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Michael Phelps caught holding a pipe, in picture

axl blaze

Feb 5, 2004
Phelps: Photo with marijuana pipe real

ESPN.com: Olympic great Michael Phelps acknowledged "regrettable" behavior and "bad judgment" after a photo in a British newspaper Sunday showed him inhaling from a marijuana pipe.

In a statement released Sunday, the swimmer who won a record eight gold medals at the Beijing Games did not dispute the authenticity of the exclusive picture published Satruday by the tabloid News of the World.

"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment," Phelps said. "I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again."

News of the World said the picture was taken during a November house party while Phelps was visiting the University of South Carolina. During that trip, he attended one of the school's football games and received a big ovation when he was introduced to the crowd.

While the newspaper did not specifically allege that Phelps was smoking pot, it did say the pipe is generally used for that purpose and anonymously quoted a partygoer who said the Olympic champion was "out of control from the moment he got there."

The party occurred nearly three months after the Olympics, while Phelps was taking a long break from training, and apparently would have no impact on the eight golds he won at Beijing. He has never tested positive for banned substances and even agreed to extra testing before the games.

Under more flexible sanctions the World Anti-Doping Agency adopted for 2009, first-time offenders who commit particularly bad infractions can face suspensions of up to four years.

The current standard for first-time offenders is a two-year ban no matter the violation.

The U.S. Olympic Committee released a statement in response to Phelps' apology Sunday.

"We are disappointed in the behavior recently exhibited by Michael Phelps," the statement said. "Michael is a role model, and he is well aware of the responsibilities and accountability that come with setting a positive example for others, particularly young people. In this instance, regrettably, he failed to fulfill those responsibilities.

"Michael has acknowledged that he made a mistake and apologized for his actions. We are confident that, going forward, Michael will consistently set the type of example we all expect from a great Olympic champion."

Phelps was in Tampa, Fla., during Super Bowl week to make promotional appearances on behalf of a sponsor. But he left the city before Sunday's game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals, abandoning his original plan to be at Raymond James Stadium.

Phelps returned to the pool a couple of weeks ago to begin preparations for this summer's world championships in Rome. He plans to take part in his first post-Olympics meet in early March, a Grand Prix event in Austin, Texas.

This isn't the first embarrassing episode for Phelps after an Olympic triumph. In 2004, a few months after winning six gold and two bronze medals in Athens, the swimmer was arrested on a drunken driving charge at age 19. He pleaded guilty and apologized for the mistake.

In his book "No Limits: The Will to Succeed," Phelps recounted how his first phone call was to his agent, and not his mother or coach Bob Bowman, because he knew they would yell at him.

Later, he called Bowman, who was supportive but told him, "Michael, just because you want to blow off some steam doesn't mean you can be an idiot."

Debbie Phelps, his mother, cried at the news of his drunken driving charge.

"That hurt worse, maybe, than anything," Phelps wrote. "I had never seen my mother that upset."

Bowman did not immediately respond to phone and e-mail messages from The Associated Press on Sunday.

Olympic teammate Dara Torres said Phelps has become such a prominent figure that everything he does is news.

However, she said: "This in no way shape or form diminishes anything he's done."

"It's sort of a double-edged sword," Torres told the AP on Sunday. "When you're recognizable, you're looked up to as a role model. He is recognizable and everything you do gets looked at and picked apart. I guess that's the price of winning 14 Olympic medals."

Jason Lezak, whose remarkable anchor leg of the 400-meter freestyle relay helped Phelps stay on course to break Mark Spitz's record in Beijing, said he was "saddened" to hear of the report.

"While I don't condone his conduct, I am a teammate and fan," Lezak said in a text message to the AP on Saturday night. "Unlike many fair-weather people, I am sticking by him. If my wife and I can help him in any way, we will. I believe he will grow from this and be better person, role model and teammate."

link = http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/swimming/news/story?id=3876804

so this tells us two things:

1) Michael Phelps is actually... gasp... human!

2) I tried looking for this alleged picture, yet couldn't find it. maybe it will surface on the interbutts sometime. I believe that when this picture comes up it will do for marijuana what the CIA did for crack cocaine in the 1980s!

o wait...

2) I tried looking for this alleged picture, yet couldn't find it. maybe it will surface on the interbutts sometime. I believe that when this picture comes up it will do for marijuana what the CIA did for crack cocaine in the 1980s!

It *might* be him:

Its tobacco of course. He was bored. haha They can't prove shit, it just looks really bad.
“He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool. He was the gold medal winner of bong hits."
The chick who talked about seeing him is SUCH a spiteful bitch.. godamn.
Olympic teammate Dara Torres said Phelps has become such a prominent figure that everything he does is news.

that's the sad truth of it. he could scratch his ass and it would be all over the front pages about how he's a bad role model for being so crude. like he said himself, he's 23 years old, while legally he's an adult, he's still young and will still make mistakes. unfortunately being held at such a high standard means everything he does is under a microscope. it's unfortunate, but hey, ya gotta give a little to get a little.

if it was anything but a water bong, i'll be disappointed in him.
i think he was rehearsing for a play

yeah that's it
I thought it was pretty good myself when I came up with it, thanks.

essentially, almost everyone who is 23 smokes or has smoked. it really is a sign of the times for legalization.

however, this could be performance enhancing drugs. doesn't weed in small amounts increase one's lung capacity.

this is axl posting on syympho's account
Impacto Profundo can you ban ryanlaughlin please?

this is alasdairm posting on MaxPower's account

yes i can

but i will not.
alasdairm or not.
thanks IP! i would be laughing max, but i'm busy smokin doobies with michael phelps.
notice how there isnt any smoke in the bong? you can see right through it mang
I just don't get how one could form a correct logical argument condemning his smoking of marijuana. The man is the best swimmer in history and he smokes pot--I'm sure very rarely.

What could a critic possibly say?

"Don't you go smoking the reefer. You might end up being one of the best athletes in history!"

"If you smoke pot you might end up like Michael Phelps!"
It pisses me off how smoking weed is so frowned upon this day in age. Phelps partied his ass off in downtown Columbia, SC, but pictures of him getting trashed drunk will never give him negative media attention. But yea he's just a normal dude with amazing ability. He shouldn't have to make excuses for smoking a little weed every now and then...damn this country's weed laws. The law itself is the main thing that promotes negative feelings of the public towards marijuana.
I don't see anything wrong with anyone aside from a kid smoking weed. Performance enhancing my ass, maybe if he was a pro gamer. Tons of athletes smoke weed. I myself have smoked a shit ton of weed with an nba star. Ya I know NBA shocker...

Seriously though its only a big deal if people make it one.
I am disappointed that Michael gave a phony apology. What is he apologizing for? He should stand up for himself. He obviously isn't sorry, he is just sorry he got caught.

This would have been a perfect opportunity for him to say, "yeah, so what? I smoked weed. People do that soemtimes."
^ while i agree to an extent... sometimes you gotta bite the bullet.

mind you, i'm one of the last people who would sell out my beliefs for a shorter sentence, but then again, i'm not an olympic athlete. he's got a lot more to lose for being hard nosed than someone like us common folk. the fact remains that it's against the law and while i don't agree that it necessarily should be, it doesn't change the fact that he's doing something illegal. so i think he approached this in the right manner.