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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mephedrone) - Experienced - Amazing


Jul 27, 2009
This is a trip report from a few weeks back. its not entirely accurate as some parts are from memory, but i remember almost everything.

I have been doing Mephedrone on and off for the past 3 months, aprox 600mg a night. its legal, similar to MDMA, and relatively cheap. this drug is perfect for me. this is one of my best experiences to date. my mood was good, even more so after 4+ beers and some good hard trance/dance/liquid drum & bass to get me in the mood.

Previous drug experience = cannabis, magic mushrooms, codeine, small amounts of ecstasy. a lot of alcohol if that counts

Start of the night: its Saturday night. I was preparing to go night clubbing with some good friends. i often have a few lagers at home then head out into the local town, meet my mates then go into the city and get drunk (or recently, drunk and mephedrone)

T+0:00 - Currently at home. just had a bath & sorted myself out for the night. i sit in front of my PC and listen to some trance classics, go on Facebook, drink some booze and roll a cig. dab out aprox 100mg and snort it. my nose has started to grow accustomed to snorting this substance so it doesn't sting that much as it used to. however the drip tastes terrible and usually makes my mouth dry.

T+0:12 - heart race increases, thumping away in my chest. warm fuzzy feeling. euphoric

T+0:20- drink some more booze and sniff another line. maybe shouldn't have been so hasty to do this one. never mind

T+0:25 - Definitely coming on now. clear headed, very sped up. legs bounce up and down, feeling very excited. heart is hammering away. check my eyes and pupils, not too big but noticeable. turn my music up and wave my arms about. feel awesome.

T+0:27 - feeling very blissful, at peace with the world, yet very fast. get up and move around, feel like superman zipping around the place. whisper to myself " fuck, this feels amazing ", breathe heavily. Jaw clenching

T+0:45 - overwhelming urge to ring people, decide to ring a female friend of mine and have a chat. end up having a very deep chat about random rubbish, feels good to chat. awesome euphoric physical buzz going through my entire body. text a few people telling them how good i feel.

T+0:50 - realize i need to head up town pretty quickly if im going to meet my mates and catch the bus to head into the city. bomb a small amount, finish my 5th can and walk up town, aprox half a mile. walking feels effortless, almost like gliding. legs feel light. everything feels amazing. cant wait to see my mates, especially jess. feels like Christmas as a young child.

T+1:05 - fuck, i feel good.

T+1:10 - meet 5 of my friends, give two of my mates 1/2 a gram between him and her. the rest of my friends with us are just drinkers. get on the bus, head into the city. best bus ride ive ever had. cant stop talking. apparently my eyes were massive. more jaw clenching and grinding. get my phone out and play some music, music is a MUST on this conquest.

T+1:30 - speak to some random ladys on the bus, get a hug and a kiss on the cheek, say bye to the driver and glide off the bus with my mates. go to a near-by pub, get a double vodka and coke, my two mates go and snort a line. i do a line shortly after, probably around 100mg, drink my vodka and chat. feeling very good, talking is so easy i feel more sociable than ive ever felt. lots of smiling and chatting between all of us. very strong bond

T+ 2:00 - head to a big night club, get some special tickets which allow us to jump the que and get a free drink. awesome. im not buzzing quite as hard now, infact feeling slightly drunk. however i still feel awesome and very content and blissful. smoke a cig and head into the club.

T+2:10 - order a drink with friends, the lights and music are truly amazing. bass is thumping through me, lights playing with my brain, beautiful. they were playing mainly hip hop/r&b, would of been better with some trance/dance, but none the less cant wait to get dancing! drink my drink, chat a bit more. jaw clenching. firsts thing first, off to the bathroom for another line.

T+2:15 The line was fat. my nose is now burning. my head is now rushing. feeling sweaty

T+2:17 - run back downstairs, the place is packed. smile and say hello to anybody and everybody. feel connected with every soul in the place. find my friends, tell them how fucking awesome i feel. two of them go for another line. meet up with some more friends, see some other people i know, put my arm around them and we all glide off onto the dance floor... ohhh yeah!

T+2:25 - the last line hit me. i am rushing. whole body buzzing, legs feel light. lights flickering, eyes wobbling everything is beautiful. reach my hands up for the roof, rub my face and neck, jaw clenching and grinding, caught in the moment of one of the best feelings ever.

T+ 2:30 - the rest of my friends join me on the dance floor. we are all united as one, dancing, moving. the two friends that had also been doing mephedrone tell me how amazing they feel. jess is noticeably fucked, eyes like dinner plates. she tells me shes done quite a few lines. she tells me how amazing i am, we go off for a deep chat and compliment each other, bonding like never before, she is also gurning and grinding her jaw.

T+3:00 - more dancing. no more booze for me, only water. cant focus very well. eyes wobbling

T+ Unknown - possibly another line, cant remember. body rushing everywhere, legs feel fucked, get some attention from bouncers and nearly get kicked out. some friends sit me down. sweating like fuck. everything is rushing

T+ Unknown - cant stay still any longer, go for another dance. go for a cig, chat to some randoms

T - Unknown - wonder off on my own, chat to random people. mouth tastes like shit, a mixture of cigs, booze, and mephedrone. cant find my chewing gum. fuckit

T - Unknown - meet everyone, exit the club. get a taxi back to the town with everybody. stop off at a petrol station and get some gum. wanted to kiss the woman behind the desk. got back into the taxi, go back to a mates house, sit and talk for hours

All in all, a good night. sorry for the dodgy time scale, half of the night is from memory. Memphedrone is far too more-ish. its addictive, the urge to re-dose was always there. i think i need to stop snorting it and start bombing it. however i felt absolutely awesome. It did take me awhile to get to sleep, i woke up feeling ok with a slight hangover but nothing too severe.

Recently i have been having increasingly bad come downs that leave me physically and emotionally drained, so i might have a break from it for a few months

I hope this report wasn't too boring.

Thankyou for reading :)
Great report, but do be carefull. This drug is likely to be fairly cardio-toxic, the exact degree is yet unclear. Mixing a cardio toxic stimulant with alcohol will almost surely increase the damage you are doing to your heart. You are using this drug far too often considering the dearth of information we have about it. Also if it has similar 5-ht releasing properties compared to MDMA there is a very real chance for neurotoxicity.
yeah, after the weekend coming im not going to use it for a bit, i haven't been feeling quite right for days, slightly dizzy and not quite right in the mornings when i get up for work.
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get a taxi back to the town with everybody. stop off at a petrol station and get some gum. wanted to kiss the woman behind the desk.

This part made me chuckle.
Good read, too bad it got a little too intense for you, but seems like you had a great time regardless. There's a few things about Meph that turn me off about it. Like jaw clenching & wanted to do it again and again, but these feelings won't stop me from trying it eventually ;)
i think it was because i was mixing it with alcohol, its hard to explain but at one point it was quite a messy feeling, especially with my eyes unable to focus properly due to being drunk. and eye wobbling from the Mephedrone. but it didnt take long before i started to come back down again.

The jaw clenching isn't too bad, infact it just feels quite nice and natural in some kind of a weird way.

the more-ish-ness of it can be pretty bad, especially when snorted, but depending on will power its not too bad. best option would be dont carry too much on you, ive found that i if i dont get the urge to do some myself i find people and give them some so they can experience the buzz! i ended up dishing out half a gram out the goodness of my heart to some randoms the other night just so they could feel what i was feeling, we sat around ripping up lines and talking shit for ages, it was nice but a waste on my behalf
I think my best bet would be to never try snorting it. Just always swallow it up.
I bet I won't be able to stick to that little self-made rule though hah.
sounds like a fun time bro, careful with those rc's though!
Ooh I was thinking you were taking 250 lines. I usually do around 125/150 The high is very intense but I've found that for the first 10 minutes it's over the top intense and then it takes a step down to a more controllable and functional high. Do you experience the 10 minute rush? Also I find that each dose afterwards seems to be more intense than the first during those first 10 minutes.
I've also found that if I do 150mg for my first line I will not peak as hard as I am expecting and I always have to do a small booster which will instantly put me at the "right" level as soon as I do it. But if I do the same amount as I would with the booster all in one shot it won't have as intense of an effect as if I do the 150 and wait til I feel the come up and then booster up. Oddly enough after the first bump, all doses following don't need that booster and hit harder than the one before.

That is until around the 5th dose and that's when it starts getting scatty <_<.
got some methedrone today and 4 capsules,will be tryin it the weekend at a dance festival.could anyone give me advice about is it safe to mix with illegals such as bzp pills,mdma etc,cheers advice would be great
got some methedrone today and 4 capsules,will be tryin it the weekend at a dance festival.could anyone give me advice about is it safe to mix with illegals such as bzp pills,mdma etc,cheers advice would be great

It doesn't particularly appear to be "safe" all on its own.
I would strongly advise against mixing it tbh. the only thing i would mix it with is booze, but thats not too wise, i may stop mixing it
I wouldn't mix it with anything. It holds it's own quite fine by itself. Perhaps you should get acquainted with it before you start mixing? Enjoy the festival and the Meph regardless :).
Cool, but lay off on how many rails you're hitting man. K? But it sounds like you had a lot of fun, especially the part where you are 'gliding' everywhere! :p