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Shadiest spot you've done drugs

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Sitting in the baptism tub (it's placed on a balcony sort of thing behind the pulpit where you can't be seen unless you're in the room) of my church right during a revival. Church hymns actually sound pretty nice when you've just put heroin in your arm.
booting some k while driving to petco :\

edit ... more like stupidist spot i did drugs
What a thread. Not sure what you mean by shadiest but I dunno, perhaps shooting up at a christening. I felt like a cunt but I was dope sick and I needed to function properly.
dunno about sketchy places but I shot coke in a church bathroom during a wedding...I had to wake up from too much heroin,i guess in a church bathroom is the worst since it is a church,but in my car , outside beside a parked car in a mall parking lot with people walking by..they did not notice me, I am quick and got it down to a quick science..
In high school I smoked weed in a church

I've shot up in front of gas stations and 7/11's a bunch of times; and in parking lots. Hurray for tinted windows!

When I come home from college for summer/winter breaks, I have to share a room with my little sister, and I was shooting Oxy's in my bed with her and my little brother in the room. We have bunk beds and I was up top but I still felt so sketchy.
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In a poor neigborhood in Rio. The owner of the house I was visiting was fine with lines of coke being done on the front step but as soon as the crack came out my accomplice and I were relegated to a tree across the other side of the track that was littered with rubbish and filth. We had to share our crack with a homeless dude.
i worked at a jamba juice years ago. and i was the shift lead. i had my best friend come into my work, get my money from me, and grab us some bud.

i then proceeded to take him and his new illadelph in the refridgerator (it was summertime and it gets hot here) and blaze. on the clock, with my co workers working out in the store front.

everyone knew i was in there toking it up. and i even opened the door for them to come in and grab the wheat grass flats and juice concentrates while we were smoking. which wasnt bad at all cause the ventalation in there was awsome. the smell was gone after 15min.

but for 30min we got way faded in there. and when we were done, all my co workers were like "woah, this place is so fuckin chill." cause everyone who worked there at the time smoked.
i worked at a jamba juice years ago. and i was the shift lead. i had my best friend come into my work, get my money from me, and grab us some bud.

i then proceeded to take him and his new illadelph in the refridgerator (it was summertime and it gets hot here) and blaze. on the clock, with my co workers working out in the store front.

everyone knew i was in there toking it up. and i even opened the door for them to come in and grab the wheat grass flats and juice concentrates while we were smoking. which wasnt bad at all cause the ventalation in there was awsome. the smell was gone after 15min.

but for 30min we got way faded in there. and when we were done, all my co workers were like "woah, this place is so fuckin chill." cause everyone who worked there at the time smoked.

I've wanted to toke in the walk-in freezer myself, it's so nice in there because the kitchen and dining room can get so unreasonably hot.
Bong hits under a bridge in london (passers by thought we were doing crack)
Made a fort with my coat and blazer and entered the fort and did bumps of k on the school bus
One time, I was at church with my sister (if you are catholic you know how BORING it can be) and I told her I was going to the bathroom. I went out to the side of the building and smoked a joint with three feet of snow on the ground. Went back in and sat back down reeking of pot.

Good times.
what im seeing here is either gutter as fuck to so the fuck what as fuck. Using toilet water tho. Thats some grim shit. Gonna have
to disagree about the downtown Detroit comment. Sure. downtowns not super nice by any means but compared to the rest of the
city... I would say see for yourself but thats pretty poor advice
Shot up in various public toilets, there were a few better than others though. smoked crack and heroin in car parks and in motorway lay bys not the wisest of places.
The first time I rolled my friends cut me the line on a pizza plus table in plain view, thats about it.
blew a flexeril on a teachers desk.
had 2 crushed up in some celafain with 2 inches of straw in there, inside my closed fist ,
snorted all in the hallway and bathroom at school.

When I went to Alton Towers theme park I IM'd 250mg in the toilet cubicle.

Walked outside and went into a catatonic K hole and woke up a hour or 2 later in the accident place in the park and had the checks by docs to see if I was ok then police turned up and busted me for having a gram of ketamine and 6 ritalin tabs and a public disorder offence.

Because I was being violent to staff and in an unfit state in a public place surrounded by children im on bail until august 4th and am sh1tting myself.
Was such a stupid thing to do.
A car park near the needle exchange joint, which happens to be surrounded by 5 commission buildings filled with dealers and junkys alike. I was so dope sick that as soon as i got the fits i walked 20 seconds to a pretty much full open car park, walked up one set of stairs, sat by a car(because it was windy and i almost lost my gear putting it on the spoon.

by the time i started mixing up my 2 points of good quality viet gear 2 security guards were walking up the stairs and noticed me on my knees by a car. by the time they had approched me i had quickly begun to suck up my mix, they asked me whats going on? i didn't get up and turn around until i had the shot ready.

I turned around on my knees and said mate i'm so sick I'm going to have this(showed them the loaded fit) and then i'm leaving. you can call the police, but if you attempt to restrain me i don't know what i'll do, i just don't want to be sick any more.

one of them said hurry up so i shot up in front of them, cleaned up my mess and said thanks. interesting experience. and one of the best tastes i've ever had considering how dope sick i was at the time
Oh boy oh boy. I think a better question would be, where HAVEN'T I done drugs?

I've shot-up in...

- my car EVRYWHERE. In the hood, parking lots galore, random drive ways...
- public restrooms. Nasty gas stations, fancy hotels, parks, port-a-pottys
- school
- back alleys (lol)
- at work in the box office (I worked at a movie theater). There was even a camera in there. I just turned my back to it. =)

And prolly a bunch of other places that aren't coming to mind. Not that I'm proud off all this. In hindsight I'm actually a bit of an *idiot* for putting myself in such risky situations. On more than one occasion I could have very easily been popped by the police. I remember one time I was parked on a random side street in a black (poor) neighborhood - as the needle was in my arm, I look over only to see a cop car slowly creep by. Luckily he didn't see me...but damn was heart rate through the roof for a good 10 minutes after that.
My high school bathroom, probably. Snorting Opana 40s off of my Calculus textbook, every morning for about 4 months. Or maybe off the trunk of a random car in the school parking lot. Not on anything of course, just crushing it up right on the car. *sigh* good times.
prodidgy/chase&status outdoor gig earlier this year, que for the toilets were fucking massive and i had to snort stuff, so i noticed people going into the trees to pee. i went to this foresty area, literally people everywhere, found my self a reasonable spot slightly downhill, turn my back to everyone and started racking lines ahaha i got away with it aswell :)

some man (from a distance) thought i was crying and was like "are you ok?" i was just like "yeahh i'm fine!"

i'm sure there is more stories, i'm the most unsubtle person ever :')
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