Something to take away the empty feeling inside?


Oct 31, 2010
For as long as I can remember I have felt like I'm in zombie mode. Like I have no emotions at all, I'm just always content with life, not happy not sad, just in the middle. I never feel real raw emotion. It's really hard to explain but it's like someone could tell me a joke and I'll think it's funny but I won't react to it, it's like I actually have to make myself laugh. I know that may sound silly but im like that with everything. Im always in a state of numbness and I just feel so depressed sometimes, I think the perfect word to describe how I feel Is empty. Just empty and lifeless, it gets so bad sometimes I just can't take it. I just want something to make me feel like I'm actually alive inside, something that makes me really happy for once. Im only 16 and I just don't think I should feel like this. So I would like to know what kind of pill/drug will make me really happy?
I tried meth and loved the feeling I got from it, I felt inlove with life but I would like somethig that isn't as harmful as meth?

Thanks for any advice
Hi there

I totally know how you feel. I've experienced similar feelings since being a child, and am now 25. I don't really know the answer, but I know pills/drugs will only work for so long. You may be chill at first, high and just kinda breezing by, but slowly and surely that emptiness comes back - in the middle of the night, dreams, etc until eventually it has permeated your life again, and now you have it *and* a drug problem...

Just kind of an anecdote, people would often ask me why I didn't find such-and-such funny, and I would say something to the effect that I did find (whatever) funny, but that something had to really be hilarious for me to outwardly react. That may not be the best example, point is that's how it was with anything for a long time - happy, sad, angry, amused, frightened etc - like a curtain that I could keep myself behind until one day I couldn't anymore. Doing drugs with any regularity just adds a second curtain or what-have-you...

IMO you need friendship, life experience (nothing wrong with including drugs in this) and just kind of realize that being a teenager is BORING as FUCK. You may have the drive to learn/do/experience things but not have the resources... soon enough things will change, they always do, especially in childhood thru young adulthood. At some point you will find meaning in *something* in your life, and I hope that something isn't drugs. It fucked up my progress to being a healthy adult a whole hell of a lot.

I guess I didn't really answer your question... but maybe this has some meaning.
Thanks for the advice lasthurrah, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. It makes me feel a little less fucked up and crazy :) and yeah I know drugs will only work for so long, it's just when I feel that down and empty I don't care about anything else all I want is to feel something even pain, just something to make me feel like I'm actually a human being who can feel emotion.
And it just seems like no one understands or cares too. It just feels like such a lonely empty life at such a young age.
I'm also 16, I understand how you feel, though I generally have the opposite problem I've experienced what you are feeling right now.

i think you've just yet to find something that inspires you, gives you a reason to care/feel something

i do believe you'll find such a thing
†∆†;8941389 said:
I'm also 16, I understand how you feel, though I generally have the opposite problem I've experienced what you are feeling right now.

i think you've just yet to find something that inspires you, gives you a reason to care/feel something

i do believe you'll find such a thing

I hope so. Did you find anything to make you feel better? Or did you experiment with drugs to make you feel better?
†∆†;8941389 said:
I'm also 16, I understand how you feel, though I generally have the opposite problem I've experienced what you are feeling right now.

I bounce back and forth also. Usually i am sort of 'beyond' feeling, other times i am so hyper-emotional that i feel like wailing child (inside, of course). I believe this is totally normal for certain people, and somewhat changeable through a variety of means (therapy being what helped me the most, though I still struggle.

I think a literal 'empty' feeling can more accurately be described as a dissociative state or distancing from emotion, perhaps purposefully and/or sub-consciously. There is a lot of information on dissociative states around, generally the consensus is that most pathological dissociation is a result of emotional trauma of some kind (the most benign of these being something like teasing at school), also things like witnessing a parent/sibling/friend die and feeling like you need to be "strong" and not show emotion. Again, no one taught you how to do this, it's very natural under many circumstances I'm sure, not limited to those I've described. But honestly how you got this way is not that important imo. Of course all of this is my opinion btw

Feeling so numb inside that pain is preferable to nothing, will land in you in a whole lot of trouble namely by destructive compulsive behavior. Drug addiction, eating disorders, kleptomania, self harm like cutting/burning... all of these give an intense rush of some sort, easily confused with emotional outpouring and sometimes hard to self-limit. What I mean is, many people including myself cycle through some of these behaviors in an attempt to feel, like you said *something* as opposed to *nothing*, and so now I am a hamster on a wheel (or cycling between several wheels) because it gives the illusion of control and emotional response, otherwise I am even more dead emotionally than I used to be. The result is stagnation.

I didn't live a typical childhood at all, and I don't remember most of say 14-19 (didn't do drugs until 19 incidentally), but it is my understanding that some of this is normal. The desire to go beyond the limits of your personal psychological defenses (like numbness) is natural and in healthy people this turns into healthy risk taking... perhaps something like LSD or mushrooms would be a good experience at this point... "cheap" highs like meth/opiates/coke etc. seem counterproductive to a healthy life for many (not all people). Not to mention your brain is still developing, and you don't want to become a mentally unhealthy adult (believe me).

I'm just kind of rambling at this point, but I wish I understood my kind of lot in life at 16 years old. Take some healthy risks, have wild sex (with condoms!), hell go to therapy (good way to feel something eventually, it even worked on me), learn an instrument. Taking drugs for a chemical reaction that makes you feel "good" is okay but it's not the answer. Then again you will probably try most classes of drugs in the next few years, so have fun. Opiates are especially hard for me, I can really get emotional on them which can be addicting in itself for someone who is usually numb (as you have already picked up on obv with this thread), and generally I feel just more comfortable physically, mentally, all around. But after about five years they don't work so well anymore, even occasionally as I have not been seriously physically addicted in a few years.
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I bounce back and forth also. Usually i am sort of 'beyond' feeling, other times i am so hyper-emotional that i feel like wailing child (inside, of course). I believe this is totally normal for certain people, and somewhat changeable through a variety of means (therapy being what helped me the most, though I still struggle.

I think a literal 'empty' feeling can more accurately be described as a dissociative state or distancing from emotion, perhaps purposefully and/or sub-consciously. There is a lot of information on dissociative states around, generally the consensus is that most pathological dissociation is a result of emotional trauma of some kind (the most benign of these being something like teasing at school), also things like witnessing a parent/sibling/friend die and feeling like you need to be "strong" and not show emotion. Again, no one taught you how to do this, it's very natural under many circumstances I'm sure, not limited to those I've described. But honestly how you got this way is not that important imo. Of course all of this is my opinion btw

Feeling so numb inside that pain is preferable to nothing, will land in you in a whole lot of trouble namely by destructive compulsive behavior. Drug addiction, eating disorders, kleptomania, self harm like cutting/burning... all of these give an intense rush of some sort, easily confused with emotional outpouring and sometimes hard to self-limit. What I mean is, many people including myself cycle through some of these behaviors in an attempt to feel, like you said *something* as opposed to *nothing*, and so now I am a hamster on a wheel (or cycling between several wheels) because it gives the illusion of control and emotional response, otherwise I am even more dead emotionally than I used to be. The result is stagnation.

I didn't live a typical childhood at all, and I don't remember most of say 14-19 (didn't do drugs until 19 incidentally), but it is my understanding that some of this is normal. The desire to go beyond the limits of your personal psychological defenses (like numbness) is natural and in healthy people this turns into healthy risk taking... perhaps something like LSD or mushrooms would be a good experience at this point... "cheap" highs like meth/opiates/coke etc. seem counterproductive to a healthy life for many (not all people). Not to mention your brain is still developing, and you don't want to become a mentally unhealthy adult (believe me).

I'm just kind of rambling at this point, but I wish I understood my kind of lot in life at 16 years old. Take some healthy risks, have wild sex (with condoms!), hell go to therapy (good way to feel something eventually, it even worked on me), learn an instrument. Taking drugs for a chemical reaction that makes you feel "good" is okay but it's not the answer. Then again you will probably try most classes of drugs in the next few years, so have fun. Opiates are especially hard for me, I can really get emotional on them which can be addicting in itself for someone who is usually numb (as you have already picked up on obv with this thread), and generally I feel just more comfortable physically, mentally, all around. But after about five years they don't work so well anymore, even occasionally as I have not been seriously physically addicted in a few years.

Yeah that's like exactly how I feel, and I agree with you on all of it. You should be a therapist or something. Ya hit the nail right on the head with everything.but I'm gonna try and stay away from the really hardcore drugs. But the worst thing about me is the only way I ever really feel emotion, joy or happiness is when I'm doing extreme things, I get such a rush from doing reckless things, like drugs or even stuff like playing around with older guys(not sexual) or doing extreme activities. Thats the only times I ever really feel anything is when I'm breaking the rules or being inappropriate.
Hey Lightblue, I'm 23 right now, but I've felt the same way since age 15. It started the summer before my freshman year, I sort of just withdrew into myself and detatched from my emotions. No one could get a rise out of me; no laughter, no crying, no emotion, nothing.

Okay, so my Dad has always told me that with time this will all change for the better. He says that as I get older I will come out of my shell and to not worry about what life is like in high school. And he was totally right.

Once I got out of high school, I came into my own—and then I served a term in the Air Force, which was probably the best time in my life looking back. It was really fun—not saying that you should join the military, but it's definitely an option; all that life experience really helps to bring you out of your shell, and you meet lots of cool people (but of course, it is really stressful and tough at times.)

Okay but now that I am out of the military I am stuck in a rut, but I won't really go into that.

Questions for ya:
Are you into drugs a lot? What have you done besides meth? Drugs could really help your situation if you use them responsibly, but could really harm you if you use them in a stupid manner (i.e., if you use them every day, if you get addicted, if you overdose.)

Drugs that could help but aren't as harmful as meth: marijuana makes some people real giddy and happy (others it causes anxiety/depression,) benzodiazepines can help you to break out of that detatchment that you described. Cocaine used in moderation is a social drug that can help ya stomp out that detatchment. Mushrooms are a light psychedelic that I found will help ya connect to your emotions and to people, and only a small risk of sending ya over the deep edge.

That's really all I could recommend to ya. Opiates will make you out-going at first, but quickly turns to an anti-social drug that you take only to sooth yourself. Toying with psychedelics in your state of mind COULD help, but just as easily could make everything WORSE! You are only 16, so I would say wait a bit to try out drugs, but I started before age 16 so I will just say use responsibly.
I can relate to having a lack of emotion. I'm a bit different in that my usual "emotion" is feeling anxiety, if that can be considered an emotion. But I think it's a way of avoiding whatever feelings I may be having at any particular moment.

I have also used speed and other drugs in order to feel more stimulated by ordinary things, to try to feel deeper connections with others, etc. It is pretty much a dead end road if your goal is to improve your emotional health.

I think it's a matter of learning to be more in touch with our feelings, and there are lots of ways of doing so. I find that music is great for this, songs that are meaningful can really be good at triggering an emotional reaction.

It sounds cheesy but learning how to express and to accept love from others is also something that is teaching me how to "feel" more. It can be uncomfortable, I know for me it is, because I'm not used to feeling loved by somebody. But if you can find people that truly care about you unconditionally, and stick around them for a while, it can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself.

You definitely don't want to have to rely on a substance in order to feel anything. Meditation, music, dancing, yoga, journaling, social interaction, volunteer work, etc., are all things that will probably be more effective and provide longer-lasting benefits.
I have become numb in most ways. I chalk it up to work overload myself.........I have never gone more than 2 weeks without working since I was 19 years old. I am now turning 28 and every year seems to fly by faster than the one before. I would take more than 2 weeks off of work if I could, but due to my constant need to experiment with mind altering chemicals, and never-ending bills this isn't an option. Unemployment is something I consider when I'm fed up with working, but I never can seem to get fired from any job :( By most accounts I am a happy, fun-loving, caring person......but mostly I just feel like I'm in cruise control.
maybe you should take a few months and abstain from all drugs... then you can feel real emotions, not one from a chemical. just sayin', probably the best idea
Well I've actually felt this way for a long time, since I was a kid. So it has nothing to do with drugs making me feel this way, since I only did meth a few times. I don't play sports and never really have, not saying that I wouldn't like to, I've just never had the opportunity to do so, since I never was in school. I've been working full time since I was 15, and right I'm going to college. So on the outside everything looks good it just doesn't feel good. But that's just it I don't really have anything to say this is why I feel this way. Im just in a consent state of emptiness, I mean I can have a good day here or there but it always comes back to the same zombie mode.

Anyway I want to say thanks to everyone who answered. Thanks for all the advice.
I can relate. Sometimes certain things might bring emotions out of me, or at least a kind of empathy, like watching TV shows or movies that I like. Sometimes music. But when it comes to my own life, I really don't care about much. Or when I do care, it's more of a general feeling of depression or hopelessness. Looking back on the past few years of my life, a lot has happened, and yet I still have this feeling of boredom/apathy about it. Nothing seems memorable. Nothing triggers nostalgia. The only thing I become nostalgic about are certain memories from my mid-teenage years.

The only thing that really took away this emptiness for me is opiates, which I don't really recommend because it obviously sucks ass to get hooked. I genuinely connected with people and felt for them; just FELT, when I was on them. I know somewhere deep down I'm a very emotional person, or else I wouldn't care about this at all. Somewhere, something's fighting for me to face what I've got bottled up, rather than to keep myself numb.

And that's probably the case for you, too. I saw a few times in this thread the suggestion of certain psychadellic drugs. The last time I took mushrooms, it caused me to face my emotions head-on, and that was truly a frightening experience. Possibly the worst in my life. I'll never do that again. But, yes, I do believe it did cause me to experience the emotions that I subconsciously must hide from. There was a lot of sadness; too much. But it did the trick, so to speak.
Indeed, I had a similar experience with psychedelics. It was hard at the time, but I do think I grew from the experience and generally understand myself better. I will probably never do LSD or mushrooms again though, I couldn't handle it at this point IMO. So yeah, it'll do the trick, but it won't be easy by any means.
Empathy is something I've never had a problem feeling... I can relate to others, it's personal anger/sadness and even happiness, not related to anyone else, that I have problems with, personally. Don't know if it's this way for the OP or not. I know I'm not a sociopath (for example) because I care about others and feel empathy very strongly, however I found myself "cold" for a long time - it has gotten better though, and I don't think most people would describe me as an unfeeling person (in fact, it'd probably be the opposite because when I do get emotional it gets a bit out of control sometimes). It's my hypothesis that at one time I was overwhelmed with fear and it was mentally dangerous to feel anything besides numb. So although the feelings are/were somewhat buried, it never struck me that I wasn't capable or anything like that. This is more my personal situation though, I know some of the experiences that made me fear for my life on a constant basis for many years (for good reason). Everyone's different, and also I doubt it takes something as extreme as all that. It's interesting and all, but at this point in my life I'm more worried about solutions and less about why I am the way I am.

Anyway just some thoughts.

Also, about engaging in high risk behaviors. I think everyone desires adrenaline rushes on some level, but perhaps everyone's tolerance (natural or built up perhaps from other activities) depicts how far they go to get that. Someone might speed on the highway and get their "fix" of "bad" behavior, whereas some have sex in public places or whatever.
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Thanks for the advice lasthurrah, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. It makes me feel a little less fucked up and crazy :) and yeah I know drugs will only work for so long, it's just when I feel that down and empty I don't care about anything else all I want is to feel something even pain, just something to make me feel like I'm actually a human being who can feel emotion.
And it just seems like no one understands or cares too. It just feels like such a lonely empty life at such a young age.

They don't understand or care because you haven't told them bro. I'm pretty much in the exact same boat as you.

I've always suffered from horrible shyness, completely my own fault but I've pretty much dug myself in this social hole so deep I won't be getting out as long as I'm living in this same place. 17 years old, never had a girlfriend, never had my first kiss, never even had a hug from someone who isn't a family member in years.

After a while that kind of loneliness fucks with your head, just makes you feel like a hollow shell, and it plays off itself creating a downward spiral.

But enough about me, more how this relates to you. Now I can't tell you what to do exactly, but people man, do stuff with people. Social isolation can make you feel like shit. Find someone you can trust and talk to them and just tell them absolutely everything.

I came up with a good question to ask last night, what question do you want someone to ask you more than any other question?
I hope so. Did you find anything to make you feel better? Or did you experiment with drugs to make you feel better?

you HAVE to elicit an emotional response from yourself, as i said. i know this may not be that helpful, but i think it's important to just try things that are new to you and see if you have a reaction. maybe do something creative?

drugs is the easiest way to do that, but it never ends well, and isn't worth it! cocaine has fucked up my life severely, all because i have trouble making myself feel connected to the world.
I was the same. I had no feelings, I didn't care and I just thought that life didn't have feelings. I still have the detachment but I do random things. You just have to be social. Offer to help people, and you start getting it back. Today my friend was moving his bike down the stairs, I asked if I could help him. He said yeah thats great, and I opened the door for him. It made me feel better, and function in social situations more.

I am really used to being alone. I prefer it very often, but I know it can be better. You are just feeling that now. Its good to show your emotions, but I can't really do that. I am the one who never laughs after a joke, smiles very rarely, and also hates most contact with people.

If you want attention, draw attention to yourself, make people want to talk to you, make yourself interesting so that others will want to bask in your radiance. its not hard, a funny t-shirt, a pin on your bookbag, coming back on the weekend and asking the girl next to you how was your weekend?

Look emotional, show facial expressions, smile before you leave in the mirror, these things all help and they are super easy to do. If you think its hard its not at all, just never run away from reality. I used to not know what I looked like, and when I looked in the mirror, I wasn't able to comprehend that was me.

Blah blah blah, I'm trying to give you some concrete advice more than concepts, all you have to do is make people want to talk to you. Get an iPhone4, blast your music around social situations, ask for help on homework from your neighbor, give help if someone looks confused, and don't be afraid to touch people, you're weird if you don't ever touch anyone.
For a long time now i've felt the same way as you do and I know it sucks but maybe it's because all the drugs just becoming such a drain on your life.
As much as a gift as they are, it's still really hard for you to feel normal when your constantly feeling beyond anything natural.
Being alone is never easy and as cliche as it really sounds theres someone out there that really cares and wants to help, just look at all the post on your thread.
Maybe instead of thinking of the negative and the loneliness, think about all the people who would take the time to try and relate to you and try to make you feel better :)

But yeah I hope you do a little better and don't give up hope!