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Psychedelics and Health Benefits


Jun 19, 2008
I did a search for a forum on this and was surprised to not find a thread about this.
Then again, it could be only me with this type of thinking.

I would like to hear people's various experiences with ways in which certain psychedelics have improved one's health, beyond the psychological (though if psychological benefits are tied in with the health benefits, do include them).

My list goes as follows:

MDMA, Mescaline and DMT have all improved my eyesight a tad, probably due to more relaxed ocular muscles and wider peripheral vision. This is psychologically related, but the effects have lasted.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, and most psychedelics reduce inflammation drastically for the few days after the experience (especially DMT and DOI)

Most of my psychedelic experiences encourage and inspire me to eat healthier foods.

So, what are YOUR experiences?
Psychedelics (mainly LSD) have made me more comfortable with my self around people.
Yes, I knew this would come up. Psychedelics may have infinite psychological benefits like that, but if you read my post, I said "...improved one's health *beyond the psychological*." As in, other than being more mentally at ease, how have psyches improved or helped improve your PHYSICAL health.
I stopped eating meat after an intense salvia trip. Its been about 2.5 years since I've eaten meat.
i read just last night that salvia is considered to have potential to help schizophrenia - does anyone have further knowledge on this??
I'm adamant that LSD improved my sense of taste, or at very least appreciation of tastes...

Also, if I feel I have a cold coming on and trip that night, I always feel 100% the next day!
i read just last night that salvia is considered to have potential to help schizophrenia - does anyone have further knowledge on this??

ive heard, if anything, it can bring it up in people who havent had it develop yet. but im not sure
Psychedelics have made me think outside of the box, change my perspective on many things, gave me a greater appreciation for color and music, made me more social.

Ayahuasca along with many other psychedelics have been used for hundreds of years as medicine. Ayahuasca being the most powerful is used to heal many many many health problems, I would trust shaman healing over any modern medical science as they are now finding theirselfs lost in the ancient footprints of the herbal medicines.
Phenethylamines always open up my sinuses, although sometimes they give me postnasal drip.
Ayahuasca along with many other psychedelics have been used for hundreds of years as medicine. Ayahuasca being the most powerful is used to heal many many many health problems, I would trust shaman healing over any modern medical science as they are now finding theirselfs lost in the ancient footprints of the herbal medicines.

So has peyote.
i read just last night that salvia is considered to have potential to help schizophrenia - does anyone have further knowledge on this??

I'd believe it, from my own experience of it (not that I have schizophrenia). I've also heard that salvia has been used traditionally to heal inflammatory arthritis, which I'm going to be looking into soon.

I stopped eating meat after an intense salvia trip. Its been about 2.5 years since I've eaten meat.

I can relate! I went vegan and gluten-free shortly after a refreshing MDMA experience. That lasted for about a year.

Ayahuasca along with many other psychedelics have been used for hundreds of years as medicine. Ayahuasca being the most powerful is used to heal many many many health problems, I would trust shaman healing over any modern medical science as they are now finding theirselfs lost in the ancient footprints of the herbal medicines.

Have you any personal experiences with ayahuasca healing health problems?
It hasn't for me. I have some health problems such as strained muscles, acne and dysthymia/depression. I had some more, including GI discomfort and sleeping problems which I've managed to fight by reducing milk intake and never waking up before 11 AM, respectively. No psychedelics involved there.

I kind of doubt their potential to do pharmaceutical good but I'm open to it.
I have a lot of native family and this has impacted my views on drugs greatly, I strongly believe in psychedelic use for meditation and healing, I have witnessed it for myself.

here is a documentary on the healing powers of ayahuasca.

I use psychedelics not for fun, but almost as a prayer. I try to feel the drug and become the trip rather than laugh and run around having fun with visuals. I like to know which areas of my brain are expanded by which drugs and see if mixing 2 different mind trips would unlock more answers.

Good luck on your research, I am very interested in your results.
I use psychedelics not for fun, but almost as a prayer. I try to feel the drug and become the trip rather than laugh and run around having fun with visuals. I like to know which areas of my brain are expanded by which drugs and see if mixing 2 different mind trips would unlock more answers.

I can see that!

I have that same attitude too, psychedelics as a spiritual tool and whatnot, but I also recently discovered that I may lean too far in that direction, to the point of being too solemn and attached to transcendence and throwing out the lightheartedness and therapeutic fun of a trip.
I can see that!

I have that same attitude too, psychedelics as a spiritual tool and whatnot, but I also recently discovered that I may lean too far in that direction, to the point of being too solemn and attached to transcendence and throwing out the lightheartedness and therapeutic fun of a trip.

Yes but that was NYE, I would have much preferred to sit at home in a candle lit room and watch the visuals on a wall as I think myself into a meditation state.

My problem is I can't handle the high of alcohol anymore so I have to use drugs to keep my head straight, and NYE I abused a lot of substances but this actually stopped me from being involved in a lot of drama.
One thing I know for sure is that I eat healthier foods a lot more often now. Before my psych use I didnt care about my body as much as I do today. Also enjoying the other discussion and understand where both of you are coming from.
My muscles are less tense after a MDMA or LSD trip and I feel more relaxed overall, and more in tune with my body
Well doubt away. There is tons of evidence for it under your nose.

Can you post any sources besides anecdotal evidence such as this, http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v08n3/08322top.html

I haven't seen any scientific papers really describing any sort of physical benefits (I understand they can do wonders psychologically) from the use of psychedelics with the exception of anti-inflammatory properties and prevention of cluster headaches.

I'm not doubting anything, just want to see more evidence.

Also I'm not sure why it is that important for psychedelics to have such properties. There are better medications out there specifically designed so you don't get a lot of the side affects that psychedelics would have. I don't mean this in a negative way. It just wouldn't do much for modern medicine besides lead us design drugs that are void of psychedelic properties that have the characteristics that we want. Psychedelics wont be prescribed for physical aliments if there psychedelic properties are seen during therapeutic doses
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Also I'm not sure why it is that important for psychedelics to have such properties. There are better medications out there specifically designed so you don't get a lot of the side affects that psychedelics would have.

Yes but many man made drugs are only tested if they solve a problem, they do not study any long term effects on other damage done to the body. For example most psychedelics would not cause kidney failure as some over-the-counter drugs such as asprin do. [look here for details]

If anything, these man-made drugs will kill us faster than heal us, this is why I hardly go to a hospital unless my native family suggests it would be a wiser choice. Personally I trust generations of herbal healing knowledge passed down opposed to some stupid text book that says what chemical properties do. Yes medical science does know a lot but they rush things too fast, and if you do your research you will see some very sloppy results. If it grows in the ground and made into a hot brew at least I know it won't kill me over time.
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