Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Do u have emotions though? Can u feel fear or pleasure?
No. 0 emotions. 0 fear and 0 pleasure. I’m apathetic all day every day, can’t engage in daily activities, can’t enjoy anything, don’t look forward to anything. I just sleep. Maybe 12-18 hours a day. I’m like a vegetable. I don’t think it can get worse.
No. 0 emotions. 0 fear and 0 pleasure. I’m apathetic all day every day, can’t engage in daily activities, can’t enjoy anything, don’t look forward to anything. I just sleep. Maybe 12-18 hours a day. I’m like a vegetable. I don’t think it can get worse.
Im the same as you, only 21. Is this your second psychosis?
I’m not psychotic. They thought I was before which led to my hospitalization and Invega shot. But currently I’m just extremely extremely debhilitated from the shot… pretty much a vegetable…..
I got my hormones tested again, my progesterone is still low as shit and my prolactin is about two points higher than normal still. I do have a vitamin D deficiency that has been complicated to treat due to PSSD. Prescription strength vitamin D causes my symptoms to get worse, but I also think the dollar store vitamin D I have right now is too low of a dose.

Still waiting on estradiol results, but I don't expect it to be that much better. At least I'm menstruating and probably ovulating, so my body isn't acting like it's post-menopausal. I need to talk to an endocrinologist or something at this point.

I felt true arousal for the first time since September today and all it took was for my FWB to call me hot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Praise kink go brrrr?
I’m not psychotic. They thought I was before which led to my hospitalization and Invega shot. But currently I’m just extremely extremely debhilitated from the shot… pretty much a vegetable…..
So u didnt go through any psychosis in the hospital? You dont think it might be the psychosis that is causing ur no hunger and no emotions?
How many of you were misdiagnosed with psychosis/schizophrenia like i have? I wasnt psychotic even in hospital just stressed out because i knew these drugs are evil and they took it as paranoia sign
How many of you were misdiagnosed with psychosis/schizophrenia like i have? I wasnt psychotic even in hospital just stressed out because i knew these drugs are evil and they took it as paranoia sign
They said I was schizoaffective when actually I was just having a bad reaction to an SNRI I was taking for ADHD. I kept saying I wasn't hallucinating and they didn't listen to me, but I did have other symptoms of psychosis.
They said I was schizoaffective when actually I was just having a bad reaction to an SNRI I was taking for ADHD. I kept saying I wasn't hallucinating and they didn't listen to me, but I did have other symptoms of psychosis.
Sick cunts. Hope karma will get them all and with my spiritual beliefs i know it will. They will all pay for this on the other side. Every soul is being responsible for their choices here. If they forcefully inject people with neurotoxic drugs and are soulless about it they will face the consequences i promise yall. Thats what all spiritual/esoteric sources are saying.
About karma:
the universe does not forget. There are many sides to the question of karma, but every choice of who and how to be is a choice of great consequence. All of our choices reverberate through the ages. Thousands of reports of near-death experiences have been given over the centuries, as currently reflected in such best-selling books as Dannion Brinkley's Saved by the Light or B. J. Eadie's Embraced by the Light (which calibrates at 595); these reports confirm that we shall eventually have to accept responsibility for every thought, word and deed we beget and re-experience exactly whatever suffering we have caused others. It is in this sense that we each create our own heaven or hell.

The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all. Lest this idea be considered either merely mystical or fanciful, let us remember that fundamental tenet of the new theoretical physics: everything in the universe is connected with everything else. [See Bohm, 1980]

Our choices reinforce the formation of powerful M-Fields, which are the attractor patterns that influence others. [See Sheldrake, 1981] Even if one sits isolated in a cave, his thoughts influence others whether he wishes it or not. Every act or decision you make that supports life supports all life, including your own. The ripples we create return to us. This, which may once have seemed a metaphysical statement, is now established as scientific, confirmable fact. [“Test Supports Sheldrake Theory, ”Brain/Mind Bulletin, 8:15, September 12, 1983]

Everything in the universe constantly gives off an energy pattern of a specific frequency that remains for all time and can be read by those who know how. Every word, deed, and intention creates a permanent record. Every thought is known and recorded forever. There are no secrets; nothing is hidden, nor can it be. Our spirits stand naked in time for all to see. Everyone’s life, finally, is accountable to the universe.

~ Dr David R Hawkins

:) <3 <3 <3 <3 :) :) :) :) <3 <3 <3 <3 :)
Its all recorded what these people did to us dont worry guys. Spiritual karma and soul responsiblity is real 😉 they will face the consequences of forcing us on brain damaging drugs
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I wake up everyday and cant believe my life is like this! It's like all the magic has gone. I don't even know the words to describe it.

Before Invega it was like life was on easy mode, as if everything was on autopilot just cruising through it without thinking or worrying what to do. Now I can't think of a single thing I'd like to be doing. Travelling around to places was my go to now it feels pointless and dangerous being on the road.

The stupidest thing is I knew people die and accidents happen before all this, I'd seen some fucked up videos of people dying but could still get on with life, Invega is just amplifying all the badness of the world a million times. It's kept me stuck in a pit of despair I don't think I'll ever get out from.
I wake up everyday and cant believe my life is like this! It's like all the magic has gone. I don't even know the words to describe it.

Before Invega it was like life was on easy mode, as if everything was on autopilot just cruising through it without thinking or worrying what to do. Now I can't think of a single thing I'd like to be doing. Travelling around to places was my go to now it feels pointless and dangerous being on the road.

The stupidest thing is I knew people die and accidents happen before all this, I'd seen some fucked up videos of people dying but could still get on with life, Invega is just amplifying all the badness of the world a million times. It's kept me stuck in a pit of despair I don't think I'll ever get out from.
You described it well with life on easy mode, this is exactly what I'm going through.

And the boredom is unreal.
How many of you were misdiagnosed with psychosis/schizophrenia like i have? I wasnt psychotic even in hospital just stressed out because i knew these drugs are evil and they took it as paranoia sign
They said its pyshosis becouse i was in a di orse opsesed and fightung with an ex for lots of months. My friend dr told me this is great drug ill feel best ever. So basicly she killed me, becouse i volonteerd for hospital over my believing her ill be grat
How did ypu know its evil drug? I never thought people can make drug to kill peroson. Still beyond me they give this to humans
4 months off still getting sexual dysfunction, can’t cry and feel numb at times. If i could even get my sexual dysfunction to go away i’ll say it’s a miracle. been talking to all types of doctors they all pass me to the next doctor and can’t find a source to the problem my prolactin was 34 like 2-3 weeks ago now it is down to 13 still receiving dysfunction only got 1 loading shot and another shot 2-3 days after. I still believe i’ll recover just don’t know when and how long it will take to be my old self again. I’m 21 ready to mingle but can’t because my sexual dysfunction doesn’t give me motivation to even try since it won’t go any further than a convo 😔 hopefully i get better sooner than later
I got my hormones tested again, my progesterone is still low as shit and my prolactin is about two points higher than normal still. I do have a vitamin D deficiency that has been complicated to treat due to PSSD. Prescription strength vitamin D causes my symptoms to get worse, but I also think the dollar store vitamin D I have right now is too low of a dose.

Still waiting on estradiol results, but I don't expect it to be that much better. At least I'm menstruating and probably ovulating, so my body isn't acting like it's post-menopausal. I need to talk to an endocrinologist or something at this point.

I felt true arousal for the first time since September today and all it took was for my FWB to call me hot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Praise kink go brrrr?
Don't they have dopamine agonists for prolactin?

I think even Abilify lowers prolactin.
I felt almost normal for about an hour today whilst walking to the shops. It didn’t last though, as soon as I got home all the negative thoughts started flooding in.

I was always optimistic before this, I can’t live like a pessimist - I’d rather kill myself. There’s the other problem, I can’t even attempt it out of fear of surviving and ending up paralyzed.

I still need to have a shower and change my clothes which I can not be bothered doing at all. Why is everything so difficult now?
I felt almost normal for about an hour today whilst walking to the shops. It didn’t last though, as soon as I got home all the negative thoughts started flooding in.

I was always optimistic before this, I can’t live like a pessimist - I’d rather kill myself. There’s the other problem, I can’t even attempt it out of fear of surviving and ending up paralyzed.

I still need to have a shower and change my clothes which I can not be bothered doing at all. Why is everything so difficult now?
That is good that you got a window today. Hopefully they get longer and longer soon.
How long does it take to recover from seroquel. I stopped 28 days ago. Last injection of invega 10 months ago….
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