Help Needed; Had enough of diazepam


Mar 25, 2006
Well, by now i'm sure anyone who knows me on ere, knows that i'm a benzo addict. Had tapered for 13 months now from 100-150mg diazepam a day, down to 12.5mg.

Tonight I had just had enough. My mum does my pickups from the chemist, and well I stole my stash of around 200-250mg and am half way though eating them. I've just had enough of even knowing the fucken things are in the house, and would like to not be perscribed them anymore.

One thing i'm worried about is, my parents tomorrow morning when the find I have taken them. I want to explain how i don't want them any more, but I know they wont be happy and will have the shits with me bigtime for taking them obviously, like i have a while ago a few times. But yeah I just don't care. I would like this to be a "goodbye salute" to benzos for me after 6 damn years, but I'll never beleive that until it happens, plus I have a heap of seroquel which i'm percribed, so I might just have a few of them and possibly not wake up, which is always an option, but I always do wakeup, no matter how much shit I take. 8)

Grr. Anyways, thanks for hearing me out guys and guls.

(Any ideas I don't know of about going about talking to my parents tomorrow, if I wake up 8))
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I dunnp whether to:
Tell my parents I can't remember taking them due to the seroquel i've been on for only 3 weeks (which they would beleive), and change to a daily pickup of diazepam
Just try to be done with the diazepam and tell them I don't want anymore
I'd be done with it. In 30 days, you will thank youself. Will be a shitty 15 days out of those 30, but you'll be strait. You can use the seroquel lie to keep them from getting pissed at ya though.

So, a little combo. Quit but still use the seroquel exuse.
Go back up to 10mg a day with a can of lager !

Slowly Slowly does it.

Don't beat your self up %)

Be honest with the folks ........ u will be OK :)
^ Thanks for the support guys <3

I might do the "serpwuel" thing and try to see how I go, unless the doc wants me to keep tapering slowly. But am getting pretty sick of that now.
^ Oh yeah welshmick, and theres plenty of cans of lager going along with it too right now :\
Well, I ended up being honest with my parents, and they cracked the shits with me, which I can understand, but told them i'm done with diazepam now and don't want anymore in the house. Just annoys me when "normal" people can never possibly understand stuff like addiction/drugs, etc, but they're always right and i'm always wrong 8)
^ I went 8 days man. Had to get 10mg daily from the docs today. On day 5 I started withdrawing like a mofo 8)
Well, I must of been taking diazepam for almost a decade.

And I can't see a way out, so good luck if you can do it.

I once went a week and it was hell. I couldn't get out of bed.
Have you ever heard of Mulungu? It can be used for anxiety, though I doubt its a proper replacement for Valium.

Why not switch to a short acting and only use them for panic attacks?
Long acting is harder to get off of though.

Having constant WD anxiety is the RESULT of constantly being on long acting benzos, or constantly using short acting ones.
Well, I ended up being honest with my parents, and they cracked the shits with me, which I can understand, but told them i'm done with diazepam now and don't want anymore in the house. Just annoys me when "normal" people can never possibly understand stuff like addiction/drugs, etc, but they're always right and i'm always wrong 8)

Truest shit i've read in a long time buddy, i feel ya. I cant imagine a benzo addiction, to be honest i wouldn't know how to. I guess the overall awnser u need is just take baby steps. Don't feel ashamed to take that step no matter how small. Because it keeps you movin even if your mood aint groovin' ;)
I'd be done with it. In 30 days, you will thank youself. Will be a shitty 15 days out of those 30, but you'll be strait.

That's completely wrong, potentially fatal advice. If you go cold turkey off a 6 year benzo habit, you could have a seizure and die.

A gradual, slow taper is the only way to get off of benzos.

Long acting is harder to get off of though.

Absolutely not true. Short acting benzos like xanax are the hardest to get off of, valium (with a half-life of 200 hours +), is the gold standard for benzo withdrawal precisely BECAUSE OF its extremely long half life.
You could be right. I have never WDs from benzos....but my rationale is that if you only use short acting benzos during anxiety attacks, sporadically, you experience more time NOT on benzos, while somebody who is using long acting benzos is less used to being 'sober'.

I agree that using short acting benzos constantly is worse than long acting ones, but if you only have anxiety attacks a few times a week, wouldnt it be better to use 3mg of ativan total for a week, 1mg each time, rather than just staying permanently on a low dose of valium trying to pre-empt the anxiety?....In these cases I think there needs to be a distinction between heavy and light use of short acting benzos.....using long acting benzos every few days could, in my mind, possibly lead to more addiction than using short acting a few times a week......unless you try to use short acting to stay medicated constantly anyway, in which case the long acting is better......does that make sense? for opiates for pain, its better to use long acting for chronic pain, but if you only have sporadic pain then long acting would be more addictive and less appropriate, but using fast acting for chronic pain is worse than using long acting for chronic pain.....right?
I dunnp whether to:
Tell my parents I can't remember taking them due to the seroquel i've been on for only 3 weeks (which they would beleive), and change to a daily pickup of diazepam
Just try to be done with the diazepam and tell them I don't want anymore

Tell them you don't remember. Even if you remember parts of it, I know I would have big gaping holes in my memory from taking that much diazepam. 8o

Most importantly, tell them you don't want to be taking it anymore, since that is something you clearly do not want to have to do.