I had horrible acne all over my back and arms. I felt disconnected from reality. I couldn’t feel any emotions. I had no thoughts. I had no desire to shower or anything. I couldn’t even enjoy music or watching tv. It was truly a living nightmare for me. Those doctors tried to tell me I was schizophrenic because I threw away their medication. 37 years old isn’t common for developing schizophrenia. They had to label me something so that they could send me on my way. It was a year before I was told by a therapist that I didn’t have schizophrenia. I was told that the therapist are powerless against the decisions of the psychiatrist. They sit back disagreeing with their decisions and silently watching them destroy so many people’s lives. I had to truly know myself. Although I did go through something I knew that I didn’t need Invega for the rest of my life. Had I continued to take that medication I wouldn’t be here today. There is no way that I could’ve lived like that. My therapist said she watched a woman go from being independent to unable to care for her own children after being medicated. If you research schizophrenia most of the symptoms are caused by the medication that they use to treat it. I knew myself better than those people knew me. I refused to take any more injections after leaving that facility. I would receive phone calls from them sometimes trying to get me to take something. I’d respond by saying that I’m only interested in talking to a therapist, they’d say we can get you one of you continue to take our medication. They didn’t care about me it was just about the money for them. I’d tell them about the side effects of Invega and they’d suggest a different antipsychotic for me. I refused to take anything. I’m so grateful that I knew myself. I was in that mental hospital watching the residents go from behaving normal to slumped over drooling on tables. That experience was a real eye opener for me.
I had 3 olanzapine shots and then 2 abilify. I stop believing i can recover from this. Imma suicide soon. These doctors are murderers
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I had 3 olanzapine shots and then 2 abilify. I stop believing i can recover from this. Imma suicide soon. These doctors are murderers
You can heal. I’d suggest not taking any more of that medication. You should focus on complete healing of your body. Please don’t give up.
Im 14 mnth off since Trinza and not helaing. Not even 1precent, i think im just worse. There iz no hope for me.
For some its permanent. I guess im that one. Its impossible to live how i live last year and almost a half..
I finally got a TV & Xbox setup in my room. Now i can at least be comfortable whilst trying to play games and watch Netflix. I haven’t done either for 6 months now.

I kind of wish I’d set this up earlier and forced myself to use it instead of laying down thinking all the time. I feel like I’ve thought about too much negative stuff (what could be worse than going through this), and it’s kind of destroyed all my hopes and dreams realizing how much worse it could get.

Whilst some physical symptoms are improving (I’m feeling a bit more like myself), the anxiety and dreadful feeling is increasing exponentially. Every time I leave the house I‘m worried I’ll get hit by a car or beaten up or something else stupid. I never had these fears/concerns before Invega, now it’s just taking all the joy out of life.

One of my main goals in life was to move to a beachside town. It just feels like it’s no different to anywhere else in the world - it’s like everything/everywhere feels the same now for some reason. Like no matter where I go I’ll feel 24/7 dread even though I’m not in any immediate danger.

Thinking about suicide brings me some relief, I feel like I should at least buy some Fentanyl or something to have as a back up plan in case things get worse. I’m really hesitant to go through with anything, but knowing I’ve got a way out would make it feel better for some reason.
I agree recovery stories should be placed on the first page of every thread. I had moments where I felt somewhat normal over the past few year but something was missing. I still didn’t feel complete. I can honestly say that I feel complete. I had doubt that I’d ever heal completely. I’d always try to ignore that way of thinking. I was really hopeless in many moments. I had two relatives pass away back to back. I loss my appetite. I started sleep walking. From there I ended up in the mental hospital. I was released after a few days. I still had trouble sleeping. I tried driving back to the hospital and blacked out. I woke up in the mental hospital. I was fine in that place. I wasn’t causing any drama or anything. I was just waiting to go home. My mother told the staff that I threw my medication away. I’ve never taken medication before. I was dealing with grief. I had insomnia too. I wasn’t crazy. That second time they forced me to stay three weeks. Upon releasing me I was told that I had to take the Invega injections. I had no one to advocate for me. After being in there so long I just wanted to go home. Every day this male patient there would come to my room and threaten to rape me. The staff slept in shifts outside of my doorway. I agreed to take the injection because I wanted to go home. I was also terrified of one of the patients. That man told me he was going to rape me like he raped his daughter. It was a frightening experience for me. After they gave me two high dose injections 234 Mg, then 164 Mg a few days later, they released me back into society. I had to leave that place wearing someone else shoes because they gave my shoes away. I looked like death walking away from that place. I was skin and bones. I couldn’t stop pacing after that injection. I lost my appetite. I had severe insomnia for over a year. No period for 16 months. I had horrible acne all over my back and arms. I felt disconnected from reality. I couldn’t feel any emotions. I had no thoughts. I had no desire to shower or anything. I couldn’t even enjoy music or watching tv. It was truly a living nightmare for me. Those doctors tried to tell me I was schizophrenic because I threw away their medication. 37 years old isn’t common for developing schizophrenia. They had to label me something so that they could send me on my way. It was a year before I was told by a therapist that I didn’t have schizophrenia. I was told that the therapist are powerless against the decisions of the psychiatrist. They sit back disagreeing with their decisions and silently watching them destroy so many people’s lives. I had to truly know myself. Although I did go through something I knew that I didn’t need Invega for the rest of my life. Had I continued to take that medication I wouldn’t be here today. There is no way that I could’ve lived like that. My therapist said she watched a woman go from being independent to unable to care for her own children after being medicated. If you research schizophrenia most of the symptoms are caused by the medication that they use to treat it. I knew myself better than those people knew me. I refused to take any more injections after leaving that facility. I would receive phone calls from them sometimes trying to get me to take something. I’d respond by saying that I’m only interested in talking to a therapist, they’d say we can get you one if you continue to take our medication. They didn’t care about me it was just about the money for them. I’d tell them about the side effects of Invega and they’d suggest a different antipsychotic for me. I refused to take anything. I’m so grateful that I knew myself. I was in that mental hospital watching the residents go from behaving normal to slumped over drooling on tables. That experience was a real eye opener for me.
That’s the kind of recovery story I’ve been looking for, it sounds mostly the same as my situation. Did you also feel like everything was pointless? That’s the main thing that’s holding me back. I also lost my faith in God, I can’t get it back as I’ve seen too many bad stories online (violence, killings etc.) to believe there’s anyone looking after us.
I definitely should have set the TV up way earlier, like 5 months ago. Too bad I had zero motivation at the time but it’s actually so comfortable sitting in bed being able to watch stuff.

I played about an hour of Resident Evil 7 then watched an episode of Gotham Garage. It was sad seeing how many shows that had new episodes that I didn’t feel like watching at all. Maybe one day I’ll get back into them. It got my mind off things for a few hours which I’m thankful for.

I was also feeling even more depressed than usual because I saw a guy get beat up and robbed yesterday and I couldn’t do anything to help him. I have almost no upper body strength and zero energy. I can’t even do one pull up. I used to be able to do like 20 in a row ffs.

I can’t even run anymore either, so if I got involved I wouldn’t have been able to do anything and probably got beat up too. I hate the world so much now.

I hope we can all get over this BS stuff. If soldiers can go overseas and see pointless death and destruction and still live a life after returning I think we all can too. Just have to distract ourselves - which is impossible with Anhedonia, that’s one thing I wish never happened. That really caused so damage it’s unbelievable.
I had a rough night last night. It felt like my blood was boiling. My head was tingling and stomach had a weird feeling. Has anyone ever have symptoms like that?
So I tried weed again and still don’t get much out of it. It does help me sleep though but I miss the high that I would get with the giddiness and all that. I don’t know if ketamine is helping and I have two more infusions to go before I decide if it’s for me or not. I’m still hopeful but I’m not gonna lie, it’s really hard to wake up and it’s the same feeling every time. I miss the ideas that were always flowing through my head. I still don’t get much entertainment from tv or social media or being out in nature. I’m scared for my career since I wanted to work in a creative field. I had so many ideas of things I wanted to do with my life after I got out of the hospital and the second shot took that from me.
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