TDS Photo Thread...... Round III

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Man! I need a shave!


Agent 47 anyone?
pink money!?!?! that is weird.

pt- i like the choker......i can't help but love crosses....they're so pretty:)
that is not what is espected you to look like overdone, since we relate so well. But really its not an insult at all mind you. Just not what I expected. What do you do for a living?

I had never worn the 2 necklaces together, but I think they worked pretty well for the style I was going for.

Here is me with the 2 bands for a little perspective for how small I really am....


Theory of a Deadman - Current Hit - Bad Girlfriend



Hinder- Current Hit- Use Me and others- Past hit - Get Stoned and others
econ - Haha! I don't know what Agent47 is but I know that it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to buy shit in the city because apparently I look like a cop! I always hear 'Hello, officer' or 'Five-O!' I guess its for the best, though

PT - I'm a computer geek. I used to be a trainer for a large Internet Service Provider but the needle took me out of that game and now I simply make pizzas and go to school while I try to get my shit together. Wait a minute... I think PillThrill just called me OLD!:(:(:(
No age is nothing dear. I'm 22, my bfs have always been older, but to 29. One of my best friends is old enough to be my grandfather. I was just surprised because I thought I would click with someone my own age but that isn't always true.
I'm really sorry to hear about your luck. Perhaps (idk if you are clean now) your looks can get you back into the field.
Thanks PT! I have to say that you are truly a special person (and not the 'wear a helmet' kind of special:):))

I've posted this one before but I just LOVE IT! Its of me and my bestest friend ever!

He's an 11 year old Akita named Shaman and he still acts like a puppy! He has sooooo much personality and love for EVERYONE. I call him The Mayor because he absolutely INSISTS on meeting everyone when we go for our walks. Doesn't have a mean bone in his body!
PT: you look tiny! How tall are you?

More pictures from moi:

Me and my gay, ex-friend alex. We had a falling out, but we were high on salvia in this pic at a park.

Here I am wearing a bunch of paper crowns at Medieval Times (I used to work there) (ETA: whoa, look at my BOOBS :\)

We got into an McDonald's apple pie fight :( (ETA: God, this was before I started using drugs and my God does my skin look good back then!)

Having fun at a bachelorette party--a few hours later I would be trying X for the first time :)

Where did my legs go??? 8o %)
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salvia huh...your a crazy one lol

ive grown up here all my life and have never been to medieval times
OD- your pup is adorable!!!!

Pt- you do look small-how tall are you??!!?? I always wanted to be short-eventually grew into liking my height..... since my hubby is 6'6" - being tall is good:)

kc- You are soooooo cute! You remind me of my cousin.....
I like the 1st one and the yellow dress best.........yellow dress reminds me of bumble bees :) i like it!
kc- You are soooooo cute! You remind me of my cousin.....
I like the 1st one and the yellow dress best.........yellow dress reminds me of bumble bees :) i like it!

Our friend getting married was Jessica B. (there where two Jessica's where we worked) and everyone just called her B, so I decided the theme would be Bees :) We had bee invitation, gave out honey as one of the gifts in the gift bags and told everyone to dress in yellow and black :)
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