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post your roll tricks HERE! (MERGED)

fuck nitrous..... very bad for you. cutting off oxygen to the brain (nitrous displaces oxygen in the blood stream) is NEVER a good idea.

fun stuff:
ice cubes run up and down your spine, ice cubes on your forehead
clean feather dusters (don't use a used one cuz they have dust in them)
velvet or satin rubbed on skin
you and your partner in a cool shower followed by soft towels
your favorite essential oils
premium lollypops or hard candies
changing into fun or sexy costumes, funny hats and masks, bunny ears
sex on a tempur pedic matress
putting lotion all over your chest and your partners, then rubbing your bodys together
deep sub base
rolling around on the floor wrapped up in your favorite blanket
gentle bouncing on the bed or couch
leather jackets and combat boots
getting lightly spritzed with water in front of a fan
full body massages with massage oil
putting one hand in warm water, one hand in cool and then alternating on someones skin
Whoever recommended Camel "Frost" smokes, you're a genious. I'm hooked, I smoke those sober (since no supply =P) but yeah. Unfortunately I had to search around for these and only found 1 liquor store that had them (no major store had them) just to come to find out that they have been discontinued so I bought their last 4 cartons. It's going to be a bummer when these run out.
Yeah I drove for 6 hours non stop (other than gas) while rolling.. mostly interstate though.

I love driving so this sounds like it would be right up my alley. I Would have agree, it would have to be interstate driving though since that's more relaxed. How was the drive btw? Ever get boring?
Might be fun since my car has coilovers and you will fell all the bumps in the road :).
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fuck nitrous..... very bad for you. cutting off oxygen to the brain (nitrous displaces oxygen in the blood stream) is NEVER a good idea.

Whenever someone says fuck nitrous, it's almost a guarantee they have never done it. I have done hundreds of whippets and I can assure you that if there is damage, it is not noticeable. If you don't want to do it, that's fine, but don't knock it when you're posting in an ecstasy forum. That has it's damages as well. Nitrous is quite safe (when used properly and in moderation) on the scale of drugs... and let's not forget we are talking about drugs.

My computer is attached to a nice big LCD TV. If you have the chance to do this... even for a night, you really should. And that, I would recommend a slide show of these over music:


GREAT for whippets and candyflipping.... mmmmm
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Like foxyloxy55 said above, nitrous is safe when used properly and in moderation. Heres a thread explaining why. If you havent tried nitrous oxide, please dont shut down this amazing gas.

MDMA + Nitrous Oxide + Light shows + Loud Trance filled with bass = Perfect rolling night for me.
Massages are great. Vicks once in a while if its present, not amazing IMO. I dont need or do most of these "roll tricks". I just sit/lay/dance and let the roll take over :)
Please do not make posts suggesting cutting off circulation, messing about with peoples breathing, heart compressions (wtf) - it may seem fun until it goes that little bit too far and somebody ends up dead.
Please do not make posts suggesting cutting off circulation, messing about with peoples breathing, heart compressions (wtf) - it may seem fun until it goes that little bit too far and somebody ends up dead.

I agree. Ill admit to have doing the pass out game while rolling, and next thing I know I wake up and people told me I was convulsing. Never again. Like Bearlove said, it may seem fun until someone ends up dead.
oooow humping my speakers non stop as i mix

YES!!!!!! djing while i'm rolling is the best damned feeling!

i feel like the music flows from my fingers into the decks. amazing times spinning while rolling at private partys.
nitrous, hands down the best roll trick.

rubbing ice on someones body.
im actually coming down off 4 of them right now. its 3:39 A.M. i took 2 (yellow obamas) at 7 pm...and as i was 30 minutes from peaking off those i took my last 2(yellow obamas) at 10:30 P.M. i personally recommend *"plugging" them. ive done plenty of these pills and i know from experience that they not only hit you harder, but they last longer! aaaand (since i have a very sensitive stomach) it keeps me from getting nautious and throwing up these expensive pills. HOWEVER...theeeese pills had a *"time-release" coating, so i crushed them up and swallowed them. taking them this way is just about like snorting them, it hits you FAST but also RUNS OUT FAST!!!

So many things wrong!!! First I'd never buy any pill called an obama it can't be good, second your saying the effects wore off fast but you had an 8 hour peak?... Oh and pipes are typically cheap so you're getting ripped off and buying fake drugs. I hope you never make this mistake of talking without thinking again.
okay this shit feels crazy, you need big boots and you need to walk DIRECTLY behind the experiencer, ok so, as this gurning fool lifts their foot off the ground to take a step you need to kick the bottom of their shoe pretty firmly i might add.
once you get the swing of it you will be kicking both feet as you both walk along. the experiencer will have the sensation of floating or "boingy" steps.
it sounds retarded, but try it out when your high....