Tryin to meet some chix

its gets better... lol

the address i sent him to.. was a couple* houses away from my family's house.. i called to get my sis to take pics on him driving by.. but she wasn't there.. so then.. i take a chance on my mom...

she's all petrified a "sexual pervert" is driving ..up and down the road repetitively looking for this house. (he got the wrong house and got his brother to IM me with his name) I told him to keep looking i'll be waiting..

My mom wouldn't go outside to take the pic b/c she's scared but she watched him drive up and down the street for about 20 min.
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FIRECROTCH: i def was at EDIT ADDRESS, and sure enough it was just some old fat guy who had lived there for 20 years. it wasnt a 3 story either. i road back and forth up the road looking at just about every single house between john rolfe pkwy and patterson. but i didnt see anyone looking out a window

i dont really know what to think, but if someone is fuckin with me, they really put a lot of time and thought into this gag. if its not, then, were gonna have to meet up somewhere in public or sumthin like that either tomorrow or friday.


lol from 4 states away.. this is so classic..
That was soooo mean. :(

However, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

I feel bad though, because it is mean.

But funny :\
Very funny, but you should let him off the hook at some point.
Im sure he'll probably see this thread sooner or later. Either that or someone who feels sorry for him will tell him.
FIRECROTCH: im out, ill be back on later, let me know some details and there has gotta be some way u can show me this isnt just some bluelight dick fuckin with a new guy. I mean, everything we talked about made plenty of sense and its aparent that u know the area and all that. im very confused, and obviously a little skeptical, but if u really are alicia, i hope u can find a way to get in touch with me on the phone, EDIT PHONE NUMBER, and i hope u still wanna meet up and shit. dont take this the wrong way, im just obviously kinda baffled being that i did go to EDIT ADDRESS and it was a real address, and the man there def knew nothing of any alicia. i tried, but let me know what the deal is. im me back
i cant believe he actually fell for this......its like the setup to a bad porno movie
lol i just im'd him a message that said: ahahahahahahhaha (me laughing at him)
ok y'all.. i fucked wit him pretty hard.. lets leave him alone now, try to keep it to the thread..