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Staying Sober


Aug 21, 2003
Obviously this runs counter intuitive to the whole bluelight thing...ill never do that again blah blah (but we're addicts so)...any tricks for keeping it mean and clean?

exercise, eating well, resisting temptation (how the heck does someone resist?) - stress can pretty much blow that apart in like a second. how do you guys cope?

moving day is coming up and well shit be diiirty...(coming from a struggling ex-cigarette smoker, etc. etc.)
Drop your friends for a while, who are involved with addictions. Then come back to them and you will realise they were just drug buddies all along.

As sad as it is. No one is a friend, sure the concept exists but I can gurantee you your friends would sell you for a price.

Stay focused etc and you'll experience a different sort of high. Sure the adrenalin hit isn't the same but at least you don't cop the nasty hang overs blah blah and it's more eternal then temporary.
Obviously this runs counter intuitive to the whole bluelight thing...ill never do that again blah blah (but we're addicts so)...any tricks for keeping it mean and clean?

exercise, eating well, resisting temptation (how the heck does someone resist?) - stress can pretty much blow that apart in like a second. how do you guys cope?

moving day is coming up and well shit be diiirty...(coming from a struggling ex-cigarette smoker, etc. etc.)

I'm not sure what you mean by "counter intuitive to the whole bl thing"... staying sober is a very good method of Harm Reduction.

In my personal experience, as someone who has gone from extremely disciplined (I could simply turn down an offer of coke after the 3rd line), to someone who has collected addiction experience from every class of drugs, I have found that the only way that worked for me is to attach negative or scary mental associations with the drug in question.

For example. I was never able to break my amphetamine habit until I had a heart-attack. Ever since then, I get nauseous from the thought of it, and I never have cravings at all.

While I certainly don't recommend having a heart-attack, what I do recommend is constantly reminding yourself of all the negative side-effects of the drug in question.

While I certainly don't recommend having a heart-attack, what I do recommend is constantly reminding yourself of all the negative side-effects of the drug in question.

agreed, very good advice,
i live in a sober house, don't hang out with drug users unless it's at a non-drug using location (mall, movie theatre, etc. ya i know people use at these places but i only hang out with 2 people who use and have no problems as long as i'm not at their cribs,) working out like crazy, deep breathing, relaxation videos on youtube, getting into reading (i love reading, can't enjoy it while high.) xbox 360.
I stay sober at the moment since I know I need another job and will not get one if I test positive. I use this as motivation to say no because this is important to me.
Additionally, I see the benefits that staying sober has brought me both physically and mentally. When I compare these to my previous months I like the improvements and wish to keep them.
im trying to live a life of sobriety. WHY???

So I dont end up mentally insane.

I think our generation are going to be messed up in the head when were oaps.

If being as switched on as possible isnt big enough motivation I dont know what is tbh

Excercise, reading, sudoku, playing computer games, learning new stuff. ye it might not be rock n roll but at least it aint messing up my brain like drugs n alcohol do.

Most addictions have some sort of trigger than cause you too desire whatever it is you are addicted to. If stress is the cause of wanting to do drugs, what can you do to reduce stress?
For me, achieving goals helps me stay sober as they're sort of a natural high. It doesn't matter what it is... could be something stupid like "get out of bed today..." lol Today, I got to school and my first long ass class was canceled so I went in my car... looked at my veins and thought hmmmmm... wanted to jam a needle in there and get high but I talked myself out of it since I have a lab in the afternoon. I tried to BS myself like "oh I will function better" but really I'd be so out of it that I'd probably walk out. Hopefully I can resist until the evening... :|
thanks for the replies all, I guess its just strong aware drug use vs. non-drug use (been there done that ad infinitum)...I'm sounding like a hypocrite because I am one, natural endorphins, pharma drugs (as an aside Seroquel and ativan prescribed do wonders for sleep as well as being extremely active during the day).

Its a good thread idea tho that I hope is in keeping with the sub-forum.
ummm does anybody know what on earth this last post even meant? that was the most scrambled my mind has been in a while.

but yeah i read, spin records, sample records, produce music, learn the piano, go on long bike rides, and watch movies to keep sober. so far, it hasn't worked that good :)
basically, one passion needs to be replaced with another (hopefully less destructive one).
:) the mind needs to be occupied as the body gets back to health. :)
find a partner who's not a user. if you really want to stay together you will give up your bad habits and stay away from the wrong crowds. that's probably the best way.
obvious, but when you find yourself too lethargic to throw yourself into some activity that takes a good bit of effort, why not watch a movie?
World of Warcraft. :) haha. jk. I have never been addicted to anything, as I feel that I am just a recreational drug user (smoke pot daily, than take T breaks once in a while and do psychs every now and then). If you have a religion, practice it. That would help. If not you can try and get busy. Make no time for your drugs. I am extreamly busy with school and work and smoking a bowl takes up to much time for me, i do it now right before bed because it just knocks me out otherwise I am stressed and cant sleep. I think the best thing to do is get it off you mind. I compare addiction to drugs like a relationship. when its done you need to move on, dont think about her dont talk to her dont smell her dont even look at pictures of her! spend time doing other things in life like making new friends and spending time with family. gl :)!

find a partner who's not a user. if you really want to stay together you will give up your bad habits and stay away from the wrong crowds. that's probably the best way.

that is by far the worst advice i have ever heard on staying sober.
i gave up monogamy a couple years ago. i would liken exclusive relationships to a temporary case of bipolar disorder. extreme highs, extreme lows. relationships were a terrible trigger for me.
now i keep my intimate relationships casual. i can feel affectionate towards a girl without getting into all that serious, dramatic bullshit.
i'm newly sober, but if i manage to make it to a year, 2 years, 5 years i'm not going to subject myself to relationship crap.
it's possible i'll fall in love, but i've learned love does not have to be towards just one person.
obvious, but when you find yourself too lethargic to throw yourself into some activity that takes a good bit of effort, why not watch a movie?

This is an excellent point. I've just approached the one year mark in my Sobriety and I have picked up a mighty fun habit of exploring movies from all around the world.

Also rebelliously I smoke a pinch of DMT once in awhile and I find it helps re-calibrate my intentions and keep me honest.

A good cup of tea goes a long way.

The first thing I did to facilitate sobriety was drop all friends who used because even hearing about someone getting high caused inner turmoil for the initial adjustment period.

Harboring feelings of alienation is counter-productive and so is alienating people around you for the choices they make.