  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Michael Phelps caught holding a pipe, in picture

I am disappointed that Michael gave a phony apology. What is he apologizing for? He should stand up for himself. He obviously isn't sorry, he is just sorry he got caught.

This would have been a perfect opportunity for him to say, "yeah, so what? I smoked weed. People do that soemtimes."

His endorsements could be worth over 100,000,000 dollars. I think anybody would apologize.
Does this obviously fake apology change anything about his endorsements?

He got caught smoking weed. Does anyoen think he is actually sorry? Or that it was "just that one time?"

I don't see how the apology would sway a cmopany that was considering revoking his endorsement deals.
the nigga smokes some pot and wins a million gold medals

let's cry about it

lol right-winged media you lose suck a big fucking dick weed is cool and it is capable to be a drug addict and a phenomenal human being suck a dick wake up

Kids now have a new excuse when their parents/etc confront them about marijuana usage.
You can't blame homey for making a statement of apology. He wants to keep swimming, and his first post-Olympic competitive meet is coming up. If he jsut said fuck it and failed his next drug test, I'd compare him to Ricky Williams but A LOT worse. There is no sense in passing up on millions just to be able to say you stuck it to the man.
He could have said

"I was photographed somking weed. I should not have done that and I regret it. I have worked hard my enrtire life to become a chamopion swimmer and I hope that this doesn;t change the way people view me. I am still the same person I was six months agowhen I won those medals." And so on.

Notice that thee is no bogus apology there, but damage control is done.
I'd bet 100% that he said exactly what his attorney/agent told him to say.

Drugs claim could spell disaster for Michael Phelps

...But the fallout could be huge according to marketing experts, who believe that there could be a mass bail-out by the sponsors who had clamoured to sign up Phelps after Beijing.

“If this is all true, it will be nothing short of a disaster,” John Taylor, chairman of Sports Impact, one of Britain's leading sponsorship agencies, said. “Every sponsor has something called a disrepute clause written into their contracts and I will bet a few of them will be running through the small print first thing on Monday morning. This is terrible for his image.”

Phelps earns up to £5 million a year from deals with ten leading companies, including Hilton Hotels, Omega watches, Kellogg's cereals and Speedo swimwear. Speedo paid Phelps a $1 million bonus for capturing his eight golds in Beijing. His appeal has spread around the globe since he turned the Olympics into a personal triumph. Only last month, he became the face of Mazda cars in China.

He has been here before: in 2004, shortly after winning six gold and two bronze medals at the Athens Olympics, he was sentenced to 18 months' probation for drink-driving."

And how do you know its a bogus apology? Don't be upset because he didn't join NORML after some asshole pothead gave a pic of him smoking to the media.
How do I know it's a bogus apology? Are you serious?

He said he was sorry he smoked weed. Do you really believe he is sorry?

I don't, and I don't see why anyone should.

By the way, he said the same thing a few years ago when he was caught drinking and driving.
He could have said

"I was photographed somking weed. I should not have done that and I regret it. I have worked hard my enrtire life to become a chamopion swimmer and I hope that this doesn;t change the way people view me. I am still the same person I was six months agowhen I won those medals." And so on.

Notice that thee is no bogus apology there, but damage control is done.

maybe so, but what he did say was this

"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment," Phelps said. "I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again."

he didn't say anywhere that he apologized for smoking weed. how do you know he wasn't apologizing for smoking weed in a semi-public environment where he knew his actions were influencing and persuasive being that he's an extremely recognizable and beloved figure? i'm sure it sucks not having any privacy, but if you're at a party and you're as famous as he is, people are gonna watch. it would be naive of him to believe that people wouldn't hear about or see this. realistically, being that it's illegal, he should have used better judgment knowing the eyes of the world were on him. so maybe he's apologizing, not for smoking weed, but for breaking the law.
^^^ You make a good point. I did read the exact wording of his apology earlier, but your interpretation does make sense.
I hope whoever took that photograph is outcast by their school peers now.
I hope whoever took that photograph is outcast by their school peers now.

Yea no shit. The guy goes to my school, too. It's a campus of 30,000 students but still, the least we'd do is create a 'this guy is a douche' Facebook group if we knew who it was. The man graced us with his presence by partying with us (not me personally but with random people at the bars and stuff) and giving people good stories to tell for a lifetime. Then some asshole goes and narcs up a pic like that, what a dick.