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The Big & Dandy 'Age and Psychedelics' thread

If you use psychedelics, please tell us: how old are you?

  • < 12

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12-15

    Votes: 11 3.9%
  • 16-18

    Votes: 45 16.0%
  • 19-21

    Votes: 87 30.9%
  • 22-25

    Votes: 52 18.4%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 33 11.7%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 31 11.0%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 11 3.9%
  • 51-65

    Votes: 9 3.2%
  • > 65

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
Personally, I wouldn't suggest research chemicals for anyone under age of 20 (that is me telling myself to do what I say instead of doing what I always do - scitzho, any?) since it isn't necessarily fully understood how they affect the brain, and the brain's quite vulnerable until that age.

Back on the track: Psilocybin, LSD and all the others well known ones are most likely fine! My own first trip was when I was 18, think for a while I reached a ++++ - When all actually made sense on such a low level, where the product of the Creator actually understood the Creator in complete synesthesia. I'm fairly sure these kind of -truly- meaningful trips are easier to get on when young, since mind's less occupied with permanent data.

Of course, in case of having an underlying serious mental disorder, you're going to get fucked up sooner or later if you keep on the psychedelics. Can't really say which is better, to get your bad lottery ball early on or late? Young mind has the favor of adopting quicker. Old might be steadier. Might.
Teens doesn't have developed neuron connections or something, so I guess they are more in dangerous for HPPD to occur.
Put it this way, hands down the best trip of my life was at 16, absolutely mind blowing. I'm only 19 but damn I wanna be 16 :(

I Guess mine don't really count seeing as i'm technically still a teenager, gaaay.
I'm 18 now. I tried mushrooms for the first time I was 16.

To most naturally "conscious" and mentally healthy people, I offer this advice: try a psychedelic. Just once. In my experience, it seems like ONE experience is really all most people need. Sure, most people may be more experienced with these chemicals here, but I feel like it only takes one experience to catalyze an incomprehensibly positive, permanent impact on your life.

Psychedelics seriously changed my life in unbelievable ways. I used to be such a negative, "closed" person. Tripping showed me that there is unlimited potential in the world, and that you have the choice to harness the power of the universe and explore anything you desire, if you have the ambition.

Most people in society place themselves in a certain fixed position, with an artificially low ceiling on their life's possibilities. LSD and mushrooms blows a hole in this ceiling. It makes certain things "click".

As far as using psychedelics at a young age, I would say experiment with caution. I started slow - maybe tripping once or twice within the first year I tried mushrooms at 16. Then, I got seduced by their magical properties, and ended up tripping once every couple of weeks. I'm about 35 trips deep, but I've cut back drastically.

The true benefits from psychedelics are in the integration process. "Coming out" of the trip (not coming down... but coming OUT weeks/months after the fact) is the point when you take what you learned and either apply it or don't. Applying the concepts you learn is usually difficult at first, but you have to realize that psychedelic experiences are "real", even though they may have started from putting a chemical in your body.

After laying off psychedelics, I've been basking in the glory of the world. My last real trip was about 5 months ago. I was shown beauty, and while I was confused for a while when I was loading my body with molecules, I'm now taking the time to integrate what I've learned and applying it to my daily activity.

My life pleasures have increased infinity. My personal power has increased significantly. Everything is headed in a positive direction. I don't attribute psychedelics 100% to this, but it gave me the initial glimpse that almost ANYTHING is possible, within physical laws, and even then it's questionable. ;)

Trip face. Write about it. Cherish it, and respect the experience/chemicals. Learn as much as you can before you do it, but realize that you know nothing until you've done it, and even then, you know very little. After all, we don't know what we don't know. Then integrate it. That's the key.


Couldn't have said it better myself
Personal experience... weed one month then i introduced myself to psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, then E all in a two week time frame. blissful days!

the mdma/less than mdma caps probably did the most damage, as I would possibly be a noticeable amount sharper intellectually, but I actually completely say fair trade those times were SO incredibly good and, well still are every now and again.

the LSD and psilocybin and made me feel alot wilder, I was very closed minded andfearful before taking psychedellics, now I'm much more brave and willing and feel it is attributed to lsd and mushrooms.
Dubious. Source?

I think this is mostly related to the overall brain developement. There are many links and layers in the human brains that do not fully develope until you're over 20.

One of the systems that do not develope til' late teens is the myelin distribution: http://www.livescience.com/health/090203-marijuana-brain.html

While the above link's disputed from the objective point of view - and is about marijuana, not strict psychedelics - I'd be extra cautious with any mind-altering substance that lacks long research when brainssss aren't yet fully developed and functional. If the less known chemicals are going to be harmful on healthy adults on the long run (say, 30 years), I'm pretty sure they'll be triple the more harmful on those who took them as teens..

The link's other claims are partially unrelated, just the quickest link I could draw of the one aspects of brains that need time to develope. It's also one of the elements that protects and enchantes activity of brains.

So - as teen brains have less protection from cellular damage and still construction in progress, I could easily see how certain psychedelics do have the possibility to modify the coming changes in brain cells, in a way that could affect HPPD symptoms to appear. Though, like said before, there are psychedelics with well established health profiles! :)
Why does that increase the chance of HPPD?

Wouldn't it make more sense to trip when the mind is more elastic, rather than waiting until it's more resistant to change?

"I could easily see how certain psychedelics do have the possibility to modify the coming changes in brain cells, in a way that could affect HPPD symptoms to appear." Why? You still haven't explained why brains that are still changing structure are at a greater risk for HPPD.
Why does that increase the chance of HPPD?

Wouldn't it make more sense to trip when the mind is more elastic, rather than waiting until it's more resistant to change?

"I could easily see how certain psychedelics do have the possibility to modify the coming changes in brain cells, in a way that could affect HPPD symptoms to appear." Why? You still haven't explained why brains that are still changing structure are at a greater risk for HPPD.

I haven't, because I can't. And no one can, since the causes of HPPD are not known. However, it's my personal guess (which might or might not be close to truth) that it's related to changes in either the structural or electrical(more likely) make-up of brain and indicates somesort of a long-lasting (albeit not necessarily permanent) change on the physical level - something that might be just as simple as increased activity of neurons related to visual sensory system. Therefore, more likely to occur when one's young, as brains change more easily. Not that one would have to care, I definitely didn't (and still don't, being a bit under 20), but I do find it more likely that HPPD occurs on younger than older people. But, I can't explain it for one hundred percent sure. Nor am I sure if my guess is correct.
I would be careful about frequent use but other than that there's no need to worry. As long as you dose with responsible amounts you should be ok. It's safer than going horseback riding.
I'm... young.
but I love psychedelics.
I'm responsible with my drug use and I know my limits and what it is I'm doing and how it effects me.
But i can't speak for some other people my age...
Don't know how to do anything right...
Why is it hard to believe that a 15 year old uses psychedelics?

How come no one will take a 15 year old seriously when it comes to psychedelics?

I've been wondering this for a while.
No one believes me when i say i've done mushies or acid
not that it matters what they think,
their wrong of course,
i was just wondering why it's hard to believe.
b/c a lot of 15 year old aren't mature enough for psychedelics. a lot of them also haven't done them, so it's not the "norm."
but i've met 15 year olds that are definitely ready. i don't contribute to their "delinquency," but i know one that trips harder and more often that i do.
I don't think it would be hard to believe that coming from these forums. Many ages try psychedelics but I am not saying it is right. Your brain is still developing at your age and to be on the safe side you should wait a couple years at least to take any of these substances. Yet, this is a harm reduction site so if you do continue to keep using please do it responsibly. Just be sure to do a good amount of research, its your brain man! Love it! :D
Wow you're only fifteen. I'm surprised you can even spell. I will give you an award for this.

(just kidding, nice to have you around :))
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I'm assuming you are talking about interactions with people at school and the like rather than say bluelight, or other internet forums (of quality). If that is the case than let me just tell you, kids are stupid and are always looking to start shit. Anyway, who really cares if you they believe you've taken psychedelics before?

I've never had anyone question my drug experiences in high school, but I never really bragged about them. Also everyone already knew I was a huge druggy, so hearing that I took acid really isn't that big of a surprise I guess. I started taking psychedelics when I was 14 and still people really didn't question it.
here is a bit of advice you wont take. at 15 your brain is like wet cement. its still forming its shape. doses are going to change the composure of cement. this can be good or bad. very risky none the less.

1st time i dosed was walking out the doors of my middle school (8th grade). I cant go back and stop myself but i wish i would have waited till a little later, like 18.
Wow you're only fifteen. I'm surprised you can even spell. I will give you an award for this.

(just kidding, nice to have you around :))

LOL! what's ironic is he actually did kind of spell wrong. You used the wrong kind of the THEY'RE. Usually I wouldn't care, but it was just funny that this person put that.

Anyways.. no I don't find it hard to believe. You probably just talk to weird people that know nothing about drugs or something.