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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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BTW, about the impending UK ban, thers a decision today:


Not entirely sure what this means re time frame, but it's definitely faster than I'd expected. I'm guessing the explosion in use, as well as it's close chemical similarity to MDMA/amphetamines have been major contributors. Word is it'll likely be Class B, so not one to get caught with in public.

Although it's definitely coming, can anyone tell me how long it takes to be passed into law after the scientific comittee pass on their recommendations? No idea if it's a matter of hours or weeks, myself. Would be good to know how long we've got left!
BTW, about the impending UK ban, thers a decision today:


Not entirely sure what this means re time frame, but it's definitely faster than I'd expected. I'm guessing the explosion in use, as well as it's close chemical similarity to MDMA/amphetamines have been major contributors. Word is it'll likely be Class B, so not one to get caught with in public.

Although it's definitely coming, can anyone tell me how long it takes to be passed into law after the scientific comittee pass on their recommendations? No idea if it's a matter of hours or weeks, myself. Would be good to know how long we've got left!

Looks like it will be officially banned within 2 weeks in the UK. This is knee-jerk reaction from our clueless government, they havent even had time to carry out any sufficient research or coallate any concrete facts about it. The only fact is there is no evidence at all that mephedrone has been the cause of any deaths or harm.

Even though I knew this was coming, our government are fuckwits and I hate them with a passion. They just dont learn.. banning everything that comes onto the club scene blindly is not going to help anyone. There are other ways of dealing with it. Im angry :X
Just remember with the politicians the votes are all that counts. ;)

I guess it's just short term thinking of wanting to quickly patch up a 'scare' rather than looking to dealing with the root causes of problems. I understand it must be hard from their perspective though having to keep everyone happy (or at least not complaining too much) all the time I imagine is no mean feat; I bet there are so many pressures from so many different parties each with their own agendas.

And so the patched up leaky bucket is then passed on to the next group and they in turn do 'quick fixes' to sweep the previous errors under the carpet etc. etc.

'Drugs on the table' as they say on the wire.

Unfortunately the majority of voters it seems are childishly superstitious and so the politicians will pander to that audience.

Hmm this would seem to attest to my point:

"In normal times the whole process takes a year and a half, sometimes longer. The deliberations that led to cannabis being reclassified from class B to class C in January 2004 came on the back of an ACMD-led review that lasted close to two and half years.

But these are not normal times. We are in the middle of a mephedrone scare in the runup to a general election. The result of this toxic combination is the current farrago." -http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/mar/29/mephedrone-classification-advisory-council-misuse-drugs

I imagine they wouldn't wanna take any chances coming up to the general election.
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I read this thread almost every day and get fucking jealous. I have been wanting to try this shit for some time now and have done a BUNCH of research. But I ordered two separate grams from 2 separate sites and have still received NOTHING.

Annoying to spend 30$ for a gram of shit and get nothing in return. Maybe it's because I live in the USA but I was told that the package would still arrive.

Sucks to get burned this bad....twice.
Looks like it will be officially banned within 2 weeks in the UK. This is knee-jerk reaction from our clueless government, they havent even had time to carry out any sufficient research or coallate any concrete facts about it. The only fact is there is no evidence at all that mephedrone has been the cause of any deaths or harm.

Even though I knew this was coming, our government are fuckwits and I hate them with a passion. They just dont learn.. banning everything that comes onto the club scene blindly is not going to help anyone. There are other ways of dealing with it. Im angry :X

I agree, the government is an ass, and the media have created this frenzy. do you not think people will stock up too before the ban, they do say within a couple of weeks but I reckon its gonna be within the next week, they will spring it on us , watch this space!
<No personal attacks, please, especially over someone dosing responsibly... -BW>
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Had some more this eve at a dnb/dubstep night.

Felt good for a while then my kidney ceased up. When I went for a piss I was trying real hard and to make matters worse the bouncers kept coming in every minute or two checking for guys taking stuff (most likely meph!).

I got a few trickles out but it felt horrible, a throwback to the ecstacy days.

So when I got home I chucked the rest I had. Don't need that shit yo!

Worth a try but glad it's out of my system now (or will be in a day or two ;)).

Fuck I'm really kicking myself now. I realized that I likely had blunted effects due to taking l-tyrosine beforehand (probs why I had the slowed kidney effects as I hadn't noticed this before even at the same dosage). I'm annoyed because I would have wanted to test this theory (which would have been ideal with the small amount I had left) but I threw the rest I had and it feels like I have 'unfinished business' with this substance now :(. I thought it strange that it was tkaing me so long to come up- and also the I wasn't feeling the speedy effects but only the softer E related side.

This has important implications for moderating effects such as taking either more 5htp for a speedier buzz or more tyrosine to curb the speediness.

Man I might have to get just another .5g just to test this theory. Annoying. It's gonna be playing on my mind now.
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New here.

Did about 1g for the first time two days ago and 100 mg yesterday. Today I woke up finding that I had to breathe more often (or at least being more aware of breathing). Anyone else experience this? Did it go away?
^There's no telling exactly why you're experiencing this. The large amount of drugs you ingested likely played a role because of all the stress put on your body, but we can't say anything for sure. If you really have trouble breathing, see a doctor.
Saturday night i was at a rave there and upto this point ive did meph a good few times, iv got decent experiance with this drug. my dosage would normally be around 200mg nasally but this time i only had 100mg or so (eyeballing in a club toilet...) because it wasnt my drugs and i didnt want to be greedy.
the problem is that up until this point ive had no bad reactions to mephedrone at all but on this occasion, i started getting mild chest pains that lasted into the next day and very slightly today (4 days later).
i know this is meph as im experianced, could tell by smell, look, taste and buzz but im wondering why all of a sudden i have had a bad experiance after so many previous usages that were fine. Anybody got any idea why i could have negative effects now?
^It's not like your body was 100% when you took that last dose, so it doesn't matter that it was less than usual... You had already been weakening your body for awhile before this and this may have been the dose that put you into new territory, so to speak. It could be in your mind, or it could be actual heart issues. As we've been saying on here, the drug is very likely cardiotoxic and no research has been done on it, so please take it easy! Especially if your body gives you a symptom like this, I think I would take that as a strong warning from my body to give it a break! Good luck, and I hope for the best for you!
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Mate if you're gonna keep taking it I'd highly recommend you stock up on both 5htp and l-tyrosine.

Each time I feel myself coming down I will take both of these and it seems to have the effect of 'soaking up' the meph and bringing me back to baseline (this is what I presume happened which caused me to wreck my buzz last night as well. I took a tyrosine before dropping cos my head was feeling sketchy a bit so wanted to take it to curb usage from the other night but it also had the effect of wrecking the effect for later, I believe. I say it's directly attributed to this rather than continuous usage due to me having taken it 3 days in a row previous with no blunting effects to speak of).

I have done this every time I have taken it. Interestingly I found last night (having taken more l-tyrosine than 5htp) that it lowered my heartrate and hadn't been sweating as much. I also wasn't as horny and didn't have all the other speedy effects I like to my frustration at the time :(. So although it wrecked my buzz that time I think that it is positive evidence or at least anecdotal evidence that it helps mop it up/counteract it somehow.

Obv. I can't say conclusively but that has been my subjective (limited) experience having taken meph 4 times now. Oh and also I have taken it 3 days in a row and waited one day to take it a 4th. I still didn't get mysterious symptoms yet. Just saying as I would immediately curtail usage if I had.

My usual regimen is to wank myself back to baseline- average one every ten mins or so for an hour or two :D.

I won't be bothering to look for it after the ban (14 april I read earlier) as I have no 'drugs contacts' these days and do not wish to seek them out so the honeymoon will be over once the ban comes in for me. I've found this substance useful for introspection more than anything.
I insufflated the mephedrone whilst having a cold. Is it possible some got trapped in snot and was then absorbed later? I swear the stuff is coming out in my sweat because after showering I quickly smell of the stuff again.
^It's not like your body was 100% when you took that last dose, so it doesn't matter that it was less than usual... You had already been weakening your body for awhile before this and this may have been the dose that put you into new territory, so to speak. It could be in your mind, or it could be actual heart issues. As we've been saying on here, the drug is very likely cardiotoxic and no research has been done on it, so please take it easy! Especially if your body gives you a symptom like this, I think I would take that as a strong warning from my body to give it a break! Good luck, and I hope for the best for you!

It was actually a few weeks (3 mabey?) after my previous dose, which is the thing that is confusing me, so i actually had a break then got pains. Im going to take your advice anyway, ive decided not to touch the stuff again, i think theres too much of a risk involved after seeing what it can do to my heart in such a low dose.
Knowing me though, ill get drunk some night at a rave and just say "ahhh well, fuck it ill give it another go..." God i wish i could get some MDMA to occupy me instead...
^Yes, that is certainly the smart approach given that this is a research chemical that is so likely cardiotoxic! That scares me from ever touching it, at least!
I just read about aload of sweating problems? Smelling chemically? I cant honestly say when I did take it I dint smell or anything and I have been around people who have took it since and dint smell or sweat. but peoples heart beats, beat that fast you can feel them... by just like leaning on them.
I definitely recommend you did some research regarding the V. I havn't taken it myself but I read that it is bad for the heart on its own (if prone to heart conditions) and we all know the stress meph has on the heart so could potentially be a lethal combo!

Like I say I am no expert but just what I've read. So I suggest you research it some more...
A rather silly question, but considering the 'banning' which I presume is going to happen fairly swiftly, what's the deal with still acquiring more online up until when this happens? Is it likely that most (or at least, the popular) online vendors will continue taking orders/delivering right up until when the ban comes into place?

I have a few grams left at the moment but really want to stock up for the future. I'm sensible, and going to lock it away somewhere I can't get to it for a while, but I'd like to have some around for the festival season etc. I know it will still be around once it's no longer legal but I'd rather not take my chances on what could be baking soda sold by some **** on the streets.

I was thinking of doing it when I get back to university in two weeks time, but have no idea whether it's likely to be classified by then or whatever.
A rather silly question, but considering the 'banning' which I presume is going to happen fairly swiftly, what's the deal with still acquiring more online up until when this happens? Is it likely that most (or at least, the popular) online vendors will continue taking orders/delivering right up until when the ban comes into place?

I have a few grams left at the moment but really want to stock up for the future. I'm sensible, and going to lock it away somewhere I can't get to it for a while, but I'd like to have some around for the festival season etc. I know it will still be around once it's no longer legal but I'd rather not take my chances on what could be baking soda sold by some **** on the streets.

I was thinking of doing it when I get back to university in two weeks time, but have no idea whether it's likely to be classified by then or whatever.

You will easily be able to keep ordering up to that date (and probably for a while after). the vendors dont really care about the ban as long as their safe from prosecuition. i know a site that sells real weed online and its been running for years so you should still be able to get it for quite some time.
As for the ban, its going to happen before the 16th of april
A few UK sites have already stated they will be stopping production by next week, but others will carry on until the last minute. There will be alot of people doing the same (stocking up), and ive seen prices on some websites go up alot since the announcment of the ban.

Does anyone know how long mephedrone will keep good for, is it indefinately?
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