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Rate your dealer...

All I buy now is opiates.
My guy sells only OC, occasionally dilaudid when his connect hooks him up.

He's a great dealer when he has shit on hand, but when he doesn't have anything he pisses me the fuck off. He just turns off his phone, doesn't tell anyone what the fuck is up. Half the time me and my friends are wondering if he's in jail or what...

Shitty prices though, but he's just about the only guy in town that has OC and is over 16 years old and can drive. All the other connections I've gotten are living at home, no car, can't drive... stealing the pills from their parents/grandparents.

All in all, he's a really cool guy. He will do house calls once in a while if he isn't too busy. He's discreet about how he gives you the pills (I love the way he will package them in a cig case), and has actually fought someone for me and a buddy when this guy kept hassling us.

i have a pretty good assortment of phone numbers to call. have a guy for high quality "haze" or headie bud who delivers, have a guy for good quality raw dope that dleivers. he also has hard and soft but i dont fuck around with the llello.

anythign else i can usually track down. but weed and dope are what i get the most. tho not the dope anymore cause im on suboxone.

i used to have a connec down in west bmore that had the RAWEST dope ive ever had. there are a few ppl on here who have tried it before, but sadly hes in the cut for a while cause he got popped. it was a pain in the ass dealing with him cause he was always late, but the dope was fire. he used to cut it right off the block or finger, whatever the shit was pressed into.
my dealer's REAK quick but i'm guessin cuz its small no price discussion please
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I love buying psyches because everyone I know that sells them loves them so fucking much...
I pretty much have two people to go to for what i want which is generally pharms/dope.

#1. Is pretty much always good but sometimes is slow to answer the phone because he works during the day which can be kinda anoying at times but w/e. He makes up for it by giving me shit to drive him up to score what he needs which is cool. He is kinda expensive tho, pretty much charges top dollar for it but its my only option most of the time. I give him 7.5/10
#2 a very good friend of mine, have known him for like 9 years but is the most unreliable person I have ever met. he doesnt have a job other than dealing but for some reason never answers the phone, and its not like its just me. For some reason he never gets up before like 5pm and if he does he won't answer before that. Sometimes he will go days without answering even if he has shit just because he is lazy or for some reason gets iritated by all the people calling him for shit. If you're a dealer wouldnt you want people calling you for shit? It just doesnt make sense, its like if u dont like the job then dont do it. The one nice thing about it is that he gives me really good prices compared to pretty much everyone else and will front me hundreds of $ worth of shit for like a month at a time. 4/10
i'd give my oxy/opiates dude a 3. cause hes never on time, fucks around and tells you hell be 5 minutes and then never shows up.....prices are through the roof.

my coke/mdma/ketamine dude is about an 8. reliable, decent prices, real good quality....
Weed dude would get a 8/10 as it always super dank, but it comes in shipments so on average one day a week they are dry.

Opiate dude gets a 9/10 always has shit and lots of it but won't cut prices from the standard OC rate.

I have multiple numbers these are the two I use 75% of the time, my other peeps get mad cheap shit its just not consistent enough to rely on full time.
i got dealers ranging from 1 to ten

the one being an asshole whose phnes off half the time, he's dry the other half, and he has no concept of time. His classic "im on my way" bullshit which must be puerto rican for "ill be there in 2-3hrs) i dont fuck with him at all no more
not for nothin..not carrying baggies helps avoid the intent charge. its worth the inconvenience in the dealers eyes
D- Grumpy hepatitis havin, when i was your age story tellin, no deal givin, shitty product selling old ass motherfucker. he is prompt about meeting up and is on time though.
Let's see....

Weed dealer:
First guy, really nice guy.. Good counts, can go to him alot of the time though his weed isn't that great, so 8/10.
Second guy, nice counts, pristine weed.. Lives quite far though, 9/10.

Oxy dealer:
I have one guy that has about 3-4 other inconsistent connections that he uses various times. If he goes to his main dealer, I would rate it pretty badly considering the price & horrible timing the guy has. Another guy he went to, it was $10 cheaper and we got it in 2 minutes, though he doesn't get them as often.
Weed Guy. C-. 7/10 --

Very convienient (bag within an hour of call), always holding, always the same high quality. ....However Oz's are up to a quad short, He wets it for extra weight, and charges tirty per all the way up no exceptions.

Opiate guy- 3/10. Complete asshole. Enjoys power way too much, lets his customers be sick for days....and brags it up about how he does this to all his customers when your meeting with him.......Always overprices everything. Complete junkie himself, cuts the H. etc etc etc.

Speeder guy - 9/10. Cool cat, stops by once a month like clockwork, fronts if needed, trades, gives discounts on quantity....too bad I dont give a shit about speed.
Weed Guy. C-. 7/10 --

Very convienient (bag within an hour of call), always holding, always the same high quality. ....However Oz's are up to a quad short, He wets it for extra weight, and charges tirty per all the way up no exceptions.

Opiate guy- 3/10. Complete asshole. Enjoys power way too much, lets his customers be sick for days....and brags it up about how he does this to all his customers when your meeting with him.......Always overprices everything. Complete junkie himself, cuts the H. etc etc etc.

Speeder guy - 9/10. Cool cat, stops by once a month like clockwork, fronts if needed, trades, gives discounts on quantity....too bad I dont give a shit about speed.

seems like all the dope dudes are really big fucking jerks...the only dope dealer i ever met who was a somewhat nice guy was this big scary black ghetto guy with one leg who i invited to come in and smoke a bowl with me the first time i bought from him...after that he really loosened up around me. of course, he also didn't do it himself. that might have contributed to it. but generally, those guys are fucking ASSHOLES.

and i wish i had your speed guy...i haven't had one for years...:/

as far as my own:

molly: 9/10, doesn't actually charge me more than he gets it for, reliably good quality, and then actually a really fun guy to get fuckt up with.

aside from molly, i don't have a steady dealer. i just have random hookups that i use until i either find them to be untrustworthy, obnoxious, or have bad shit.
I cop in ptown and id have to rate my dealer around 7 or 8. He is usually very reliable and always has fire. But on occasion he can tend to be very slow and you have to sit in your car waiting for like half an hour which kinda sucks cause you feel so sketchy and out of place.
my ecstasy dealer is usually and 8. Now im not sure. He is overemotional, and takes weird shit to personally. He generally gives me top grade shit, but it's been a bit harder to get these days.

My pot dealer is a 10. He is an amazing businessman, and he sells the best stuff in town. He is friendly and always smokes you out until you can't smoke anymore.
I live in Denver so the snow is a n issue for me too. My dealer actually likes it when it snows because he says there are less cops out then.
Opiate guy- 3/10. Complete asshole. Enjoys power way too much, lets his customers be sick for days....and brags it up about how he does this to all his customers when your meeting with him.......Always overprices everything. Complete junkie himself, cuts the H. etc etc etc.

Whoa. What a complete douche!

"Lets his customers be sick for days and brags about it"...that is soooo fucked up! I bet you hate dealing with this assfuck, but I know what it's like when options are limited. My "friend" dealers, as shady as they were, at least had a smidgen of compassion for the dopesick, and several times, the female of the duo even went so far as to make calls for me to try and round me up something, even though I know she was mostly motivated by the cash she could make from doing so.
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