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E658 100mg Morphine question


Jan 3, 2010
It's an extended release and all that I've read about dosage didn't mention extended release. I also could not find out if the extended release could be taken off. So please help. I'm going to pick 2 of them up as we speak.

Also! Maybe you can give me a good number of mg to take? 2 Days ago I took 2 10mg of hydro but it felt very lacking but that was the first time I took pills on what felt like a full stomach ( but was like an hour before and I was walking ) oh and by lacking I mean 15mg or so.

I appreciate any help.
It is XR. Crush to defeat. IMO, around 20-30mg morphine compares to 10mg hydro, but remember, morphine absorption widely varies between people.
had my first taste of morphine iv last month when my dr gave me 120 msir 15s instead of 120 oxyir 5mgs. the rush is way different then oxy. i get a itchy red rash and bumps around the injection site which sucks, but the rush and overall feeling makes it worth it
Ok so I took about half of the pill 50mg ( maybe as little as 40mg ) and crushed it up and didn't use the typical parachute method..once grounded into a power I pretty much just licked it and swallowed it. Yes, it tasted like cotten candy and was delicious. Anyways, I took about 3/4 of it and I was feeling the sense of an oncoming anxiety attack so I haven't taken anymore and don't feel comfortable taking more while feeling like this. I also have no euphoria. Generally speaking I'll feel some anxiety when taking any opiate but passes once I feel the euphoria ( generally speaking, and I've only had anxiety once while on it but that was cause I got scared ). Right now I don't feel so much the anxiety right now but still uneasy about taking more. It feels about like 12-17mg of hydro but without any euphoria. What's going on T.T? In all honestly it's the only reason why I take them. So what can I do to correct this?

I don't think I like any type of rush since my anxiety attack. It's too overwhelming and scary and sets me off. I hate anything that is too powerful because I don't know if I can handle it. Before anxiety attack I couldn't care less lol. I wasn't stupid by any means but I was comfortable to try new things and feel what anything had to offer. Now I'm too scared about what I'll feel because of something being too much.
^Just take them when you are calm. It is difficult to enjoy anything when anxiety has set in, although when you have a good dose of opiates in you and suddenly it starts to kick in, that certainly helps. You'll be able to judge how much exactly you need when you're calm. Also, 40mg isn't a lot of morphine orally, honestly.

PS- You don't have to go after a rush to utilize a drug. Personally, I use them to augment various things more than anything.
Ya and the fact that it's a pill and not something I can smoke ( take a few hits and see where I'm at ) I think makes me uneasy subconsciously because I don't know how this will specifically affect me, especially since this is my first time taking powered anything lol ( except for once with oxycodone ). I also want to take this last remaining 4th before my current effects wear off cause I only have another 100mg and this initial dose was to find out what I'm comfortable with. But it'll be kinda hard if I can't shake any worries. Usually taking a shower or something to direct my attention works great. But I see things like I'm on weed so I can constantly feel it and it's preventing me from just thinking "ok I can np take more" XD. It's all a mind trick and everything has been since my attack lol.

Edit: Also, if it didn't have the XR I would've just taken 50mg and would've been happy most likely..at least confidence wise. So I think that kinda ruined my plans?
^Yeah, I used to get all kinds of anxiety from being on lower doses of opiates and smoking weed. I eventually got in better shape and started vaporizing all of my herbs, and that knowledge of being in good health along with the knowledge that weed makes me panic about health issues keeps me from having the same problem still.
I don't like to smoke weed cause last time it took the euphoria away and replaced it with a really strong weed high that only took 2 or 3 hits to get off shwag.

And no, I have not come to terms with taking the rest of this yet lol.

Edit: Ok so I have now taken 2 25mg portions within 40min or so and I'm still not feeling anything more than just...tired? This really blows.

I've now done 100mg in 3 different doses 50mg and 25mg all within 2 hours ( 2 hours until I did another 50 )

I felt kinda tired..that's it.
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Sorry to dump I just have a question about my dosage though. Is that normal? Out of that dosage the most I felt was oncoming anxiety attacks and no euphoria and just tiredness. I took 100mg that should've done something.

Would it be better if it make it into a fine powder and mixed it with water? Because as I said before I basically ate the powered ( licked it and poured some from a bowl into the back of my mouth )
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Yeah, remember that morphine absorbs different amounts in different people, much more so than with most other drugs. 100mg at once would be a good dose for me, equal to maybe 30mg oxycodone IMO. Spread out like that, 100mg morphine would barely affect me either.
But would it be better to mix it into something instead of eating powder? Also, it's very thick and sticky and to get it completely off my finger it had to be scrapped on something like my teeth. I figure this is normal but just thought I should mention it.

Also I got 50mg left and figure I'll just try again and see what happens cause I'm not getting more and since I don't know how much to take orally for the desired effects, I'm not going to even think about plugging it. I may not even like the effects. Because I felt pretty crappy while on it due to all the anxiety and sense of being scared and worried.
Alot of people that take opiates (myself included) find morphine to be less euphoric than other opiates. It is great for pain, but it is not as good recreationally. If you take it a little before or at the time you take some hydros, it will make the effects stronger, and last longer. Morphine is def more sedating that other opiates and generally doesnt give that stimulant effect that others do. Morphine also take pretty long to kick in IMO thats why I said to take it before other opiates, so that they might peak close to the same time. Also be carefull adding to your dose. Alot of times you might not feel effects of morphine, so you take more. Then it all hits you and knocks you out, and is also harder on the stomach IMO. You always think of morphine as being one of the strongest opiates and expect so much euphoria, only to be let down.

Take the 50mg with a hydro if you want to get a nice euphoric hi..
^Yeah, I agree that morphine is a lot different than most other opiates. I feel it in my joints more than other opiates, like a tingly feeling in them, every time I take it. I also agree that it is missing the energy boost... I took at work a handful of times, and it made me want to just sit down. (extremely rare for me)
100mg at once would be a good dose for me, equal to maybe 30mg oxycodone IMO

Technically, 100mg morphine is equal to ~65mg oxycodone. The high you experience is subjective. I, for example, much prefer morphine to oxycodone. Most opiate users prefer oxycodone.
Well I've taken 30mg of oxycodone in all one night. Took 15mg and waited after 2 hours of nothing I took the other half and it didn't have any euphoria and was just an opiate high without any anxiety or anything. Basically morphine without the anxiety.

Thanks Carl
It sound like you may not have a very high tolerance to opiates.. so in that case I would recommend starting with 30-50 mg orally. I also would advise crushing up the pill to rid it of the time release mechanism and either taking it orally by licking the powder or snorting it (same bioavailability= 40-60% absorption rate).

After you dose, you may add more if you wish.. but wait a good hour or two into it and add maybe a 20 mg dose.

Alternatively, you can just swallow the whole 100 mg pill with the time release. It won't be nearly as powerful, but the time release will prolong the high making it a lot longer than it's normal duration.. essentially you would be high all day.
Are you kidding me? I took that 50mg and felt nothing. Well I lie, I felt a very very minor uncomfortable feeling like I could feel my heart? or something very feint and minor but very weird and unwanted. I dunno I didn't really feel much at all if anything bad. I don't like it and I don't feel anything from it. Morphine is worthless and doesn't even cure much pain for me.

Edit: But I should mention I felt a very minor body high. I also worked out my muscles and they still felt the same not relaxed or anything.
Technically, 100mg morphine is equal to ~65mg oxycodone. The high you experience is subjective. I, for example, much prefer morphine to oxycodone. Most opiate users prefer oxycodone.

Technically? There are many different equivalences for morphine to oxycodone (with most being slanted towards my estimate, honestly). I am aware of this, and this is why I posted that it was in my experience that I felt this way. I was relating this to the poster because I, too, experienced the same issues as he described, and in my case the issue was that I had perceived oral morphine to be stronger than it actually was to me.