Why live?


Apr 24, 2010
I can't see a point too life.. I never really have. What is the point of staying alive and going through all this ridiculous shit when you could just end it? It would be so much easier, theres really no downside to it..

Why stay alive? I'm not asking for a reason to live, I'm just asking why you live
sorry if it sounds like im asking you why you aren't dead, I don't no how to reword it ask what i want to no
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For me, I have too much life to live to be dead. I have more reasons to remain alive than I have to be dead. I bet you like to read Nietzche, eh? Are you asking this in an attempt to spark a philosophical/self-awareness debate or do you truly feel life is not worth living?
Say you don't believe in god or anything... then once you die there is nothing.. Just nothingness, I couldn't take that. And that's is the only reason im still living, cause im too afraid of death and nothingness.
but you wouldnt be there too experience the nothingness, you cant say you couldnt take nothingness if you haven't experienced it/never will(apart from whatever nothingness you experience from drugs). it would be better than experiencing imo, but not yours.. sorry if im coming off as an asshole..

death does seem scary, its ripping your being out of this world.. but the aftermath of death would be better. i am willing to get through that inital scariness so there will be nothingness
i've been pretty down and out lately, suicide has crossed my mind but it's never something i would act on. my buddy and i were havin a pretty deep conversation and he looked me square in the eyes and said, "dude, life is for livin".....and that is so fucking true. since then, i've been trying to get back to the things that make me happy. i'm taking a trip to the mountains this weekend, gonna spend some time trout fishing and playing in the river. next weekend i've got a couple of shows to see and i'm paying much closer attention to the people i love.

yup, life is for living man. typically when we get depressed we want to lock oursevles up and become distant from all of the things that can make us happy. the world is full of bullshit....hell, i try not to even watch the news anymore. BUT, there are wonderful things out there, try to immerse yourself in those things. shit, i found myself watching 2 squirells play last night for about 15 minutes and it made me feel really peaceful and happy.

so whether it's squirells, a sunset, a great song, a trout stream, a random stranger or an ice cold beer there are plenty of things out there that make me want to ride this storm to the bitter end. you never can tell, something positive might happen to you in the next 5 minutes that will make you realize "life really is for living". BUT, you have to drag your ass up and live before or you'll just fizzle out.
Yeahh that's what everyone says to me when I say that but, imagining not ever being able to have a thought again, I dono the more I think of it the more I go insane about it.

But entaco.... are you trying to say you're about to go kill yourself cause life is pointless or are you just stating its pointless??
im not always depressed when i thin these things, i am about 99% of the time.. i can even be in a fit of laughter and than immediately stop and start thinking why bother laughing..why bother anything.. it always leads too suicide.

not having thoughts would be much better... i dont know what im saying, i just want to know why other people live, maybe itll give me a reason..

ive been searching for my own reason and i can safely say there isnt one.. im living so my family doesnt have to deal with my death.. but i dont see the point to that, id rather be selfish and be happier..
I've been wondering the same thing lately. My life's been hard enough so far, and now adding my recent heroin and cocaine hobby; the withdrawls I've been experiencing for the last couple weeks make me want to kill myself. I think the only reason I don't is because I've frightened that there actually might be a Heaven and Hell. I know it's a weak reason, but.. it's honest.
i really truley apreciate every post here... thankyou.
ive quite frankly got nothing and no one in this world but myself.. and myself issomething i dont like, i dont know how to change that but i want too.. and ive tried.. very hard

its just the negatives outweigh the positives by a large amount.. i really want someone elses outlook on life.. i want to be normal but for all the wrong reasons..
I'm relatively young and have been this way most of my life..

and there you have it, you're young. have you ever experienced love? have you ever gotten your mind blown at a rock show? have you ever climbed a mountain? i don't know, i'm speaking to my own experiences but my point is, that you have to have something that you're passionate about. if you don't, get out there and find something. hit the road, do some travelling. i know it sounds cheesy as balls, but be a fucking free spirit for a minute.

if you're young and sheltered all you know is your world, you don't know what else is out there. i've struggled with clinical depression since i was 15, i'm now 31 and even in the rough patches i know there are things i don't want to miss, so i pick myself up and get out there. exercise has been a fucking life saver for me as well.

i probably sound cliche to you right now, but i'm just trying to put some ideas in your head as to how to get through this.
i really truley apreciate every post here... thankyou.
ive quite frankly got nothing and no one in this world but myself.. and myself issomething i dont like, i dont know how to change that but i want too.. and ive tried.. very hard

its just the negatives outweigh the positives by a large amount.. i really want someone elses outlook on life.. i want to be normal but for all the wrong reasons..

at the end of the day, all we have is ourself. we're all alone. how do you change your vision of yourself? see my other posts. do things for yourself that you enjoy. live for yourself, don't live for anyone else.
im 16 and id say that ive experienced all there is too experience in life, theres not much else to do with myself. even at the happiest moments in life its always followed by a thought of "whats the point"..
ive tried exercising, opiates, benzos, anti depressants, at the moment ive got an alcoholproblem.. all of which madeworse..obviously, apart from exercising, ive got a real escapism mentality when it comes to drugs but these thoughts wont go away, i just want them too , iw ant o be normal:(
im 16 and id say that ive experienced all there is too experience in life

c'mon man (assuming you're a male). don't think like that, every 16 year old thinks they've seen it all and know it all. i sure as hell did when i was that age. i don't really know what else to say other than, you couldn't be further from the truth. i don't know you personally, but i promise you that you haven't even begun to scratch the surface. i also know what it feels like to be a down and out teenager, it fucking sucks. but i promise you life is full of awesome shit.
I always can put a smile on my face knowing that life will be a temporary condition, no matter what. Even if life is painful and full of suffering, if there is an afterlife(I make no assumptions), the suffering will be rewarded, especially if no harm was done to others. Nothing is permanent
if there is an afterlife its got to be better than now doesnt it?
most of the possible fun stuff to experience i mean, not rereading my posts, but youre probably right, got that idea from the adults in my life..which is also where i get these thinking patterns from now that i think about it...

thanks for the advice chicken, maybe try something different tomorrow, see ohw i feel at the end of the day, ive done it before and its always failed though :( it sucks but ill atleast try. i appreciate everything everything said. exercising isnt an option for a few days, id love to read again but my cioncentrating goes in about 5 seconds which also lleads to alot of self abuse..... idont know.. something will happen eventually i hope
why not just free your spirit, do what you ' enjoi , and not give afuck
sure beats the other option
depression and suicidal ideation grind the emotions down . it is overwhelming and relentless .
it colors every facet of life . myself and others, plenty others, have gotten out of the pits of misery through the intervention of western psychiatric and/or psychological medicine .

i got my life back because of finally finding one competent and well informed Pdoc . you have to be your own advocate in these matters as finding a good one can get almost overwhelming .
OP: You just have to accept that you are good at being depressed and rock that in life! You can be the most awesome nihilistic, stylistic thing-about-town! There'd still be no reason to care but at least you'd be cool... ;)