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Effects list of K2 Summit

Idk about K2, but K3 has worked ok for me until recently. Both the decreased potency and tolerance curve have turned me back to regular bud :D
Chasing the dragon is best...though I wonder, what plants do people use for making smoking blends? Most herbs seem too harsh to bother smoking, but I do enjoy the ritual of loading up the bong.

Btw, I've smoked several blends and they all seem to have a noticeable amount of damiana both by taste and smell. I'm pretty sure k2 has lion's tail as well. Read somewhere that the little seeds in there are also toxic if eaten... Wish I could find the link to that :\ Those without JWH analogues usually substitute with the dried skins of fly agaric cap though.

The list probably goes on much longer..
Mix your own!

no vendor discussion! read the rules :\
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I heard K2 described on Erowid once as "pot without the fun." Kind of agree..it makes music better and makes me extremely hungry but you don't get that dopey grin on your face you just can't remove.

Had this one experience smoking a blunt of it in a huge indoor/outdoor flea market we have here in SoFla. It hasn't been renovated in years, and there is an arcade with neon signs and old arcade machines, like Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat, and there was some alt rock playing. I walked in there and was had this idea that my friend and I had traveled back to the early 90's. It started out as a funny thought but I ended up convincing myself it was true and ran out of there as fast as I could. Weird shit.
Thanks for all the help.
I have been looking and posting all over the web anywhere I think help might be found. But if you know of any sites that could possibly be beneficial, please let me know.
I'm sorry, I don't want to come off as a dick or anything, it's just really disheartening to feel on the brink of death everyday and it's impossible to find help. Though I'll keep trying until I get it resolved.

I've told all the doctors exactly how it is. The shitty thing is that the neurologists that I've been to to treat headaches. You go there. They give you a drug to help with headaches. If it doesn't work, you go back. They give you another drug to treat headaches. And rinse and repeat. They say nobody knows what causes headaches, so that's all they can do. I understand that. But at the same time, It would be nice to somehow get them to talk to headache specialists worldwide to see if they know or have any idea how to treat this problem. But it really seems like they're job is so laid out and easy that they've lost the goal of helping people, for the sake of simplicity.

Also, I know the difference between headaches, and this. This isn't even a pain in the sense of a normal pain or headaches, it's entirely separate and impossible to describe. In the past week it has escalated so that on top of this "pain", I have actual headaches along with it, which means it's gotten worse.

I know this is a drug forum, I wish I could do them still, and I totally understand all the responses from high people joking and saying stuff, which saddens me because I can't be in that state anymore...which angers me. But whatever. I'll keep looking, probably not responding anymore, but trying to find help.

My head is throbbing right now. I'm sick of being drunk. I just want this over with. If I find a cure I'll post it everywhere a thousand times.

Peace to all and extreme thanks to anyone being proactive trying to help.

Ouchie, my email is on page 3. Let's figure this out man. :)
Morrow....as someone who is suffering with a condition that is "not well understood" (at least not by almost any front-line doctors in any specialty; I've seen dozens over 10 years for my immune-based condition, something that falls under the umbrella of "reactive arthritis" but has many unique attributes that most doctors can clearly see yet don't know what to do with), I....uh....feel your pain, as it were.

As someone who has a frustrating relationship with cannabinoids (cannabis itself makes my condition itself better by modulating the immune system, and has a dramatic effect on my digestive problems, but causes me anxiety and "paranoia" among other things....it's hard to get synthetic cannabinoids such as Nabilone, brand name Cesamet, covered by Medicare Part D plans).....and an interest in researching them to the Nth degree....I'm fascinated and horrified by your case.

Please, if there is ever anything I can do to help you, reach out. I'll contact you at your email when I get the chance, but I have a family to take care of and a brutal illness to deal with so please forgive me if that takes a while.

At the moment I'm rushing off to bed, so I can't rant nearly as much as I normally would. But know that you're far from alone. Medical science is a unbelievably crude, greedy and lazy business. It is an industry more than a science.

The sad part is that some of the best docs -- researchers, and general practicioners -- are getting screwed and losing a lot of the financial benefits that all their investment in costly schooling was supposed to provide. The business that surrounds them slowly crushes every motivation and drive to learn everything there is to know about every problem their patients/subjects have.

Those of us who suffer like this, have to rally the resources we still have....and become the front line, because we are it and nobody can really understand what it's like to suffer except a sufferer. Even those who have suffered horrible things, almost immediately begin to forget what it was really like for their own mental well-being. It's designed into the brain. For someone who is living with it every day, for the indefinite future, and has dealt with it for long periods of time (many of us, for decades)....it's a whole different ball game and very little of what healthy people put their energy into is of any use to us.

I know the idea of becoming a doctor and developing your own treatment seems impossible, with what you're dealing with. I myself am not yet actually doing the same....things are just too intense between my health problems, the searing pain and various threats to my life itself, and raising a young family, right now. I do think that if I manage to live through the next couple of years and achieve my creative goals for this life.....then I'll start looking very seriously at taking my own advice, really helping others like us in ways that I can only do with an MD/PhD after my name.

Anyhow....I couldn't let you enter a lurking phase without telling you the above, and hopefully putting it out there that there ARE people just like you out there, as rare as we are even among the "mysteriously" chronically ill. We must network and spread every useful scrap of knowledge we can find....because nobody else is going to do it for us. Particularly the first-hand experiences....which really are at least as useful as any damned study, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
As interested as I am in the JWH class cannabinoids, and the others that are out there on the black/grey market, as a potential treatment and a way to save money, avoid the risk of growing, etc.....it's just not worth even a tiny risk of ending up in Morrow's shoes, people. Don't do it.

I would rather "miss out" on a million nifty 'recreational' experiences than have just one that I regret. I've already learned, far too well, the depth of how frustrating it is to realize that you could have avoided the utter obliteration of your quality of life *if only*.....the "ifs" are endless and they will swallow you whole if you let them.

Morrow, I know I'm jumping into the conversation without having exhaustively read the entire thread (I've skimmed parts several times in the past weeks), but have you tried GABA supplementation? That might be one of the simplest ways to test for GABA-related issues. If it makes you markedly better or worse, then you've got a pretty clear target system. This might also be a useful test for some of the other classical neuro-amine precusors such as (N-Acetyl-)L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine (and D-Phenylalanine would be useful to test for anything relating to your enkephalins or possibly the larger endorphin systems), 5-HTP, and adjuncts such as SAM-e.

Even if such supplementation might affect more than one neurochemical at once (such as tyrosine's metabolism into dopamine as well as norepinephrine), and could have secondary impacts which might muddy the results' implications....there could be at least some usefulness in seeing the results of this.

Plus, since you'd be approaching each of these neurochems as directly as possible, instead of taking some poorly understood pharmaceutical that is supposed to "act on xx system"....you would have a greater degree of certainty about what was happening with the neurochem, as opposed to some poorly-understood effect of a molecule that only "acts" on that neurochemical's receptors in some way, or inhibits its uptake, or breakdown, etc.....

I know that could add up in cost, but unfortunately some amount of experimentation is often required when trying to diagnose or develop treatments for a "mysterious" condition.
Coolio -- wow, haven't heard from you in a long time. We should get back in touch!

Since we last saw each other, I've developed a quite nasty and severe chronic illness. I suffer horribly and constantly. The gory details would turn you green with horror; if you could be wired into my nervous system, you'd probably scream bloody murder as soon as the switch was thrown. My condition, though a relatively well known disease with a clear cut cause (severe shock(s) to the immune system caused by infections; in my case, antibiotic resistant staphylococcus), is usually not curable or effectively treatable. Many things are not known about how it "works" or why it is so different from other forms of arthritis. So, I tend to be sympathetic to people in situations like Morrow's. I feel a desire to help them in any way I can....it helps me cope with my own pain when I can give others the benefit of my hard-won knowledge about medical science, chronic pain, neurology/neurochemistry, pharmacology, etc....at least then, my suffering serves some purpose in allowing me to alleviate the suffering of others.

I am fairly expert at many of the techniques employed by Buddhist (notably Japanese Zen) monks and martial artists of several disciplines to cope with pain and "set it aside" from awareness.

These techniques work fairly well for short term or medium-duration (days, weeks, a few months even) pain of up to medium-high severity. But after years of onslaught by multiple extreme pain sources along with the psychological pressure that can build up from certain types of pain -- difficulty breathing, male reproductive/groin pain, headaches/eye pain, etc -- they are of limited utility. Even the most experienced meditation practicioner would acknowledge those limitations, I believe. I am constantly open to improving my coping skills, but "mind over matter" only goes so far because the mind is, after all, rooted in matter. It is the product of a physical body, one we can never truly transcend in this lifetime.

When you break your arm, sense receptor neurons in your tissue send electrical impulses through the nerves and up into your brain. The 'pain' you feel is a subjective, psychological construct generated by your mind. It doesn't physically exist as you claim. The pain only exists in an abstract, invisible way as a thought. Everyone's 'pain circuits' are a unique manifestation of biology, and depending on your genetics and life experiences you may be impacted far more or far less than average by this sense. You can have conscious control over how you experience the sensation generated when electrical impulses are received from nerves involved in transmission of deformation/pressure data. Hindu and Buddhist monks can completely ignore these sensations, and it isn't unpleasant for them to experience pain. They can be fairly indifferent to it after years or decades of mental training.

You have complete control over your experience of the world; stop looking for external forces to blame.

You guys wanna know what ruined my life for like a year and a half?

Xanax addiction. Completely fucked over my libido, man.:X

Thankfully it came back after a year and some change of no benzo's whatsoever, but I just had no interest in any kind of sex for the longest time after that shit. It was more like a chore that got in the way of my daily life then anything else.

That was even worse than the withdrawals I went through, for real.
Coolio -- wow, haven't heard from you in a long time. We should get back in touch!

We should! I'm coming down offa some 4-methoxy-PCP, about to drive from Austin to Cali!

I didn't expect to see a post telling a story like yours here; I offered my standpoint based on the fact that an acute CB1/CB2 agonist overdose, or hell any psychedelic, cannabinoid, or dissociative drug overdose, probably couldn't cause any nerve damage of the type you suffer from.

I'm not trying to tell everyone in the world to meditate their pain away; just that someone who has suffered a textbook 'panic attack' and now suffers from textbook 'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder' should realize that in a healthy and normally functioning nervous system, most pain is psychosomatic.
Morrow neurology is in it's extreme infancy, I wouldn't expect any significant results from this. Judging from the postings I think you may be having some sort of psychological experience to this. My advice would be to forget about what you've done and how it can be fixed because its too late.

Try to be as healthy as possible. Eat 6 meals a day, with all macronutrients and micro as well as exercise. Take omega supplements, and eat your veggies and fruits. Forget about illicit substances for the next while. Just focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and take it from there.
This might sound stupid but you could maybe try detoxing your body? Only drinking herbal teas and water, an all vegetarian diet for a week.
I remember I used to have these terrible headaches when I did too many drugs and they wouldn't go away and I tried a detox thing and it actually helped.
Just my 2 cents worth
if u have cluster headaches there is no known cure and no known cause. sorry

hactually, cluster headaches are the one thing that we do know a cure for-- indolic psychedelics. there's a whole website with dedicated followers who swear that psilocybin mushrooms or LSA-containing morning glory seeds can halt a cluster headache with a sub-psychedelic dose, and prevent further cluster headaches in the cycle.
All pain is psychological. Pain can be a result of a psychological construct based on your mind's perceptions of tactile sense receptors on your nerves; or it can be completely mental.

Please, please, PLEASE read up on psychology and psychiatry some before thinking this is a more serious problem than it is. You are suffering the same kind of thing victims of any other trauma suffer; and it often takes years or decades for a shrink to convince them it's all a manifestation of anxiety or depression or some other deep seated psychological issue.

If you don't believe me, please read some of the following:




One of the biggest hinderances to anxiety and panic disorder relief is that the sufferers experience anxiety in a physical sense, and feel they have no control over it. They often worry about their heart or breathing rate. This worrying is the CAUSE of the physical pain in their chest that continue to grow and increase in pain as they think about it more.

Pain is always all in your head. If there's no physical reason for it (an acute cannabinoid overdose has little to no chance of causing any permanent physical disability in an animal not involving vomit) then you're probably able to be cured of your PTSD with psychotherapy and/or medication.

I think there's maybe a 20% chance that you're right about what's affecting the original poster.

You shouldn't be so condescending, though. You have had your own experiences, but that doesn't mean what's worked for you will work for others, or that their situation is anything like yours. Pain isn't always the result of anxiety. Psychosomatic pain is real, yes, but rare.

Statements like "you're making it out to be more serious than it is", it's just rude.

As for the original poster's problem, I don't know if K2 is the cause. I mean I understand that these problems started after K2, but there's a very real possibility that it's just a coincidence that all these problems started after K2.

Also, they could be related in a different way. As in, you have XXX condition, and K2 is a catalyst for XXX.

I hope you get better soon. There has been a lot of sound advice in this thread that you should try.

Also, I understand that you're afraid of mushrooms after your friend's bad experience, but therapeutic doses are below active doses. So start REALLY low (since you never know their potency), like maybe a quarter of a gram. You shouldn't hallucinate or anything. Or, if you get acid, it's (slightly) easier to control dose.
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What timing.

I wish I had read this thread a week ago... new member here who just recently picked up some 018, 073 and winfx. Having read mostly positive reviews and figuring this stuff has been around for a while and no one reported growing a third arm yet, I was looking forward to experience these.

Well, two nights ago my woman and I each smoked about 3-5 mg of 073 and a few hours later a smaller amount of winfx. Ok, nothing special... a different kind of cannabis-like effect.

What was different is that the next morning we both awoke feeling really hungover and spaced out. She complained of a headache traveling from her jaw to over and behind her left eye. I felt okay except for a spaced out feeling like when you skip a nights sleep, kind of klutsy and clumsy. Now, two days later, I still feel that...not as strong though, but it's there.

She doesn't feel the headache right now, but said earlier today she did. She did say that she felt 'different' ever since trying the stuff and said she wondered if this was permanent.

Hmmmm.... looks like I will not be experimenting at all this weekend... this is all just too freaky. I may just end up with a very expensive toilet flush, I don't know.

Best of luck guys, I'm not so sure this is psychosomatic.

I'll check back in a few days and post anything relevant or helpful regarding this.