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Treatment What is the best mood stabilizer that has worked for you? What hasn’t worked for you and why?


Dec 10, 2022
So I am not hyperfocusing on meds but I see my psychiatrist Wednesday and need a mood stabilizer as I’m manic asf. What mood stabilizers have worked for you or you think highly of? They all have a lot of risks imo. What’s the safest one to take for life?
Lithium more than a decade. Blood work monthly kidney function a thyroid panel plus serum level sucks. My kidneys are already began to show high results but it is fine yet.

Without lithium I go into bipolar 1 full blown mania with psychosis and derealisation. Etc.

Hospital locked psychiatric ward. I wont stop anymore. And I am sick and not going to take any anti-psychotic medication. Unless forced inside me.

Not the safest pr lets say mostly the most dangerous and requires regular check up. And dose adjusting to the serum level.

But the best for me and makes rid all of the manic and most of the depressive symptoms.
What’s the safest one to take for life?
Man this is so not a one thing fixes all for everyone/anyone.
We are complex beings and optimally practice some restraint in areas and try to find a balance of sorts.
So many factors involved and lithium has been mentioned I picked a bnz but ( insert junkie stunt here ) it does cover a lot for me in many ways. I live with most of my anxiety as it can be troublesome controlling a life substance if it makes it all good all the time. Careful with this....
Is this even an answerable topic?
What all meds are you in if I may ask? Not that I have any answers but maybe something stands out ya never know.
Let's try to focus on a thread if your choice and try to find some common ground?
You have a lot of good questions but could they all be connected in some fashion?
How was your day?
So I am not hyperfocusing on meds but I see my psychiatrist Wednesday and need a mood stabilizer as I’m manic asf. What mood stabilizers have worked for you or you think highly of? They all have a lot of risks imo. What’s the safest one to take for life?

Now as far as being safe, that's questionable with lithium carbonate, but with lithium orotate you're good to go.
Lithium more than a decade. Blood work monthly kidney function a thyroid panel plus serum level sucks. My kidneys are already began to show high results but it is fine yet.

Without lithium I go into bipolar 1 full blown mania with psychosis and derealisation. Etc.

Hospital locked psychiatric ward. I wont stop anymore. And I am sick and not going to take any anti-psychotic medication. Unless forced inside me.

Not the safest pr lets say mostly the most dangerous and requires regular check up. And dose adjusting to the serum level.

But the best for me and makes rid all of the manic and most of the depressive symptoms.
You might want to research lithium orotate, it's much more available to the brain because it passes the blood brain barrier more easily than lithium carbonate and because of that you need one Third the dose which should alleviate issues of toxicity with liver and kidneys.

You can actually buy it over the counter which I'm not telling you to do. I'm just pointing it out.
You might want to research lithium orotate, it's much more available to the brain because it passes the blood brain barrier more easily than lithium carbonate and because of that you need one Third the dose which should alleviate issues of toxicity with liver and kidneys.

You can actually buy it over the counter which I'm not telling you to do. I'm just pointing it out.
Thing is I asked a pharmacist about it and she said yes to the benefits but that I’d still need my levels monitored and how was I going to do that without a doctor…she asked me.

I imagine you can just pay quest. But I have a very serious addiction to playing doctor, yet, it just seems like the treatments are archaic for BD. I mean we been using lithium Li7 for how many years for BD? lol. But I do love the pharmacodynamics of it. Just toxicity makes me nervous.

My current doctor said she doesn’t use it because she works with addictions and people aren’t very compliant in regards to getting levels monitored drinking enough water etc. I think I could convince her to let me do Li7 but are there any others that come a close 2nd. Definitely not Depakote.

Seriiisoy these meds side effects make me wonder if just going unmedicated is less a risk.
Man this is so not a one thing fixes all for everyone/anyone.
We are complex beings and optimally practice some restraint in areas and try to find a balance of sorts.
So many factors involved and lithium has been mentioned I picked a bnz but ( insert junkie stunt here ) it does cover a lot for me in many ways. I live with most of my anxiety as it can be troublesome controlling a life substance if it makes it all good all the time. Careful with this....
Is this even an answerable topic?
What all meds are you in if I may ask? Not that I have any answers but maybe something stands out ya never know.
Let's try to focus on a thread if your choice and try to find some common ground?
You have a lot of good questions but could they all be connected in some fashion?
How was your day?
Well, I’m actually speaking of things like Depakote, lithium, lamictal. Those kind of medicines used for bipolar disorder to help with mania and depression. Benzos are great for anxiety, I agree, but I tend to stay away from gabaergics. Occasionally kava but then I have next to no tolerance to gabaergics.

Lithium by far has the most benefits but a lot of risks. Lamictal least amount of risks but efficacy in question for me. Depakote works wonders but very hard on liver and I kinda need my liver lol.

Doctors kinda suck where I’m at. Don’t like to work with the patient just tell the patient what to do. I’m not comfortable with certain practices so come here to get an idea of what has worked for most people anecdotally.

I’m at a stage where I’m working on my mental health and physical health. I no longer do anything really except weed and well I’m working on kratom. Just haven’t decided to quit those two yet tho I’m leaning towards quitting them both and especially because kratom can affect hormones and weed does too I believe and that is not ideal for me.

As far as merging topics idk if they are closely related I don’t mind but some questions I have are on Testosterone and stuff so it’s different I think. I understand what you are saying tho.

My day was rough yesterday. Made an impulsive decisions to say F this job and felt stupid asf the rest the day lol. Yeah so I asked for my job back and got it but now idk if I want it back. But one has to work somewhere so guess I’ll keep it until I find something else.

How about your day?
Well, I’m actually speaking of things like Depakote, lithium, lamictal. Those kind of medicines used for bipolar disorder to help with mania and depression.

Just at a high level, with the disclaimer that everyone reacts differently, I find lithium, depakote, and lamictal, in that order kill mania. Lithium zonked me out, depakote is known to have side effects such as sleepiness, and lamical I felt neither.

It depends on the case. If you were streaking down the street I could imagine them giving you lithium. If you have depression and your mania isn't out of this world, lamical works fine for me.

I was put on lithium immediately and it helped. After a year or so my doctor noticed I was sort of just blankly looking at him and suggested we try lamical as I also reported a lack of interest in things.
But don't get me wrong, lamictal definitely works for mania too. It's an anticonvulsant. A lot of mood stabilizers are. I just need a high dose since I have bipolar 1 and do get manic unmedicated.
Just at a high level, with the disclaimer that everyone reacts differently, I find lithium, depakote, and lamictal, in that order kill mania. Lithium zonked me out, depakote is known to have side effects such as sleepiness, and lamical I felt neither.

It depends on the case. If you were streaking down the street I could imagine them giving you lithium. If you have depression and your mania isn't out of this world, lamical works fine for me.

I was put on lithium immediately and it helped. After a year or so my doctor noticed I was sort of just blankly looking at him and suggested we try lamical as I also reported a lack of interest in things.
This is exactly what I was looking for. To be honest I think I have BD 2 but idk they don’t tell me.

But I don’t go streaking down the street or anything lol…my mania is more of a very ego driven over confident can take on anything type of thing. And I take allot of risks. Mostly leads to relapse which is why I’m trying to treat it mainly and well the fact that it supposedly gets worse untreated.” And brain damage.

This really helps. I was thinking lamictal already and this sold me. Thank yiu
This is exactly what I was looking for. To be honest I think I have BD 2 but idk they don’t tell me.

But I don’t go streaking down the street or anything lol…my mania is more of a very ego driven over confident can take on anything type of thing. And I take allot of risks. Mostly leads to relapse which is why I’m trying to treat it mainly and well the fact that it supposedly gets worse untreated.” And brain damage.

This really helps. I was thinking lamictal already and this sold me. Thank yiu

Sounds reasonable.

Maybe keep this knowledge in your back pocket and see what they say first, then question them and slowly ask them if they think what you know is true - as to get as much medical information from them as possible.

There could be nuances in your personality that don't translate over text
Sounds reasonable.

Maybe keep this knowledge in your back pocket and see what they say first, then question them and slowly ask them if they think what you know is true - as to get as much medical information from them as possible.

There could be nuances in your personality that don't translate over text
I’m sure there are a few nuances lol…I’ll do that. Thanks again. I’ll let you all know how it goes Friday.
So I am not hyperfocusing on meds but I see my psychiatrist Wednesday and need a mood stabilizer as I’m manic asf. What mood stabilizers have worked for you or you think highly of? They all have a lot of risks imo. What’s the safest one to take for life?
Hey there
Have you ever tried Seroquel ? I know you are asking about the best mood stabilisers and Seroquel is known as an antipsychotic medication, however it does help the mania symptoms of bipolar where your mood changes between feeling highly excited (mania)) and very low depression.
Lithium and its toxicity levels worries me and having to have levels done can be annoying. Seroquel does have fewer sides effects in the most part, however in saying that all medications and the effects/side effects/ differ between each person, what may work really well for me may not be that way for you. But I have been on lithium and it was the most horrible drug I’ve ever been on, I felt like I was a complete wiped out zombie, I felt like I was staring into space with my mouth open, and in slow motion all the time, I felt like when I was walking I was marching like I was in the Russian army! Hahaha I must have looked like a , lcomplete retard. I can hardly remember the two years I was on this drug, I was so wasted on it. I was pretty sick though. I have also been on Lamotrigine, I wasn’t in that very long, I can’t really remember how I felt on it but it obviously didn’t agree with me as I was on it I’d say 6 months. All up I think I have been on about 15-20 different medications, benzos, sleeping pills, antidepressants , thyroxine, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, SSRIs , SNRIs TCAs anti seizure meds, Ritalin lol. It can be taken with lithium or on its own, but I would suggest asking to try it in its own, see how you go. Long term use from research I have made is that it is a lot safer than lithium. My mood was never overly elevated,on it, however I do have ADHD too (wasn’t on meds for adhd at that time) so I can be pretty over the top and hyperactive, talk over people, show off etc) ) . But it kept a lid on the ruminating thoughts and getting too carried away, it also, over time, as my mood was very low, lifted me out of the darkness and I started to see colour in the world again, day by day, life became a little more manageable. It lifted my mood and dampened down the elevated mood. It was the first time in years I felt normal and didn’t have that horrible anxiety and I was laughing again and wanting to do things. The side effects were not bad, a little sedated at first, but take them at night, early and that will help the early morning hangover feel, but you soon get used to it. The first time I took 100mg I was stupid enough to take it on the way home from the pub, thinking it’s pretty late I’ll take it now and walk home, whoops I woke up in a hedge on the side of the road at about 5am! Not cool! lol I wasn’t sleeping well so it was really good in that aspect as it had a double purpose. They were not hard to come off I weaned off them in a short period of time and tolerated it fine. You don’t feel like crap if you miss one by accident, to be honest with you, this medication saved my life, I didn’t want to be around for a long time and as I was treatment resistant to most meds and it took a lot of trial and error, which was pretty soul destroying, but we got there in the end and it pulled me out of the hole, my lows are worse than my highs, so maybe it might not be for you, but it maybe worth thinking about if asking about the next time you see your Dr. I wish you all the very best mate. It’s a pain in the neck trying to find the right fit when it comes to meds, wish I didn’t have to take them and I’m pretty much off everything now and pretty stable just on Zoloft, with tools I’ve learnt along the way I can manage my symptoms, I know my triggers and do as much as I can to reduce the stressors, look after myself, I don’t drink anymore as that was totally out of control, and I am aware of what to look for if I’m slipping more down. Ok I’ll shut out. Good luck. :)
So I am not hyperfocusing on meds but I see my psychiatrist Wednesday and need a mood stabilizer as I’m manic asf. What mood stabilizers have worked for you or you think highly of? They all have a lot of risks imo. What’s the safest one to take for life?
Hey there
Have you ever tried Seroquel ? I know you are asking about the best mood stabilisers and Seroquel is known as an antipsychotic medication, however it does help the mania symptoms of bipolar where your mood changes between feeling highly excited (mania)) and very low depression.
Lithium and its toxicity levels worries me and having to have levels done can be annoying. Seroquel does have fewer sides effects in the most part, however in saying that all medications and the effects/side effects/ differ between each person, what may work really well for me may not be that way for you. But I have been on lithium and it was the most horrible drug I’ve ever been on, I felt like I was a complete wiped out zombie, I felt like I was staring into space with my mouth open, and in slow motion all the time, I felt like when I was walking I was marching like I was in the Russian army! Hahaha I must have looked like a , lcomplete retard. I can hardly remember the two years I was on this drug, I was so wasted on it. I was pretty sick though. I have also been on Lamotrigine, I wasn’t in that very long, I can’t really remember how I felt on it but it obviously didn’t agree with me as I was on it I’d say 6 months. All up I think I have been on about 15-20 different medications, benzos, sleeping pills, antidepressants , thyroxine, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, SSRIs , SNRIs TCAs anti seizure meds, Ritalin lol. It can be taken with lithium or on its own, but I would suggest asking to try it in its own, see how you go. Long term use from research I have made is that it is a lot safer than lithium. My mood was never overly elevated,on it, however I do have ADHD too (wasn’t on meds for adhd at that time) so I can be pretty over the top and hyperactive, talk over people, show off etc) ) . But it kept a lid on the ruminating thoughts and getting too carried away, it also, over time, as my mood was very low, lifted me out of the darkness and I started to see colour in the world again, day by day, life became a little more manageable. It lifted my mood and dampened down the elevated mood. It was the first time in years I felt normal and didn’t have that horrible anxiety and I was laughing again and wanting to do things. The side effects were not bad, a little sedated at first, but take them at night, early and that will help the early morning hangover feel, but you soon get used to it. The first time I took 100mg I was stupid enough to take it on the way home from the pub, thinking it’s pretty late I’ll take it now and walk home, whoops I woke up in a hedge on the side of the road at about 5am! Not cool! lol I wasn’t sleeping well so it was really good in that aspect as it had a double purpose. They were not hard to come off I weaned off them in a short period of time and tolerated it fine. You don’t feel like crap if you miss one by accident, to be honest with you, this medication saved my life, I didn’t want to be around for a long time and as I was treatment resistant to most meds and it took a lot of trial and error, which was pretty soul destroying, but we got there in the end and it pulled me out of the hole, my lows are worse than my highs, so maybe it might not be for you, but it maybe worth thinking about if asking about the next time you see your Dr. I wish you all the very best mate. It’s a pain in the neck trying to find the right fit when it comes to meds, wish I didn’t have to take them and I’m pretty much off everything now and pretty stable just on Zoloft, with tools I’ve learnt along the way I can manage my symptoms, I know my triggers and do as much as I can to reduce the stressors, look after myself, I don’t drink anymore as that was totally out of control, and I am aware of what to look for if I’m slipping more down. Ok I’ll shut out. Good luck. :)
Thanks for the information. I happen to have both BD and ADHD as well but I had a nasty bout with amps so i ASKED them to take me off. She won’t write amps now but she is willing to write Ritalin but I feel like it’s not bad enough to go back on meds. It used to be severe but then I found I had low T and corrected that.

As far as Seroquel, I have tried that for a couple nights. I can’t take it because I also have CPTSD and it makes it so when I have night terrors (I hate calling them that sounds childish) I can’t wake up out of my night mare. It’s like a Freddy Krueger scenario.

Yeah I’m kinda limited. Think I’m going to shoot for lamictal. Try that out but guess that’s a slow working one from what I hear.

It’s primarily mania right now but I am in a mixed state.
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So I am not hyperfocusing on meds but I see my psychiatrist Wednesday and need a mood stabilizer as I’m manic asf. What mood stabilizers have worked for you or you think highly of? They all have a lot of risks imo. What’s the safest one to take for life?
Cannabis 3 x a day and if you react well to a certain Herb. Like I sometimes do to Ashwhaganda. Take the supplement and if you can stand Cannabis, one of its action's is bringing the body in homeostasis. There are off course other Adaptogens, you need a Calming one is my guess. Brahmi, Gotu Kola or Mulungu.

Make some use of your manic energy. Or just go meditating.