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Trimethylaminuria - Why do people treat me badly just cause I smell like feces?

Jackie Chan

Nov 16, 2010
Seriously, what can I do? I have no friends
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I think you're probably just trolling, but I'll answer seriously, just in case you aren't...

Why do people treat you badly?

Well, first of all, you smell bad. People like to avoid sensations which are unpleasant to them. Pretty simple. The more philosophical answer is that it's a defense mechanism. Something people have learned to do over centuries to protect themselves. Smelling really bad can be a sign that you have some kind of disease, which other people don't want to catch. And not following the customs/norms of the community you live in can be a sign that you could be dangerous. Both make people want to avoid you.

What can you do?

If you have some illness that is causing it, go see a doctor and get it treated. If you don't, the problem is just that you have bad hygiene. Do things like take showers daily, wear clean clothes, brush your teeth, and the problem should go away.
Well, first of all, you smell bad. People like to avoid sensations which are unpleasant to them. Pretty simple. The more philosophical answer is that it's a defense mechanism. Something people have learned to do over centuries to protect themselves. Smelling really bad can be a sign that you have some kind of disease, which other people don't want to catch.

I also think it's a natural defense mechanism that's built into our dna. I wish people had more empathy, but I know if I didn't smell like shit, I wouldn't have any empathy for someone who did.

Let's say you met a person that was a really nice person, and u had a lot of stuff in common with them, but they smelled like shit all the time. And the smell can fill up a whole room, and was really bad. Even if you knew that the smell was caused by a health issue that can't be cured, and was not their fault, would you be friends with them? I mean like going out with them and hanging out even though it would be really embarassing for you?
I also think it's a natural defense mechanism that's built into our dna. I wish people had more empathy, but I know if I didn't smell like shit, I wouldn't have any empathy for someone who did.

Let's say you met a person that was a really nice person, and u had a lot of stuff in common with them, but they smelled like shit all the time. And the smell can fill up a whole room, and was really bad. Even if you knew that the smell was caused by a health issue that can't be cured, and was not their fault, would you be friends with them? I mean like going out with them and hanging out even though it would be really embarassing for you?
You need to find some firends who aren't so shallow. I personally wouldn't avoid somebody just because of their smell, assuming it's a health issue and not a hygeine issue. Many of my interests are outdoor activities - some sports, hiking, mountain climbing, sailing, biking, skiing, etc. These activities make most people who do them sweat and stink. People probably won't notice your BO because they're going to be stinking too.. So, given that we had a lot in common as you said, I would tend to want to spend more my time with them doing things outside.
Doesn't this answer your question?

Yeah, i guess, the first one.

But would u ever be friends with someone who smelt like shit all the time? Like, let's say they were a really nice person and u had a lot of stuff in common. But everytime they came over to ur apartment, they would stink up the whole place. I mean like the whole place would smell like shit even after they left, and u had to open windows to air out the apartment afterwards. If this person had the exact same personality, interests etc. as ur other friends, would u still be friends with them? If not, would they have to possess something above and beyond what your other friends have, in order for u to be friends with them?

Or no matter what the characteristics of this person, you wouldn't be friends with someone who smelled that bad?
You need to find some firends who aren't so shallow. I personally wouldn't avoid somebody just because of their smell, assuming it's a health issue and not a hygeine issue. Many of my interests are outdoor activities - some sports, hiking, mountain climbing, sailing, biking, skiing, etc. These activities make most people who do them sweat and stink. People probably won't notice your BO because they're going to be stinking too.. So, given that we had a lot in common as you said, I would tend to want to spend more my time with them doing things outside.

I don't mean BO, I mean literally a shit smell that is very strong. Let's say the smell was excreted from the person's pores when they sweat, and the more they sweat the worse it gets. So the outdoor activities makes it even worse. Let's say even when u were outside you could still smell it and it was pretty strong even outside, would u still invite them along to do outdoor activities with you?
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I dunno if people will want to hang with somebody who smells like Old Spice all the time, either - but it could work:)

I dunno if people will want to hang with somebody who smells like Old Spice all the time, either - but it could work:)

But what if the person had the shit smell since he was a child, and has seen a doctor, and the cause is a rare metabolic disorder that can't be fixed? What if the shit smell is so strong that no amount of perfume or deodorant can cover it.

If the person explained this to you, and was a nice person, just like ur other friends, would u
accept them as ur friend, or would it be different from ur other friends?
I don't mean BO, I mean literally a shit smell that is very strong. Let's say the smell was excreted from the person's pores when they sweat, and the more they sweat the worse it gets. So the outdoor activities makes it even worse. Let's say even when u were outside you could still smell it and it was pretty strong even outside, would u still invite them along to do outdoor activities with you?
I think I've heard about what you're talking about. I don't know much about it, other than basically, it's an untreatable medical condition. From what you describe, I just realized I might have known somebody with that. This guy in college, freshman year, who lived down the hall in the dorm. He would come over and hang out and study with me and my roommate sometimes... Sometimes I wondered (to myself) if he needed to wash his pants, but I never said anything. --- But if it makes you feel any better, nobody ostracized or criticized him because of it. He had several close friends. Nobody commented about it behind his back either.

So, I mean when you're outside doing something, your friend is stinky from ordinary BO, and then they smell you, they probably aren't going to be annoyed by your smell. They will be like "oh, i can smell Jackie. He can probably smell me too. I've really worked up a sweat." or something.

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if you've ever tried to cover up the odor with Patchouli or sometihng?
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But what if the person had the shit smell since he was a child, and has seen a doctor, and the cause is a rare metabolic disorder that can't be fixed? What if the shit smell is so strong that no amount of perfume or deodorant can cover it.

If the person explained this to you, and was a nice person, just like ur other friends, would u
accept them as ur friend, or would it be different from ur other friends?

I would need some strong evidence that such a condition exists and is untreatable by modern medicine and/or hygiene products.
I think I've heard about what you're talking about. I don't know much about it, other than basically, it's an untreatable medical condition. From what you describe, I just realized I might have known somebody with that. This guy in college, freshman year, who lived down the hall in the dorm. He would come over and hang out and study with me and my roommate sometimes... Sometimes I wondered (to myself) if he needed to wash his pants, but I never said anything. --- But if it makes you feel any better, nobody ostracized or criticized him because of it. He had several close friends. Nobody commented about it behind his back either.

So, I mean when you're outside doing something, your friend is stinky from ordinary BO, and then they smell you, they probably aren't going to be annoyed by your smell. They will be like "oh, i can smell Jackie. He can probably smell me too. I've really worked up a sweat." or something.

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if you've ever tried to cover up the odor with Patchouli or sometihng?

It's a gas thats released from my pores, and it spreads fast, nothing can cover it. The guy who lived across the dorm from u , how bad was his shit smell? Was it like he came into ur dorm and then the whole room smelt like shit? Not just like when he was near u, but let's say u were standing on one side of the room and he was standing on the opposite end, could u still smell it and was it still really strong at that distance? I don't mean a smell like if u were in a washroom and someone took a shit, I mean something much stronger. Like the smell could go outside a room even if the door was closed, and stayed for a while after the person left, like u needed to air out the room for a while to make the smell go away?
Do u know what he's doing today?

Imagine being hated and despised no matter where u went or what u tried to do? Being in ur 20s and never holding down a job for more than a few months. Having strangers on the subway threaten u if u didnt get off at the next stop and then people clapping when u got off. Getting looks of disgust n not being served at restuarants and then having to make the walk of shame to leave. People thinking ur crazy and never giving u a chance because u always smell like u shit urself. Moving to a developing country because u wanted to do something positive, but then the charity u go there to help doesn't even want u for free cause they think such awful things about u and that ur there for the wrong reasons just cause u have a strong shit smell all the time. Being called things like disgusting and piece of s every day. And knowing there was a valid reason for people to treat u like that.
I would need some strong evidence that such a condition exists and is untreatable by modern medicine and/or hygiene products.

Let's say this person could prove this to u, like let's say he could show u videos and articles from reliable sources about this condition, and then he got a letter from his family doctor saying he had this condition. Would u be friends with that person even if they had a really strong shit smell all the time? I mean if u thought they were a cool person and u had a lot in common with them, would u treat them like a normal friend just like ur other friends, or would it be different?
Let's say this person shows me these videos and articles from reliable sources, then. The closest thing I can find is a condition called, Trimethylaminuria

But for the sake of humouring you, if I met such a person and knew it was an untreatable condition, I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid that person, but I also wouldn't work in close proximity to them, as the smell would be distracting.
Let's say this person shows me these videos and articles from reliable sources, then. The closest thing I can find is a condition called, Trimethylaminuria

But for the sake of humouring you, if I met such a person and knew it was an untreatable condition, I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid that person, but I also wouldn't work in close proximity to them, as the smell would be distracting.

Humoring me? Do u know what it’s like to find out the few friends u thought u had don’t really like you, and all because of something u were born with and cant do anything about? I found that out yesterday, and u think ur humouring me with ur fucking response? DO u fucking know what it’s like to not be able to live a normal life without being degraded and humiliated on a daily basis? If only u knew the fucked up emotional state I’m in.

This video shows what I have to deal with. Pay attention to the part at 1:03 where she explains how the odour fills up an entire room, and AND THAT IT FILLED UP AN ENTIRE AUDITORIUM.


Do u fucking understand what it’s like to just sit there and ur shit smell fills up a room that size and u can’t do anything about it? Do u understand how ur treated and the things people say about u when stuff like that happens? Do u fucking understanding what it’s like to be humiliated every fucking day of ur life no matter what u do?

And the odour that is produced from tmau is a feces smell most of the time. The majority of people who have tmau don't even smell like fish. But U know everything from just reading a few sentences from wikipidia,

Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IPV72B4-3c
Another women who has tmau. She says she smells like shit most of the time and NOT fish. Look at the part at around 1:43 where she is asked what the odour smells like… POO! If it wasn’t a serious issue that destroys you mentally, would she be saying she can’t leave her house, she feels like a prisoner in her own home?

All I wanted to know was is there any way people could be friends with someone who always smelled like shit. If they possessed the same characteristics as ur other friends, but smelled like shit all the time would it be possible for u to be friends with them? Are there characteristics that such a person would have to possess above and beyond the characteristics of ur regular friends for u to overlook the horrible shit smell, and just treat them like a normal friend. Is there anything they could do or no?

[I understand that this is a really sensitive issue for you and the reasons why you're acting defensively, but abusive behaviour towards another Bluelighter will not be tolerated. Please be more careful with your comments in the future. Thanks - n3o]
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Oh sweet, I nailed the condition.

Youtube links are broken though :(
Have you tried any of the treatments suggested by Wikipedia? Read the article Cyc posted, and it suggested a few things:

- Avoiding foods such as eggs, legumes, certain meats, fish, and other foods that contain choline, carnitine, nitrogen, and sulfur
- Taking low doses of antibiotics such as neomycin and metronidazole[6] in order to reduce the amount of bacteria in the gut
- Using slightly acidic detergent with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5
- [...]supplements activated charcoal and/or copper chlorophyllin

Worth a shot, man.

To answer your original question, about whether I would hang out with somebody who smelled like shit all the time: No, I probably wouldn't. Not because I would think they were disgusting or scum or anything, but because I can't stand strong smells. Sorry!
Humoring me? You seriously r a true piece of shit who will never understand the meaning of empathy if after reading all that I wrote u think ur fucking response is humouring me. Do u know what it’s like to find out the few friends u thought u had don’t really like you, and all because of something u were born with and cant do anything about? I found that out yesterday, and u think ur humouring me with ur fucking response? Go fuck urself u fucking inhumane scum. DO u fucking know what it’s like to not be able to live a normal life without being degraded and humiliated on a daily basis? If only u knew the fucked up emotional state I’m in. U r a true piece of shit, if u could read my above posts and think ur humouring me with ur fucking response you are fucking scum.

This video shows what I have to deal with. Pay attention to the part at 1:03 where she explains how the odour fills up an entire room, and AND THAT IT FILLED UP AN ENTIRE AUDITORIUM.


Do u understand how big a fucking auditorium is? Do u fucking understand what it’s like to just sit there and ur shit smell fills up a room that size and u can’t do anything about it? Do u understand how ur treated and the things people say about u when stuff like that happens? Do u fucking understanding what it’s like to be humiliated every fucking day of ur life no matter what u do?

And the odour that is produced from tmau is a feces smell most of the time. The majority of people who have tmau don't even smell like fish. But U know everything from just reading a few sentences from wikipidia, ur a man of science, the science and technology mod who knows everything FUCKING SCUM.

Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IPV72B4-3c
Another women who has tmau. She says she smells like shit most of the time and NOT fish. Look at the part at around 1:43 where she is asked what the odour smells like… POO! If it wasn’t a serious issue that destroys you mentally, would she be saying she can’t leave her house, she feels like a prisoner in her own home? And u think ur fucking humouring me u fucking scum bag. Do u know what it’s like for me to just go out and stand in a fucking line up to buy groceries.

All I wanted to know was is there any way people could be friends with someone who always smelled like shit. If they possessed the same characteristics as ur other friends, but smelled like shit all the time would it be possible for u to be friends with them? Are there characteristics that such a person would have to possess above and beyond the characteristics of ur regular friends for u to overlook the horrible shit smell, and just treat them like a normal friend. Is there anything they could do or no?

I wouldn't hang out with someone who smelled like shit all of the time, even if they couldn't help it. I don't like the smell of shit. I wouldn't necessarily think bad of them, that they are disgusting or anything of the sort. But I probably wouldn't hang out with you if you didn't smell. Acting like an assjerk, because someone is coming at it from a different perspective and inadvertently offended you in the process, shows you're probably not very fun to hang out with. Cyc wasn't being an ass.
Jackie Chan, firstly, welcome to Bluelight.
Secondly, I'm going to move this over to the Healthy Living forum and also put the name of your condition in the title so people will have more of an idea of what this is all about.

Due to this condition being so rare it is probably going to be more worth your time discussing this with your doctor, or better yet if your current doctor isn't being much help to you, please find a different doctor or perhaps even a metabolic disorders specialist.

Good luck <3
this is a very complicated, you're better off just making friends online, this way you don't have to meet..
Unfortunately people cannot stand bad smell, bad smell makes people sick and nauseous..why would you think going to developing country would be any different, whatever country you go to people cannot stand bad smell.

have you tried these??

Avoiding foods such as eggs, legumes, certain meats, fish, and other foods that contain choline, carnitine, nitrogen, and sulfur
- Taking low doses of antibiotics such as neomycin and metronidazole[6] in order to reduce the amount of bacteria in the gut
- Using slightly acidic detergent with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5
- [...]supplements activated charcoal and/or copper chlorophyllin