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Modafinil does get you high in dangerous doses.


Dec 10, 2022
So pretty sure I took 1500mg or more. Idk what the fuck is wrong with me. Can’t just take a fall pill as prescribed.

I’d write more but I’m fucked up mentally and I can’t see hardly. To write. I can see it’s hard to see letters. I’m guessing booood pressure.

Or staring at phone too long.

All I know is I fucking can’t. Eli e I did this shit again when I thought it would be safe for me and it was until I got a crazy thought to push it more. I’m fucked up man.

Edit; came across a guy in modafinil sub Reddit that says he takes 1000mg in the am and afternoon every day. What in the fuck…says but run 5-7mikes a day….and? I hate that got to do with it.
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To be very honest. I’m a little concerned but I think I been thru worse. I ain’t ready to go and will fight it to the death for me but man I ai r gonna lie I think this shit fucks with mood worse than Amps and dare I say Ritalin.
I won't repeat what the doctor who first prescribed me modafinil suggested I should do if I felt "a little off" because he did a lot of damage to me with his advices (not that one, though).
Hope you feel better soon! And be moderate next time.
Idk why I am not stopping. I guess I felt I was out in the clear since I waited a few hours. But no it was a stupid decision that got out of hand quickly. At least we to type sorry. know likely ppl won’t die from 1500mg read but we already probably have that information. Yeah it wasn’t planned just always gets out of hand with me.

And make no mistake
It was a high. Words still kind hard to read. So hard to ttpe
Like that.

Ummm…just a very nasty high I don’t recommend. I’m a little crazy
i overused modafinil when i ran out of ritalin, to get through a busy work day, 900mg over 8 hours, had the 3rd worset migraine of my life, from depleted choline i beleive, so pls try to get some choline in your system and dont use an anticholergic to sleep tonight either.
like eggs?i

I have clomidine
But I took that a few hours ago I guess I could take again. I as like 11est.

Tho unsure of safety with modafinil never cared to look as I don’t like it.

L theanine


Some weed
also, my doctor no has me on 20mg Ritalin XR and I have been able to keep myself from abusing it, since the pills gum up when moist and cannot be injected, you could talk about that option with your doctor if you haven't already, just my 00.2CAD
also, my doctor no has me on 20mg Ritalin XR and I have been able to keep myself from abusing it, since the pills gum up when moist and cannot be injected, you could talk about that option with your doctor if you haven't already, just my 00.2CAD
So milk will work too?
Stim addiction is a real bitch, but even saying that you guys taking 900-1500mg of a substance that is not compulsive for most (even for a stimulant addict like myself) is a redder-than-red flag

I find even 200mg modafinil uncomfortable/nasty, and 70mg-ish seems a sweet spot for me for maybe 6 hours enhanced concentration

@Juicewrldfan it sounds to me like your subconscious is pattern-matching stimlants in general so it will not let you stop until you get some level of 'high'. 1500mg is over 20x my dose. I've encountered similar scenario's to yours before and the outcome was that those people could never take a low enough dose to help their adhd and so had to stop - because the stimulant meds made everything worse for them, not better. ymmv as always though, hope you're ok man
Stim addiction is a real bitch, but even saying that you guys taking 900-1500mg of a substance that is not compulsive for most (even for a stimulant addict like myself) is a redder-than-red flag

I find even 200mg modafinil uncomfortable/nasty, and 70mg-ish seems a sweet spot for me for maybe 6 hours enhanced concentration

@Juicewrldfan it sounds to me like your subconscious is pattern-matching stimlants in general so it will not let you stop until you get some level of 'high'. 1500mg is over 20x my dose. I've encountered similar scenario's to yours before and the outcome was that those people could never take a low enough dose to help their adhd and so had to stop - because the stimulant meds made everything worse for them, not better. ymmv as always though, hope you're ok man
While I appreciate your feedback about adhd and it is dead on really I’m just seeing if I get thru the day to be honest so I ain’t even thinking that far. Obviously I’m a little short sighted lately with this dumb ass decision. This was retarded yes compulsive redosing whjen it’s not even that bad im just
Messed up
Man I’m so tired but wired I have a 12 pack of c4 energy smart but I doubt I should drink that with this yet I think it’s be fine because I have extremely high caffeine tolerance

Mostly I’m just here starting to come out the high and come down maybe I mean I hope.

I think I am. Do you all ever drink caffeine in come
Downs? Is that safe. I do it with amps but modafinil is friggim dirty and like someone else said nasty
100mg helps me endure boring work.
200mg gets me feel in a way that makes my work unappealing (but not cleaning the house while dancing to techno and disco songs)
Never tried more than that because like @ageingpartyfiend from 200 upwards it gets weird.

@Juicewrldfan it sounds to me like your subconscious is pattern-matching stimlants in general so it will not let you stop until you get some level of 'high'.
This seems to be an issue.

@Juicewrldfan Please be careful, and take care. You once wrote something very valuable for me, and I don't like the thought of you going through a bad experience. Hope you'll feel better soon.
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Downs? Is that safe. I do it with amps but modafinil is friggim dirty and like someone else said nasty
I mentioned the doc who first gave me modafinil for it's intended cause: narcolepsia. He said I should take it and if I felt it was to much, I should take some xanax until I "even things out".
But it was a special situation, and if you have or had problems with benzos, I would not recommend it.
If you don't have benzos, it's no solution for you anyway ;)
Ummm…just a very nasty high I don’t recommend. I’m a little crazy
I mentioned the doc who first gave me modafinil for it's intended cause: narcolepsia. He said I should take it and if I felt it was to much, I should take some xanax until I "even things out".
But it was a special situation, and if you have or had problems with benzos, I would not recommend it.
If you don't have benzos, it's no solution for you anyway ;)