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Ive never 'tripped'. Im too worried about my physical wellbeing?

very informative thread
so is the consensus that K is good for OBEs and DMT is good for the intense visual immersion?
If your worried then stick to the classical plant entheogens which we know are safe.

Such as 'Shrooms, Ayahuasca, Peyote, San Pedro, etc.

All of those have been used for 1000s of years and are known to be 100% safe!

This isnt true. If i had pushed my body a bit harder, i am quite certain i would have had a stroke or heart attack. Just because something is 'safe', doesnt mean that if the right circumstances occur, it will not be able to harm you. Mescaline increases your heart rate quite a bit, so does marijuana. I combined both, then exerted huge amounts of energy riding up a hill in the hardest gear of my bike. If the hill had been double the length, and i didnt notice my heart doing what it was.. im pretty sure i would have ended up in the ER.
This little mushroom ran across a snowy field tripping out on acid and 2ci. The dose was rather light. It was about 12 mg 2ci mixed with a hit and a half of medium potency acid. The field was pretty big and the snow was pretty deep - at least a foot. It was pretty fluffy still so he was running through all this fluffy snow. This little mushroom was wearing heavy clothes. By the time he reached the end of the field he felt like he could die. He could barely breathe. His body was going crazy... felt like this little mushroom just ran a marathon.

This little mushroom probably would have bugged out regardless of whether he was using psychedelic material or not. He smokes a lot, and is pretty out of shape.

Some materials give him a pretty sick stimulant effect, that can be annoying. That's about the only negative psychedelic issue for him most of the time.

The other night he had a dmt trip where it was cold... and he was shaking once in the dmt space... didn't go to far in though. It was sorta unpleasant. he couldn't stop making convulsions. His place is very drafty though.

There are always weird sensations that humans go through. Sometimes they happen on psychedelics. Other times they happen because of some physical task we put ourselves through. I suppose there is only so much energy we can expend before are bodies tweak a little bit. Also, humans adapt. If you start small you can probably work yourself up to a point where you can trip and work out simultaneously. You may find that the energies work together well. But randomly deciding that your body can do amazing things during a trip is not always the best option. Like this little mushroom running across his field. He doesn't normally run... so it fucked him up good. he had to take a sit down... and felt wasted for a good 10 minutes. If he ran everyday he probably would have been more well adapted.

So bottom line I guess is don't do things way out of the ordinary... especially the ordinary physical condition you put yourself through. This little mushroom generally likes to stay home and get into the emotional range... with or without people.... and on mushroom doses simple activities are amazing... This little mushroom like throwing big rocks over his head into the air... or rock balancing can be very therapeutic.

Nothing is ever 100% safe. You gotta get use to something.... and the more experience we have the better we are able to make predictions... Our predictions aren't always certain though. Be safe as possible............ Sometimes risks are fun too. Human body can go through a decent amount.
You really need to stop writing in third person. The LE will fuck you over whether or not you are using third person or 'swim', so there is really no need, its just annoying.

Thanks for the post, though.
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It honestly sounds like anxiety, more than anything. Being hyperaware of your heartbeat is a classic sign of a panic attack. Unfortunately, it only feeds your anxiety, raising your heartbeat further, and such is the feedback loop.
If i had pushed my body a bit harder, i am quite certain i would have had a stroke or heart attack.

I know where you're coming from on this one - I remember having difficult trips on LSD and DXM which were dominated by this sort of cardiovascular hypochondria (I tend toward this sort of paranoia even in sobriety). I can assure you that your perception of your physical health is being drastically skewed by the drugs, however. I remember putting my fingers to my wrist on acid one, and feeling an insanely rapid pulse - I know this in retrospect to be an absurd misconception, as the pulse I had calculated would have been almost surely deadly, and I know my heart to be perfectly healthy.

You just have to TRUST your body - it's an incredibly sophisticated and intelligent biological system, fine-tuned to protect your well-being over millions of years of evolution - it's not something mass produced on the cheap in China, bought at your local Wal-Mart. As long as you give it the nourishment, sleep, and exercise it needs, it will serve you well. Don't even think about it. <3

I fully support your decision to try DMT by the way. :D Your brain was made to be on that stuff. ;)

Just Be!
I remember putting my fingers to my wrist on acid one, and feeling an insanely rapid pulse - I know this in retrospect to be an absurd misconception, as the pulse I had calculated would have been almost surely deadly, and I know my heart to be perfectly healthy.
That is why, when calculating heart rate, you should use an external resource (such as a clock.) Don't rely on your tactile perception, as it may be skewed, along with ones sense of time.
That is why, when calculating heart rate, you should use an external resource (such as a clock.) Don't rely on your tactile perception, as it may be skewed, along with ones sense of time.

Trying to do anything important with time is always a mindfuck for me whatever I trip on. Time in general fucks with me while I trip, my friends have said the same so I'd suggest not bothering trying to figure out your heart rate while tripping.
aww i kinda know how you feel, first time i tryed ayahuasca was wonderful

altho my heart woodnt shut up and i felt like i was short of breath the whole time. it was a bit intense at first but i learnt to appreciate it, i mean it was my first trip.

but 2nd time we took it i got to sort of come up and things went a bit wavy....then i puked...and puked....and almost passed out whilst trying to help my boyfriend who had passed out on the stairs...boxing day was funny lmao

anywayysss, yea i just wish i cood let go when i manage to actually try more trips hopefully either mushrooms or acid

well up for it!!!

just want to see beautiful things and really appreciate a trip rather than wanting it to end because i feel like im gona puke, or i mite stop breathing :S
This isnt true. If i had pushed my body a bit harder, i am quite certain i would have had a stroke or heart attack. Just because something is 'safe', doesnt mean that if the right circumstances occur, it will not be able to harm you. Mescaline increases your heart rate quite a bit, so does marijuana. I combined both, then exerted huge amounts of energy riding up a hill in the hardest gear of my bike. If the hill had been double the length, and i didnt notice my heart doing what it was.. im pretty sure i would have ended up in the ER.

Sorry, this is true and I've got people like Richard Evans Schultes to back me up (if you even know who that is) along with 100s of studies.

The only person to ever died from peyote choked on a button!

And if your talking about extracted mescaline, well I didn't say a damn word about that! I said the PLANTS were safe!
Nothing is ever 100% safe.

Your right, you can drown in a large enough pot of Ayahuasca or choke on the Peyote button if you haven't learned how to chew correctly.

So it's 99.99999% safe.

These aren't fucking RCs... these are the plants. They are safe.
id have to say in my life ive taken vast amounts of acid (lsd ) when i was younger till the age of 21 it is a mind expanding drug but there is only so much expansion you should allow with your mind , keep stretching your shorts waist line and eventualy it will become over stretched and the elastic that holds it together will snap leaving your shorts a bit loose fitting , it can also cause you problems in later life depression etc or you take too much and never fully come back ... be carefull !
Your right, you can drown in a large enough pot of Ayahuasca or choke on the Peyote button if you haven't learned how to chew correctly.

So it's 99.99999% safe.

These aren't fucking RCs... these are the plants. They are safe.

No, the idea that 'its a plant so its safe' is a load of BULLSHIT. I know you may THINK that, but its not the case. A humans heart can only beat so fast before it gives out.. mine was at the point where it was beating far far faster than i could count, and no i wasnt in any time distortion. Im talking minimum 200bpm, probably over 250... when its normally 60bpm.. it was literally beating like 4 beats a second.

If i had not realised my heart was doing this, or the hill was longer and i had pushed my body *even* further.. im certain i would have had a heart attack.
Nobody has EVER died on Peyote or Ayahuasca and that is a fact.

There a plenty of studies to back this up.
I know what your trying to say. The idea that, if you locked someone in a padded room, and that they cannot die from taking peyote etc, is true.

But, if you incur stress or contribute outside factors, ie, riding a bike, then the fact that the heart rate is already far higher than it should naturally be, with the higher rate that you get from riding, can induce strokes/heart attacks. Your deluded if you dont believe that.

eitherway, thats not what this thread is about, so drop it.
Moonyham: I think it's great you are concerned about your health, but trust us when we say as long as you don't physically exert yourself, you should be fine on mushrooms or LSD. Those are the two classic deep psychedelics. I think you'll like them if you start with moderate/mild doses and work your way up slowly.

It's a great experience! :D
Nobody has EVER died on Peyote or Ayahuasca and that is a fact.

There a plenty of studies to back this up.

And at least one death attributed to peyote from all of 2 minutes research...

Although mescaline use is often viewed as posing a minimal health risk, we encountered a case demonstrating that ingestion can be fatal... The only fatality previously described with mescaline use was from trauma during a drug-induced delirium..

A 32-year-old Native American man with a history of alcoholism ingested peyote tea. After an uncertain period of time with unknown symptoms, he developed respiratory distress and suddenly collapsed. He was transported to a hospital and died after unsuccessful resuscitative efforts....

Mo other drugs of abuse or ethanol were detected. Vitreous fluid electrolyte, cretinine, urea nitrogen, and glucose concentrations were normal. The cause of death was certified as mescaline intoxication.

However rare such instances are, I very much doubt that's the only death caused by Peyote or Ayawaska. Nothing is 100% safe for all of the people all of the time. There isn't a single recorded death from, for example, 2C-B. Does that make it perfectly safe?

Having said that, the vast majority of psyches are of course perfectly (physically) safe when used responsibly :)
the point is,
as long as your not a dumbass and ride your bike up that hill again,
you wont die

dont search for a crazy circumstance in which you MIGHT get hurt, and use that as an example of how unsafe something is
The thing is, i REALLY want to just TRIP - THE - FUCK - OUT. Like all these experiences i read where people fly through the universe and shit, I WANT THAT. I want to be absolutely disconnected from my body and be walking around in my brain, i want to just not even know where or what i am. But, im scared that my heart beat phobia/problem, will mix VERY badly with a super intense trip?

^ N'N-DMT will do this. Blasting off like a rocket into hyper-space ;)

You mentioned you rode up a hill after having some Mescaline? That i can understand your heart-beat increasing, but with DMT you wont even be-able to move or comprehend anything outside of hyperspace. It does slightly increase blood pressure and heart rate from my understanding.. but nothing that's going to cause complications.
A friend of mine died on Shrooms (Hawaiin) :x he tooks huge dose and visuals was very intenses for him. He completely loss the control and had panic attack so much that his heart stopped to beat (Cardiac Arrest). It was in 2007.... I'm not joking at all....