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Best Drug For Dating

weed- low amounts takes the edge off
opiates make me a way nicer person and more likeable
IMHO weed is a horrible suggestion, it makes me and pretty much everyone I know much more socially reserved. I think valium is a fine choice, a low dose ofcourse. Low dose alcohol, GHB or methamphetamine would all be ok aswell.
What do you actually want the drug to do?
Why are you even planning on taking it on a first date?

No shyness, confidence, find it easier to talk.

some of you might get me wrong, it is not my FIRST date in my life, I just want to make an incredible impression because I will be meeting the hottest, top, top, top girl from my college, yanno, that type that has a lot of friends to tell how goood I am in bed haha, joke, but you know what I mean :)

For people that say "go sober" ... naaaah, I'm boring and shy.
and good in bed...as some claim haha :D but you need to dig through that "tunnel" ahhh, hard to be man, sometimes I wish I was some kind of animal :D
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i would reccomend weed
makes me social relaxed, takes the anxiety away

helps ideas fllow to head, preventing awkward silences, and just generally entertaining your date

but hey, maybe thats just me
Stimulants tend to be euphoric and will lower your inhibitions but the downside is you'll spout pure drivel at 300 miles per hour and even if she's not put off by you being a scary-looking, egomaniacal sweatball and things turn intimate you'll be looking for your penis with a microscope :D
=D This is so true at higher doses. I still think stimulants are great for socializing if you take a low to moderate dose. If you're full on tweaking forget about it you'll just look like an oversexed weirdo.
I think its a must to be sober if your actually going out to find someone amazing that you want to connect with, true love<3
Be high on cocaine the whole time, it turns you into a cooler person. It will take away shyness, give you courage, keep you alert and help you talk.
How the hell do you guys manage to socialize normally with non high people while on LSD?
When im on acid I hug strangers , i love everyone

it makes me act as every human should

I'd say thats as normal as it gets
I think its a must to be sober if your actually going out to find someone amazing that you want to connect with, true love<3

Are you crazy ? What are you on mate ?

So you ppl say opiates increase social skills ye? I never tried them because I know a few ppl that were withdrawing from the addiction and sed its hell on earth and that opiates are the worst things to get addicted to, so I stay away. I don't have access to any serious drugs like coke or LSD I don't know any dealers or anyone who knows where dealers are...well I know one person but he won't tell me :D. I'm only able to buy Valium online which does take the edge off but doesn't increase social skills.
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'Whats the best drug for marriage'

I can see these threads popping up now. Anyway, I'd reccommend a small dose of a benzo. Opiates and food don't always mix, so thats out.

Why not just drink?

Are you taking this because your nervous or you just want to be high and outgoing? I'd take some acid, but thats just me. %)

"cause smoking and tripping is all that you do"- Ozzy
why would you guys says opiates? what if she wants to have sex? and i know Heroin makes u limp.
When i go on a first date i prefer to be as close to my true personality as possible, but i do try to mask the anxiety as well as i can without being zombified.

Lorazepam or hydrocodone, usually both ( high tolerance so the hydro at heroic doses at most puts me in a brighter mood.

I'm prescribed clonazepam which is great for maintenence and stopping the panic disorder but lorazepam seems better for social phobia.
I always dig opioids when talking/dating women. They give me the confidence I should already have, boost my fucking ability, and at the right dose I can appear as sober.

Methadone is nice because of its duration and overall high.