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Tramadol vs. Darvocet: Crappy Opioid Showdown!!

That's interesting, because there have been a few people I've met over the years that I've seen take 100-200mg d-propox, and they were extremely messed up considering the drug and the dose. I've also seen someone get very sick from it. Whether these people were uniquely sensitive, or already opiate addicts, I do not know. Thinking back to when I was really hooked on OC & fentanyl, in those w/ds I don't think any amount of darvocet would help me. Tramadol has, though.

Anyways, just dropping by to tell all you tram-haters that you're full of shit. Thank you, come again.

Oh, yeah, and that post about certain people being heavily hooked on tramadol, and having to get on suboxone...I've been wondering about that. I have considered talking to a couple people about this...I'm one of those heavy tram addicts. I just can't live without it...I guess that me, being an opiate addict, as well as having been raised from age 8 - 15 on SSRIs kinda makes me a prime candidate for tram addiction, huh?
<useless post> i LOVE tramadol i "relapsed" (i know a lot of people will lol at this) a few days ago , having tramadol OTC does not help , i know it does not hold a candle to say , oxycodone , but i still like it </useless post>
<useless post> i LOVE tramadol i "relapsed" (i know a lot of people will lol at this) a few days ago , having tramadol OTC does not help , i know it does not hold a candle to say , oxycodone , but i still like it </useless post>

Damn, I would so swap OTC codeine and DHC (mix'd with APAP - CWE FTW) for OTC tramadol. They'd be out the door to make room for my new biatch. I'm sure some people are like WTF when they read this.
I tried 5 32.5/325 DI-GESIC's once (dextropropoxyphene) once, was pretty shit TBH was my 2nd opiate i had used (Had previous use of codeine which i was underwhelmed by after 3 or so doses the first 2 were fun after that i got bored plus i left a week gap between uses).

Took about 1 and half hours to come on and after that all it did was make me dead tired, not really a sedated euphoric feeling as such just tired not warm nothing. Didn't wanna move was with a nice lady and just didn't wanna do anything but let me tell you when my head hit the pillow i was out cold the quickest i have ever been in my life!

I much prefer Oxycodone to Fentanyl as well. fentanyl just made me feel yuck when i was getting it IV'd in the hospital, got itchy as hell after being on it for 24 hours started hallucinating and became VERY ANXIOUS more anxious then when you have had a heap of caffeine and it got so bad that they gave me some naxlone (i think) to stop the bad effects and i just had to deal with the pain for a bit even though the Fentanyl really didn't hit the pain well took 5 minutes or so after pressing the button for me to even feel the effects slightly. Terrible opiate Fent is. They replaced it with 60mg OxyContin morning and night and 3 5mg Endone (Oxycodone IR) 3 times a day. Much better pain relief much better euphoria.
Even with a moderate-high oxy habit tramadol gave me a nice feeling at 200mgs. I can't say I'd ever bother with it unless it was free but it beats the fuck out of darvocet cause at least it does something.
JB, in this thread, go back to last summer. You will notice how hostile OD was back them. Flames every post...lol

Im thinking of sending this to BoB.
IMO I would say that darvocet is much better than tramadol. I've been prescribed both multiple times in different generic forms and darvocet has always given me a high (even though slight). Back when I was more opiate naive darvocet was great. I'd like to point out that darvon is much better than darvocet though, obviously because it does not have APAP in it. If you get a bunch of darvons you're set. I've never gotten high off of tramadol no matter how many I take.
IDK about that. Darvocet is compared to have the analgesic effects equal to aspirin. Tramadol works on two different systems.

Now getting high from, I agree darvocet is better.
Tramadol is not an opioid, nor is it crappy.

Darvocet is, however, crappy.
Its not an opiate, but how is it not an opioid? What is the definition of an opioid? Isn't it something that works on the opioid receptors?
Its not an opiate, but how is it not an opioid? What is the definition of an opioid? Isn't it something that works on the opioid receptors?

An opiate is a drug that comes from the plant. Tramadol is considered a synthetic full mu agonist prodrug, which is technically not an opiate.
Its not an opiate, but how is it not an opioid? What is the definition of an opioid? Isn't it something that works on the opioid receptors?

As uknown said, and, from erowid.com (which I consider a reliable sorce)

Tramadol is a "non-opiate analgesic", and "quasai-narcotic".

How does it work? They dont really know exactly but it has similar effects as an opiate or opioid type drug. This however, does not mean its an opioid. In the USA no opiate is unschedualed. Tramadol is unschedualed.
There is a difference between an opioid and an opiate. An opioid is something which is an opioid receptor agonist, which tramadol is (as well as kratom and salvia - although they are almost never referred to as opioids, perhaps only mu receptor agonist are counted? IDK). An opiate is something structurally based on the alkaloids found in opium that also act on these receptors.

OK, I looked it up and Tramadol is listed as an opioid fitting into none of the typical opioid classes (endogenous, pipiridines, morphinans etc) according to the sources I just found. I suppose it's just semantics but to me it looks like Tramadol deserves to be labelled as an opioid. And the reason it's not a controlled substance in the US is because (I theorize that) if the government were to ban all opioids, there are probably millions of undiscovered opioid agonists that haven't been discovered or have known receptor agonist properties but it would be ludicrous to subject them to such tight restrictions because the abuse potential is non-existant and they could currently be used for something else besides analgesia (since the term is so broad). Opioid seems to be a functional description whereas opiate is a structural description.

Erowid is a decent source but it's sometimes wrong. I have seen errata notes there sometimes.
^^ sorry but it is opioid

looked it up, turns out, by the definition, you're correct. Lots of sources however claim its not. I was wrong, learn something new everyday. I'm curious as to why some sources claim it to be an opioid, while others, do not.
Probably because it's one of crappiest opiods on the planet + it does have SSRI properties (I beleive), as well as bunch of other effects, and it's molecular structure is quite different from other opioids.

However, I've noticed that tramadol i've got from germany was really potent stuff and had totally different high compared to ultram brand which i acquired from states.

I could pop 17 50mg ultrams in a day and barely get fucked up (yeah i know seizure risk and all, but i was on self prescribed tramadol maintenance for couple years) Never had seizures or anything similar and I've ingested as much as 1.5 grams of tramadol in a day. Though I would always take vitamin B complex with it (a tip from the doc, apparently it reduces risk of seizure) and 2-3 mg of valium. Worst I've had was some jaw clenching and 7 days of brain zaps, which happened years after my tram maintenance when I relapsed back to H and then again heavily used tramadol for about 2 months and switched to bupe straight after that.

I did quick taper while taking bupe, over a 10 day period (2 x 50mg tramadol would take zaps away on the first day) and everything was fine afterwards. There was no interaction with bupe, though I've always took trams couple hours after my bupe dose.

note: Do not fuck with taking more then 400mg/day I happen to be seizure resistant, but I've seen people have it really rough with trams. Also I am pretty big guy (6.4" tall) and it might have something to do with being able to ingest large amounts.
Tramadol has SNRI properties with very slight opioid properties. So ya it's sort of like a anti-depressant and it does give abit of a mood lift. I don't get any opioid effects from it at all though really and it doesent feel like a opioid to me. Probably because im so used to taking morphine.

I don't like either one of these opioids but i'll take tramadol over propoxyphene aka darvocet aka darvon any fucking day. All darvon did was make me puke my guts up. It's the only opioid ive taken that has made me throw up. Even really high doses of morphine and hydromorphone never made me throw up.

Propoxyphene is just a useless toxin in my opinion. It is completly useless for pain and is pretty dangerous due to the fact it causes alot of respiratory depression and has a nasty metabolite called norpropoxyphene that builds up in your system and can cause seizures, hallucinations and cardio toxic efects.
Probably because it's one of crappiest opiods on the planet + it does have SSRI properties (I beleive), as well as bunch of other effects, and it's molecular structure is quite different from other opioids.

However, I've noticed that tramadol i've got from germany was really potent stuff and had totally different high compared to ultram brand which i acquired from states.

I could pop 17 50mg ultrams in a day and barely get fucked up (yeah i know seizure risk and all, but i was on self prescribed tramadol maintenance for couple years) Never had seizures or anything similar and I've ingested as much as 1.5 grams of tramadol in a day. Though I would always take vitamin B complex with it (a tip from the doc, apparently it reduces risk of seizure) and 2-3 mg of valium. Worst I've had was some jaw clenching and 7 days of brain zaps, which happened years after my tram maintenance when I relapsed back to H and then again heavily used tramadol for about 2 months and switched to bupe straight after that.

I did quick taper while taking bupe, over a 10 day period (2 x 50mg tramadol would take zaps away on the first day) and everything was fine afterwards. There was no interaction with bupe, though I've always took trams couple hours after my bupe dose.

note: Do not fuck with taking more then 400mg/day I happen to be seizure resistant, but I've seen people have it really rough with trams. Also I am pretty big guy (6.4" tall) and it might have something to do with being able to ingest large amounts.

What measures an opiates crappyness level? Its theraputic/medical value vs side effects, or, how much you nod? I consider tramadol to be a very beneficial pharm. Now thank you for warning us of the 400mg a day rule, however, earilier in the post, you boast about 17 x (assuming 50mg) pills of Tramadol . I'm not the BEST at math, but i think thats more than 400mg.
Point is, Tramadol is very pleasant, and a great mood lift / analgesic for some, while for others it is not as effective. You cant just call it crappy.

Buspar you can call crappy.
And Zicam (fights common sold OTC, sold in USA), apparently it permenantly kills your sense of smell.

I never knew just how toxic propoxyphene can be. I used to eat a metric shitload of that stuff, as I could get it easily and practically for nothing. Thank God I am here to tell about it. I know I'll never touch the crap again.

I don't consider Tramadol to be "crappy", exactly. It was always better than nothing when nothing else was available. However, I have always had respect/fear for it and have never eaten it to the point where it could be dangerous. I was a lot more educated about pharms by the time I ever first had it, whereas I was completely naive the first time I was ever given Darvocet.
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However, I've noticed that tramadol i've got from germany was really potent stuff and had totally different high compared to ultram brand which i acquired from states.

note: Do not fuck with taking more then 400mg/day I happen to be seizure resistant, but I've seen people have it really rough with trams. Also I am pretty big guy (6.4" tall) and it might have something to do with being able to ingest large amounts.

Brand name Tramal caps, right? Weren't they the original caps to ever come out? I couldn't comment on the difference between brands because Tramal is the only brand I know. Good to know that they are the most potent. There is a big difference between the effects of the + and - entantiomers which could account for the differences in effects. The + is more analgesic and the - is the Noradrenalin Reuptake Inhibitor according to 3dchem (I think it was).

I have taken large amounts as well and experienced terrible brain zaps for between 1-3 days afterwards (although the best extreme and intense euphoric 8-12h I've ever experienced was during the start of these zaps combined with HWBR seeds and fent which must have triggered some weird ST response). I take a few drugs that are anti-convulsants (Lyrica, Clonazepam and others) so it's probably why I've been lucky and avoided seizures. I was probably around 240lbs at the time so no doubt that also prevented them at the amounts I took (over 500mg/dose sometimes multiple times/day).