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Opioids Can anyone give tips on how to sleep during opiate/opioid withdrawal?

GABA-stuff is best IME. Benzo's, alcohol, barbiturates, gabapentinoids.
Failing that, I've had success with both quetiapine and trazodone.
I've had bad experiences with both trazadone and seroquel. I'd consider GABA, but if it's anything like trazadone or seroquel it would probably just make me feel worse. The problem with trazadone is that God awful heavy feeling when it kicks in. Same with seroquel. I could see both being possibly used as a rohypnol substitute. I can barely handle benzos either. It's gotta be in very small doses. Yeah, you might sleep on trazadone or seroquel, but it's not genuine sleep. It feels more like blacking out to me and then I just wake up feeling kinda hungover like I didn't sleep at all. Funny, I can eat painkillers by the handful and still function like a sober person, but give me a sedative/benzo and I'm a total lightweight.
Hi. I have recently stopped methadone after 6 years OLD and wish I knew since I jumped off 7 days ago I have slightly gotten better but I still can't stop restless body and legs and have had less that 4 hours sleep in a week. Does anyone know how long to expect this or does it differ from person to person. Also I was on 140 and tapered down to ten before stopping. Thanks. Any suggestions appreciated. Stu
Ahh hope your doing better now brother I learned the hard way why they call it liquid handcuffs.. I don't know if I will ever be off methadone my smack habit has been through the roof lately but I have recently started going gym for the first time in years and you can tell I ain't been for a long time heck these days I get out of breath when I'm having a shit never mind 5 min on a treadmill jogging speed however even though my fitness is appalling for my age i pushed myself as much as possible and my muscles are aching even as I write this and since I went gym 2 days ago I have regained some fire in my belly that I ain't had in years I never really went gym before actually I always seen it as a waste of money I did used to be into exercising though when I was in my mid to late teens i used to do 100 + press ups a day and jog miles every morning for 6 months I transformed myself from a puppy fat loser to a loser with a 4 pack lol

but ofcourse then i started smokimg weed getting into harder drugs and slowly lost all the fruits of my labour my chest is that bad that I am pretty sure I have a permanent whooping cough although it usually only happens when I'm smoking off foil because my lungs have just had enough..

I think I already mentioned it before but I nearly died from pneumonia around Christmas I was on a breathing machine for 3 days.. I had caught some terrible respitory bacteria infection I was dealing drugs to and I had full blown 20 year crack heads telling me I look grey as a goul eventually I told my boss I can't do this no more I can't even fucking walk straight he came to the hospital a few days later drove me back to my place to collect his doe (I'm not complaining though cus he gave me 20 bags of the finest afghan brown you ever had) sadly he went awol a couple weeks ago think he must of been arrested it's been hard since he went I basically had unlimited supply for a while there and had some side action going on to probably for the best tho cus I need to get off this shit before it kills me either directly or indirectly..

Sorry to go off topic if you want my advice get back on the methadone unless you think you got it in you to ride it out and hey power to you if you have but theirs no point suffering like this brother especially if you end up back on smack methadone is the lesser of two evils that's the way I see it.. the trouble is I have to have them both because like an idiot I used and seen methadone as "free heroin" which it is but if you take it as intended it is also a life saving medicine and able to give us our lives back..

Peace and love.
Just recently discovered ketamine is amazing if you suffer from RLS which to me is usually one of the worst parts of withdrawals.
Benzos are a lifesaver. Gabapentin. Muscle relaxers like soma or cyclobenzaprene or any muscle relaxer u can get ur hands on. THC gummies and smoke for faster onset.
Suboxone if you can get it. If you’re in the USA, you can find a TeleMed company and have a script within an hour. I had one within 30 minutes of getting out of detox because I didn’t trust myself at all and I would’ve caved from the cravings.
Ahh hope your doing better now brother I learned the hard way why they call it liquid handcuffs.. I don't know if I will ever be off methadone my smack habit has been through the roof lately but I have recently started going gym for the first time in years and you can tell I ain't been for a long time heck these days I get out of breath when I'm having a shit never mind 5 min on a treadmill jogging speed however even though my fitness is appalling for my age i pushed myself as much as possible and my muscles are aching even as I write this and since I went gym 2 days ago I have regained some fire in my belly that I ain't had in years I never really went gym before actually I always seen it as a waste of money I did used to be into exercising though when I was in my mid to late teens i used to do 100 + press ups a day and jog miles every morning for 6 months I transformed myself from a puppy fat loser to a loser with a 4 pack lol

but ofcourse then i started smokimg weed getting into harder drugs and slowly lost all the fruits of my labour my chest is that bad that I am pretty sure I have a permanent whooping cough although it usually only happens when I'm smoking off foil because my lungs have just had enough..

I think I already mentioned it before but I nearly died from pneumonia around Christmas I was on a breathing machine for 3 days.. I had caught some terrible respitory bacteria infection I was dealing drugs to and I had full blown 20 year crack heads telling me I look grey as a goul eventually I told my boss I can't do this no more I can't even fucking walk straight he came to the hospital a few days later drove me back to my place to collect his doe (I'm not complaining though cus he gave me 20 bags of the finest afghan brown you ever had) sadly he went awol a couple weeks ago think he must of been arrested it's been hard since he went I basically had unlimited supply for a while there and had some side action going on to probably for the best tho cus I need to get off this shit before it kills me either directly or indirectly..

Sorry to go off topic if you want my advice get back on the methadone unless you think you got it in you to ride it out and hey power to you if you have but theirs no point suffering like this brother especially if you end up back on smack methadone is the lesser of two evils that's the way I see it.. the trouble is I have to have them both because like an idiot I used and seen methadone as "free heroin" which it is but if you take it as intended it is also a life saving medicine and able to give us our lives back..

Peace and love.
Hey man I read your post and I felt I needed to comment, sorry to the op, I guess this is a bit off topic.

I've been on the methadone program since 2000 and I'm not sure if I will ever get off it but I'm ok with that.

I think you hit on something very important when you mentioned you were getting to the gym.

In the 23 years I've been on methadone I've had periods when I was doing really well, eating really well and getting to the gym 4-5 times/week.

Then I have also had a few periods where I played up and pretty much without exception during those times my diet was poor and training nonexistent.

Every time my exercise and diet are good, then my overall sense of well being generally is pretty dam good.

I agree with you completely that if used correctly methadone can be and is a life saving medication, it 100% kept me from going back to prison and a fair chance I wouldn't even be here after 30 years of H use if it wasn't for the methadone.

I also understand that someone on methadone is dependent on their dose and they can't just spontaneously decide to go on a holiday.

However if you stay away from other substances, maintain a good diet and exercise routine and generally have your shit together, life on methadone is good, at least it is for me and I guess I can really only speak for myself.

I guess what I'm trying to say in an extremely long winded way is, keep going to the gym man, consistancy is the key when it comes to training and you will feel better the more you do it and start to see some changes.

All the best mate,
Ahh hope your doing better now brother I learned the hard way why they call it liquid handcuffs.. I don't know if I will ever be off methadone my smack habit has been through the roof lately but I have recently started going gym for the first time in years and you can tell I ain't been for a long time heck these days I get out of breath when I'm having a shit never mind 5 min on a treadmill jogging speed however even though my fitness is appalling for my age i pushed myself as much as possible and my muscles are aching even as I write this and since I went gym 2 days ago I have regained some fire in my belly that I ain't had in years I never really went gym before actually I always seen it as a waste of money I did used to be into exercising though when I was in my mid to late teens i used to do 100 + press ups a day and jog miles every morning for 6 months I transformed myself from a puppy fat loser to a loser with a 4 pack lol

but ofcourse then i started smokimg weed getting into harder drugs and slowly lost all the fruits of my labour my chest is that bad that I am pretty sure I have a permanent whooping cough although it usually only happens when I'm smoking off foil because my lungs have just had enough..

I think I already mentioned it before but I nearly died from pneumonia around Christmas I was on a breathing machine for 3 days.. I had caught some terrible respitory bacteria infection I was dealing drugs to and I had full blown 20 year crack heads telling me I look grey as a goul eventually I told my boss I can't do this no more I can't even fucking walk straight he came to the hospital a few days later drove me back to my place to collect his doe (I'm not complaining though cus he gave me 20 bags of the finest afghan brown you ever had) sadly he went awol a couple weeks ago think he must of been arrested it's been hard since he went I basically had unlimited supply for a while there and had some side action going on to probably for the best tho cus I need to get off this shit before it kills me either directly or indirectly..

Sorry to go off topic if you want my advice get back on the methadone unless you think you got it in you to ride it out and hey power to you if you have but theirs no point suffering like this brother especially if you end up back on smack methadone is the lesser of two evils that's the way I see it.. the trouble is I have to have them both because like an idiot I used and seen methadone as "free heroin" which it is but if you take it as intended it is also a life saving medicine and able to give us our lives back..

Peace and love.
True. I find that exercise helps a bit--if you can muster the energy to do so during withdrawals. I've always maintained an exercise routine 4 or 5 days a week. I do it at home since I'm broke as a joke. I never really understood the point of gyms. I always assumed that aside from the available and expensive workout equipment, people go to gyms (nowadays) for the social aspect, potential sexual encounters, or because they enjoy onlookers. I'm just trying to stay as fit as I can despite being an addict. I workout at home not only because I can't afford a membership, but also because I'd rather not be gawked at, hit on, or approached by someone trying to school me on "incorrect form". The nerve of some people are appalling, but I also don't condone women who behave or dress promiscuous and then go on to complain about "unwanted" attention.
True. I find that exercise helps a bit--if you can muster the energy to do so during withdrawals. I've always maintained an exercise routine 4 or 5 days a week. I do it at home since I'm broke as a joke. I never really understood the point of gyms. I always assumed that aside from the available and expensive workout equipment, people go to gyms (nowadays) for the social aspect, potential sexual encounters, or because they enjoy onlookers. I'm just trying to stay as fit as I can despite being an addict. I workout at home not only because I can't afford a membership, but also because I'd rather not be gawked at, hit on, or approached by someone trying to school me on "incorrect form". The nerve of some people are appalling, but I also don't condone women who behave or dress promiscuous and then go on to complain about "unwanted" attention.
There are a lot of points to a gym.
Social aspect so you don’t live like a recluse. Eqpt that works for ur body if ur training around injuries. To train w other ppl
Because partner can push you. Classes, stuff you don’t have at home like cold, plunges, and saunas. The list goes on. It may not be for you, but it doesn’t mean you should bash it.
I have a full gym in my home and I still go to the gym. It just depends on the amount of time I have. There are certain things I can’t do at home. There are days I don’t wanna be around people and there are days I do. There are days. I only have a short amount of time so I have to work out at home. There are days I’m traveling and a gym is significantly more convenient. It’s good networking. It’s a good place to make friends. It’s a good place to do healthy mental and physical tasks.

I’m not trying to be a dick but I see so many people saying they don’t go to a gym because they “dont want to get hit on”.
I’m sorry but I’ve spent over 25 years of my life in the gym. I owned gyms-( bad idea if it’s a hobby you love), 98% of people are not getting hit on. A lot of times if they are, they’re are looking for the attn.
There are those getting hit on that are not looking for it but it’s not as large of a percentage as you portray it to be. I’m sorry it’s just not. I don’t understand how you can say that when you don’t even have a gym membership?

If working out at home works for you then great. The best place to work out is the place that you’re going to be committed to, show up, push yourself, and create a healthy lifestyle physically and mentally.

Look at how many gyms are out there. Clearly there’s something to it so maybe it doesn’t work for you but you’re coming down pretty hard on a gym when it’s one tiny reason you allegedly don’t go to them.

Do you avoid the grocery store, public, the beach, bars and restaurants? All of those are just as likely a place for someone to pursue you. If you put a pair of headphones in and you’re not making eye contact, I don’t see too many people have their interrupted unwanted advances.
True. I find that exercise helps a bit--if you can muster the energy to do so during withdrawals. I've always maintained an exercise routine 4 or 5 days a week. I do it at home since I'm broke as a joke. I never really understood the point of gyms. I always assumed that aside from the available and expensive workout equipment, people go to gyms (nowadays) for the social aspect, potential sexual encounters, or because they enjoy onlookers. I'm just trying to stay as fit as I can despite being an addict. I workout at home not only because I can't afford a membership, but also because I'd rather not be gawked at, hit on, or approached by someone trying to school me on "incorrect form". The nerve of some people are appalling, but I also don't condone women who behave or dress promiscuous and then go on to complain about "unwanted" attention.
Aside from my issue of your claims of unwanted advances I commend you for still getting a workout in to stay healthy even while using/detoxing.

It’s a struggle getting out of bed in the morning, a lot alone exercising during those times so great job.

I’ve been a religious workout addict since I was a young teen and I can say that when I fall off, that’s one thing that I struggle to continue consistently with. I know how much it helps me mentally. I know how much it helps me physically. I’m just an all-around happier person when I do it, but I hope it come to the picture I lose my consistency.

For those who want to get clean or stay clean, I can’t recommend enough how much exercise helps. Even if you don’t enjoy it, try to find something. Even walk in the dog can be such a massive mental help. Not to mention, the physical health benefits as well.

And let’s be real honest. The better shape we are in the better we feel about ourselves.
For higher doses tapering is easier imho and becomes more and more difficult the more you get close to zero. Also I'd really really invest into some emergency stock which you buy and put somewhere deep into the cabinet only to touch when you're running out. Taper down with that as much as possible - it can save you big amount of suffering. Also really really get a script for pregabalin - if you can get only one med, get that! Dunno, the docs say clonidine, don't know whether for serious dependencies that one is to prefer but imho pregabalin is a different level, without tolerance you won't need the supratherapeutic dosages sometimes mentioned but tolerance builds incredibly fast so don't use until necessary.

Seroquel is shit. The only usable dosages are like max. 50mg and below, better 25mg and below. With any higher you'll get relevant amounts of a metabolite which acts as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and this increases withdrawal intensity. Also the dopamine antagonistic properties will add to the shitty feelings of which a good amount comes from the sudden drop in dopaminergic activity, you want more of that not less.

If you happen to have an open minded doc, or to live in a part of the world where access to medicine is more liberal, get memantine. Really. Research it beforehand, it's a strong tool when used above the indicated dosages, but also exceptionally safe for the body (people tolerate 200mg and upwards - depending on your individual constitution, this much can and will put you into a coma for several days, but it won't kill you). For me like 60mg could mask the withdrawal from 120mg morphine XR completely and after the second administeration tolerance was low enough for regretting to take 15mg. It's got its rough edges but it works. Pregab + memantine (+ loperamide and other comfort meds if needed) make the best currently available withdrawal aid imho. The memantine is initially stimulating (not the cold restless variant but usable energy) but at day 2 or 3 you'll sleep.

Dextromethorphan might work similarly when tolerated.
I am desperate for some advice here - no replies yet to my thread.

I am currently on 12mg of espranor a day but I stayed at a friends and wasn’t sure how long I’d be there for - so took my medication with me. I got home and emptied my bag and cannot find my espranor anywhere. I had my dose yesterday at 1pm but it’s a public holiday in the UK and no pharmacies are open so I can’t get any help. I’ve been given 4mg by a housemate but that’s all I have until tomorrow.

Will this hold me until 9am or will I go into withdrawal? I’m desperately scared of withdrawing again, I’ve not since I started replacement treatment.

Aside from my issue of your claims of unwanted advances I commend you for still getting a workout in to stay healthy even while using/detoxing.

It’s a struggle getting out of bed in the morning, a lot alone exercising during those times so great job.

I’ve been a religious workout addict since I was a young teen and I can say that when I fall off, that’s one thing that I struggle to continue consistently with. I know how much it helps me mentally. I know how much it helps me physically. I’m just an all-around happier person when I do it, but I hope it come to the picture I lose my consistency.

For those who want to get clean or stay clean, I can’t recommend enough how much exercise helps. Even if you don’t enjoy it, try to find something. Even walk in the dog can be such a massive mental help. Not to mention, the physical health benefits as well.

And let’s be real honest. The better shape we are in the better we feel about ourselves.
I find going for walks helps calm my nerves and negative thoughts for a while. If you don't have the energy for a walk, just sitting outside to get a bit of vitamin D from sunlight can be helpful as well.